
试卷更新日期:2023-01-10 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. Linda's computer is as _____ as mine, but it is _____ than mine.
    A、cheap; better B、cheaper; good C、cheaper; better D、cheap; good
  • 2. My mother tells me ________ I study, ________ life I'll get.
    A、the harder; the good B、hard; good C、the harder; the better D、the hard; better
  • 3. —If you feel _______, you should go to school.

    — OK.

    A、bad B、worse C、better D、good
  • 4. — Are you feeling better after taking the medicine?

    — No, even ________.

    A、good B、better C、bad D、worse
  • 5. I think Monday is         than Friday.
    A、good B、well C、much D、better
  • 6. Which do you like ________ skating, swimming or fishing?
    A、good B、well C、better D、best
  • 7. She didn't feel_______ last week, but she is_______ now.
    A、good; much more healthy B、well; much healthier C、good; healthier D、well; more healthy
  • 8. Linda practices playing the violin every day, so she is much ________ at ________ the violin than her sister.
    A、better; playing B、good; playing C、better; play D、good; play
  • 9. After drinking a glass of hot milk, I felt ______.
    A、good B、better C、best D、tired
  • 10. The girl in red is _________ of all the students in her grade.
    A、good B、well C、better D、the best
  • 11. The boy hurt ________, and he got even ________ these two days.
    A、badly; more badly B、bad; worse    C、badly; worse D、worse; more badly
  • 12. Now the air in the city is________than it was years ago. We must do something.
    A、more worse B、much better C、very bad D、much worse
  • 13. — How are you today, Alice?

    — I'm even ________. I have to see a doctor.

    A、bad B、worse C、well D、better
  • 14. —What do you think of the movie?

    —Great! I have never seen a             one.

    A、good B、bad C、better D、worse
  • 15. —How is your sister feeling today, Maggie?

    —Much           . She can't go to work today.

    A、bad B、worse C、better D、good
  • 16. Those paintings are all bad, and the one in the middle is ________.
    A、worst B、the worst C、worse D、bad
  • 17. —What bad weather!

    —Yes.The radio says it will be even     tomorrow.

    A、bad B、badly C、worse D、worst
  • 18. — Is your stomachache getting _______?

    — No, it's worse.

    A、better B、bad C、less D、well
  • 19. I know this plan is far from perfect, but just can't think of one.
    A、a better B、the better C、a best D、the best
  • 20. — Who lives _________________ school in your class?

    — Jimmy does. His home is just next to school,

    A、close to B、the closest to C、far from D、the farthest from
  • 21. He jumps _____ of the three.
    A、far B、further C、farthest D、furthest
  • 22. Traveling by train is ______ excited than a rushed trip by air.
    A、much B、a little C、far more D、little
  • 23. My house is ________ away from the school. Li Ping's house is ________ than mine, and Liu Mei's house is ________.
    A、far, farther, farthest B、far, farther, farther C、far, father, the farthest D、farther, farther, the farthest
  • 24. 10,000 dollars is a large amount (数量)of money, but it's still          than they need.

    A、a little more B、very little C、more less D、far less
  • 25. The film is_________ interesting than we thought.
    A、more more B、much more C、much D、more much