人教版(PEP) 2022-2023学年五年级上学期期末专项复习:排序题

试卷更新日期:2022-12-16 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 把下列句子组成一段通顺的对话。

    What's in the living room?

    It's on a big farm. It's under the big trees.

    There is a TV, a table, a sofa and a computer in it.

    Where is the house?

    Good! I want to go and have a look.

                1          I have a new house now.

  • 2. 给下列句子排序。

    It's a picture book.

    No, I don't. Do you often play sports here?

    Me too.

    Hi, Sarah. What's that?

    Do you often read books in the park?

    Yes, I do. I like this park very much.

  • 3. 读一读,给下列句子排序:

    A What can you do for the party?

    B We'll have an English party.

    C What about you? Can you sing?

    D I can sing.

    E No, I can't, but I can cook.

  • 4. 给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。

    Are there any tall buildings?

    Let's go to the nature park.

    Yeah! Is there a lake in the park?

    No, there aren't.

    Yes, there is. And you can go boating there.

  • 5. 给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。

    I like chicken too, but I don't like hamburgers.

    They are not healthy.

    What's your favourite food?


    My favourite food is chicken. What about you?

  • 6. 给下列对话排序。

    What do you have on the weekend?

    It's an English book.

    Hi, Chen Jie. What's that?

    Yes, I do.1 have an English class on Sunday.

    That's cool.

    I have a football class.

    Do you often read English books on the weekend?

  • 7. 给下列句子排序,使其成为一段合理的对话:

    A, The living room is big. There are so many pictures here.

    B, They are my grandmother s plants.

    C, Great!

    D, There are so many plants here, too.

    E, Yes, my father can draw very well.

    F, My grandparents have a nice garden.

    G, Welcome! This is the living room.

  • 8. 给下列句子排列

    But it's summer. It's hot. We can't go now.

    Hi, Gogo. Do you like ice-skating?

    OK. Now let's go to the beach.

    Yes, let's go.

    We can go in winter holiday. It's in January and February.

    When can we go?

  • 9. 用1.2.3.....将下列句子排列成—段通顺的对话。

    Yes, I do.

    There is a big bed, a small desk, two chairs and a new pipa.

    Yes, I can.

    Do you have a bedroom?

    Can you play the pipa?

    What's in it?

  • 10. 用1.2.....将下列句子排列成—段通顺的对话。

    I can sing English songs.

    Great! I can sing English songs, too!

    Really? What can you do for the party?

    I can do some kung fu. What about you?

    Hi, Sarah. We II have an English party next Saturday.

  • 11. 用1.2.3……将下列句子排列成—段通顺的对话。

    Do you have maths on Wednesdays?

    Let me have a look.

    Oh, yes! We have maths on Wednesdays. But I don't like maths. I like PE.

    What do you have on Wednesdays?

    No. It's Wednesday.

    Is it Friday today?

    We have Chinese, English, art and science. I like Wednesdays.

  • 12. 将句子重新排序,使其形成一段合理的对话。首句已给出。

    What can you do?

    Great! You're really helpful at home.

    I often help my mother.

    I can wash clothes.

       1   Excuse me! What do you often do on the weekend?

    No, I can't

    Really? Can you cook?

    Thank you.

  • 13. 将句子重新排序,使其形成一段合理的对话。

    Hello, Robin. What can you do?

    No, I can't. What about you?

    You're helpful. Can you do any Kung fu?


    Hi, John. I can do housework.

    I can't do kung fu, but I can play the pipa.

  • 14. 将句子重新排序,使其形成一段合理的对话。

    They're Miss Green and Mr Black.

    I have two new teachers.

    I like kind teachers.

    Are they strict?

    Yes. But they are kind, too.

    Really? Who're they?

  • 15. 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。


    I have computer class, PE and science.

    How many classes do you have on Wednesdays?

    Is it Wednesday today?

    What do you have in the afternoon?

    Yes, it is.