
试卷更新日期:2022-12-23 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 选出单词划线部分的发音与众不同的选项。
    (1)、A. paper   B. safety   C. save   D. ask
    (2)、A. when   B. what   C. whose   D. where
    (3)、A. that   B. those   C. three   D. this
    (4)、A. stand   B. fast   C. postman   D. taste


  • 2. 选出类别与众不同的单词。
    A、teacher B、driver C、sister D、singer
    A、first B、twelve C、tenth D、nineteenth
    A、Monday B、birthday C、Wednesday D、Thursday
    A、cooking B、making C、writing D、coming


  • 3. 选择方框里的词补全对话,将编号填在横线上。

    A. bring   B. When   C. interesting   D. begin   E. favourite

    A: Can you come to my birthday party, John?

    B: Sure. is your birthday?

    A: It's on 12th September.

    B: What time does your party ?

    A: At seven o' clock in the evening. You can some orange things to the party. It's an "orange party". Orange is my colour.

    B: An "orange party"? That's sounds I can't wait.




  • 13. This isn't_________ easy job. You must work hard.
    A、a B、an C、the
  • 14. Students can use the computer _______their homework.
    A、doing B、do C、to do
  • 15. We can meet _______ 4:30 _______ Sunday afternoon.
    A、at, in B、on; at C、at, on
  • 16. People use the_______ for cooking. They use the_______ for sleeping.
    A、kitchen; bedroom B、bathroom; kitchen C、living room; bedroom
  • 17. I_______summer. The summer heat makes me tired.
    A、love B、hate C、enjoy
  • 18. Alice _______ her leg in the football match and she cries _____.
    A、moves, sad B、washes; happily C、hurts, sadly
  • 19. The plane is flying _______the rivers and mountains.
    A、between B、over C、under
  • 20. _______Is there an underground station near here?
    A、Sorry. B、Good morning. C、Excuse me.


  • 21. 选择恰当的句子完成对话,将编号填在横线上。

    John: Hello.

    Oliver: Hi, John. What are you doing?


    Oliver: Come on, John. What are you doing?

    John: How about you?

    Oliver: I'm playing word games. I'm bored.

    John: There is a new toy shop on Spring Street.

    Oliver: Sure. I like toys. Let's go there now.

    John: OK. See you later.

    Oliver: See you.

    A. They are too easy.

    B. I'm watching TV.

    C. This is Oliver.

    D. I'm talking to you.

    E. Do you want to go there?


  • 22. 根据短文内容,将建筑物的名称写在下方的横线上。

    Welcome to Colour City.

    Walk along Blue Street. Here is a big museum on the right. We can see many old things there. On the left is a library and a hospital. Cross Red Road and walk straight. On the left, there is a Z00 between a shoe shop and a cinema. You can see lions and giraffes there.

    Now can you see a playground? There is a swing, a seesaw and a slide in the playground. If you want to post a letter, you can find the post office on the 1left. It's beside the cinema. If you want to buy some flowers, tum right at the pet shop and walk along White Road. You can see the flower shop soon.

    Are you hungry? Let's go to the restaurant. It's at Red Road and Pink Street. It's next to my school. We can eat yummy food in the restaurant.

    Colour City

  • 23. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案,将编号写在题前的括号里。

    It's Saturday afternoon. It's raining heavily. Mary and her family are at home. Mary and her father are in the living room. Mary is making a model train and her father, Mr Harris, is reading a book. They are also talking with each other. Mary s little brother Jim is in the living room, too. He is 5 years old. Sometimes he puts Mary' s pencil under the chair. Sometimes he cuts Mary's paper into pieces (碎片). He is a really naughty boy. Mary' s sister Alice is playing computer games in her bedroom. She is very happy- She sometimes plays computer games all day. Mary's mother, Mrs Harris, is in the kitchen. She is making some tea and biscuits for the family.

    (1)、Where is Mr Harris?
    A、In his bedroom. B、In the kitchen. C、In the living room.
    (2)、What is Mary doing?
    A、Playing with her little brother. B、Making a model plane for her brother. C、Making a model train and talking with her father.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "naughty" mean?
    A、淘气的 B、可爱的 C、胆小的
    (4)、What does Alice like doing?
    A、Reading. B、Playing computer games. C、Playing sport.
    (5)、Is Mrs Harris cooking lunch in the kitchen?
    A、Yes, she is. B、No. She isn't in the kitchen. C、No. She is making tea and biscuits.



  • 26. Tom今天和家人出去玩了。请根据问题提示,写一段话进行介绍,至少5句话。

    提示: 1)What's the date today?

    2)How is the weather?

    3)Where are they?

    4)What are they doing?