
试卷更新日期:2022-12-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 英汉词组互译。
    (6)、care about
    (7)、eat a little at a time
    (8)、have different plans
    (9)、wait on the pavement
    (10)、from then on


  • 2. —Where ________ you two weeks ago?

    —I_________ in Taizhou.

    A、were, was B、were, were C、was, were D、was, was
  • 3. —Does it often ________here?

    —Yes, it's often ________.

    A、rain, rainy B、rains, rainy C、rain, rain D、rains, rain
  • 4. Grandpa is sleeping. Don't_________.
    A、wake him up B、woke him up C、wake up D、wake up him
  • 5. In a healthy diet, there is ________ meat and_________ eggs.
    A、a few, a little B、a lot of, some C、some, a few D、many, much
  • 6. There ________ a parrot show in the park next Sunday.
    A、are B、have C、will have D、will be
  • 7. Lily is a_________ girl. Look, she is laughing ________.
    A、happy; happy B、happily; happy C、happy; happily
  • 8. He eats _________every week, but only _________ vegetables.
    A、a little; a few B、a lot of; a little C、a lot; a few
  • 9. You'll find Tower Bridge in ________, you'll also find _________ there.
    A、the UK; Uluru B、the US; Yellowstone National Park C、the UK; Stonehenge
  • 10. Stop! Look at the ________ man. We ________ walk now.
    A、green; can B、red; can C、red; mustn't
  • 11. —Where ________ you yesterday?

    —I _________ to the library with my cousin.

    A、did; went B、were; was C、were; went



  • 20. We brought some drinks yesterday. (改为否定句)

    We drinks yesterday.

  • 21. They flew a kite yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

    they do yesterday?

  • 22. I go to bed early. (改为同义句)

    I go to bed .

  • 23. The children are going to have a picnic next Monday. (对划线部分提问)

    are the children going to next Monday?

  • 24. There is a computer in the library. (对划线部分进行提问)

    in the library?


  • 25. 选择方框中合适的内容完成对话,将序号写在横线上。

    A. That's wonderful.

    B. I want to go skating and skiing there.

    C. I'm going to Lhasa with my family.

    D. When are you going to start?

    E. Please call me if you need some help.

    Han: Hi, Li Lei, where are you going for your winter holiday this year?


    Han: How are you going to get there?

    Li: We are going there by plane.


    Li: Next Monday.


    Li: Thanks. What about you?

    Han: I'd like to visit Harbin.


    I hope you have a good time.


  • 26. 根据首字母提示,完成下列短文。

    Joe has lots of good h . He n gets up l, so he goes to school early every morning. He r English books at home. And he l to his teachers c at school. Joe has a h diet, too. He likes v and f. He only eats a few sweets a week, because sweets are bad for our t.


  • 27. 阅读下列短文,判断正误。

    Many people like shopping online. They can shop at home now. Some people say that shopping online is easy, they can shop for many things at home at anytime. They don't need to buy things in the shop. They don't have to bargain(讲价), they just need send an email and then pay(付钱)for the things with a credit card (信用卡).

    But some people don't think the things in the online shop are good, because in an online shop people can only see some pictures. A dress may look nice on a model(模特), but it may not fit the shopper. Yet(然而) shopping online becomes the important part of people's life.

    (1)、"Shopping online "means" buying the things on the Internet".
    (2)、Everyone pays for the things online.
    (3)、People pay for the things with money.
    (4)、People like all the things online.
    (5)、Shopping online has a risk(风险).
  • 28. 阅读下列短文,选择正确答案。

    Peter was ten years old. He was a cute boy. One day, his friend Paul said to him, "I'm going to have a birthday party on Sunday,Peter. Can you come?" Peter asked his mother, and she said, "Yes, you can go." Then she phoned Paul's mother.

    Before Peter went to the party on Sunday afternoon, his mother said to him, "Peter, don't forget to be polite. Don't ask for food. Wait until someone gives it to you. "

    "All right, Mum, "Peter answered, and he went to Paul's home by bike.

    There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour. Then Paul's mother gave them some food, but she forgot to give Peter some. He waited politely for a few minutes, and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly, "Does anyone want a nice clean plate?"

    (1)、Who had a birthday party?
    A、Peter B、Peter's mother C、Paul
    (2)、How did Paul go to Peter's home?
    A、By bike. B、By car. C、On foot
    (3)、How long did the children play?
    A、A few minutes. B、One day. C、An hour.
    (4)、What did Paul's mother give Peter?
    A、Nothing. B、Some cake. C、Some food.
    (5)、Was Peter clever?
    A、Yes, he was. B、No, he wasn't. C、I don't know.


  • 29. 关于梦想,我们心中都有一张蓝图。Amy也有自己的梦想,她的梦想是当一名作家。她喜欢阅读,擅长写作,她还喜欢和孩子们在一起玩。为了实现自己的梦想,她努力学习,周末经常去图书馆阅读,上网锁锁资料等。Amy认为她的梦想一定会实现的。请你描述一下她的梦想。




    Amy's dream