
试卷更新日期:2023-01-10 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. —What do you think of the restaurant?

    —It has     workers in the city, and it is also     restaurant. But its food is          .

    A、the most friendly, the cleanest, the most expensive B、most friendly, cleaner, the most expensive C、the friendliest, the cleanest, the most expensive D、friendliest, the cleaner, most expensive
  • 2. Peter plays chess _______ than I, but he doesn't play_____ my brother.
    A、better; as good as B、better; so well as    C、well; so good as D、well; as well as
  • 3. —I'm a bit nervous! Anyway, this is my first trip!

    —_______ you drive, _______ it will be!

    A、The more carefully; the safer    B、The more carefully; safer    C、The more carefully; the safe    D、The carefully; the safer
  • 4. —What do you think of his concert?

    —Oh, no one does____.

    A、good B、well C、better D、best
  • 5. She has few friends. She is_____ than her sister.
    A、less serious B、more serious C、less outgoing D、more outgoing
  • 6. —What do you think of the blue dress?

    —It is    , but     as the pink one.

    A、cheaper;not as better B、more cheap; not as better C、cheaper; not as good D、more cheap; not as good
  • 7. —Have you ever     Tokyo (东京)?

    —Yes. It is larger than     in Asia.

    A、gone to, any cities B、gone to, other cities C、been to, al cities D、been to, any other city
  • 8. The ________ you do exercise, the________ you will be.
    A、much; healthy B、more; healthier C、much; healthier D、more; healthy
  • 9. This model of cameras is        than before
    A、much more cheaper B、much expensive C、much cheaper
  • 10. — Mom, your T-shirt is so beautiful, could you buy one for me as my birthday gift?

    — Sure. All the clothes are much ____________ than before on November 11th. We can buy the same clothes with less money.

    A、cheaper B、expensive C、more expensive D、more cheaper
  • 11. The river in the village gets __________than before.
    A、clean B、cleaner C、cleanest D、more clean
  • 12. —Who is more beautiful, Jane or Lucy?

    —Lucy is ________ beautiful.

    A、much more B、the most C、more much D、so much
  • 13. _______children there are in a family, _______ their life.
    A、The less; the better B、The fewer; the better C、Fewer; richer
  • 14. In the exam, ______ we are, ______ mistakes we'll make.
    A、the more careless; the little B、more careful; fewer C、the more careful; the fewer D、the most careful; the fewest
  • 15. —Can you tell me how I can improve my English?

    —It's very simple. _______you work, _______grades you will get.

    A、The harder; the best B、The hard; the better C、Harder; better D、The harder; the better
  • 16. This TV show is __________ than anyone I know.
    A、funny B、funnier C、more funny D、much funny
  • 17. My sister is as _________ as my mother.
    A、serious B、seriouser C、more serious D、most serious
  • 18. —You have the same umbrella as he does.

    —No, Mine is _________, but not so __________ as his.

    A、better, expensive B、better, more expensive C、much better, more expensive D、good, expensive
  • 19. This film is ____ for us to see than that one.
    A、much interesting B、much more interesting C、interesting D、more much interesting
  • 20. We will try our best to finish the work with ______workers, ________

    money and time than before.

    A、less; less B、fewer; fewer C、less; fewer D、fewer; less
  • 21. Maria thought going hiking is          idea in a rainy day.
    A、bad B、badly C、the worst
  • 22. Super Star is one of ______________ among teenagers.
    A、most popular songs B、more popular song C、the most popular songs D、much more popular song
  • 23. — Did you see the movie The Captain?

    —Yes. I think it's_______ one I've seen.

    A、more excited B、more exciting C、the most excited D、the most exciting
  • 24. He runs __________ of all the countries in the world.
    A、fast B、the fastest C、faster D、fastest
  • 25. Tom is a _________ boy. He does his homework _________ of all.
    A、carefully, careful B、careful, most careful C、careful, most carefully D、more careful, more careful
  • 26. —Do you know Lin Shuhao?

    —Yes. He is one of _____ basketball players in the NBA.

    A、popular B、most popular C、more popular D、the most popular
  • 27. That beautiful lady is one of the _____ in the world.
    A、rich woman B、richest women C、richest woman D、richer women
  • 28. —Do you know Sun Yang?

    —Yes. He is one of ___players in China.

    A、popular B、more popular C、most popular D、the most popular
  • 29. Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be _____________for me.
    A、difficult B、too difficult C、more difficult D、the most difficult
  • 30. —Could you tell me       you have enjoyed the party?

    —Certainly. I've never been to       one before.

    A、if, a more exciting B、whether, the most excited C、that, a more exciting D、how, the most exciting