
试卷更新日期:2022-12-30 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 根据句子意思选择正确的词组填空。

    A. some day       B. looking for   C. more than   D. for example   E. plenty of

    (1)、My son has 50 stamps.
    (2)、I want to visit Shanghai .
    (3)、There are pupils in the school.
    (4)、He is his drawings, but he can't find them.
    (5)、People like Guangzhou food, they like morning tea with dimsum.


  • 2. 请在圆圈里写出与圆中心单词相关的词语。


  • 3. I don't like swimming, so I ______go to the swimming pool.
    A、often B、seldom
  • 4. Jiamin goes to the______ to have a singing lesson on Saturday.
    A、Children's Palace B、cinema
  • 5. She likes drawing pictures. She wants to be a______ when she grows up.
    A、painter B、reporter
  • 6. I'd like a______ tea with milk.
    A、cup B、cup of
  • 7. My brother always______ table tennis on Sunday.
    A、playing B、plays
  • 8. Does your father often______ his car in the garden?
    A、washes B、wash



  • 14. 读对话,选择文中所缺的句子,把字母编号写在横线上。

    A. The weather reports says it will snow tomorrow in Beijing, really?

    B. What's the weather like in Guangzhou now?

    C. I hope I can make a snowman some day.

    D. What about the temperature in Beijing now?

    Jack and Lily are friends. Jack is in Beijing. Lily is in Guangzhou. It's November now. They are talking about the weather on telephone.

    Jack: Hello. Lily! It's windy and cold today in Beijing.

    Lily: It's sunny and hot here in Guangzhou. The temperature is 33℃.

    Jack: It's 0℃-5℃. We are wearing hats and coats.

    Lily: Oh, what a cold day! We are wearing T-shirts now.

    Jack: Yes. We are happy. We can make a snowman together.


    Jack: Welcome to Beijing when you are on winter holiday.

  • 15. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。

    I am Ben. I have a good friend. He is Mike. We like playing models very much.

    We often talk about it together. We often play models at the weekend. We have more than 60 models.

    I like watching TV and playing sports. I often run, play basketball or football at school. So I am tall and strong. But Mike doesn't like sports. He seldom plays sports. So he is fat (胖的) and short. He likes playing music and drawing pictures. He is good at them. But he can't do well in sports. I hope he can play sports with me.

    (1)、Ben and Mike are good friends.
    (2)、Ben and Mike like playing models.
    (3)、Ben and Mike also like drawing pictures and playing music.
    (4)、Ben is tall and strong because he often plays sports.
    (5)、Mike should play sports often.


  • 16. 介绍一位家人或朋友的日常起居和生活,如兴趣爱好,日常活动,作息时间、一日三餐等。要求短文内容符合主题,语句通顺,意思连贯,拼写正确,语法无误,标点正确,书写规范,不少于5句话,字数不少于35 个单词。