
试卷更新日期:2022-12-13 类型:中考模拟

一、单项选择 选择最佳答案。

  • 1. Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word "suppose"?
    A、purpose B、whose C、smoke
  • 2. In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others?
    A、leader B、treat C、spread
  • 3. Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as the others?
    A、Review. B、Dessert. C、Punish.
  • 4. —Don't you think Huawei company(公司)is_____ great success?

    —Yes, I do. Huawei smartphones are popular among_____ public in China.

    A、/, a B、a, the C、a, a
  • 5. —To praise my_____ in English, my mom treated me to a new computer.

    —Sounds great. I hope your English will be better and better.

    A、situation B、ecosystem C、progress
  • 6. _____the morning of May 15th, Zhurong rover (登陆车)landed on Mars. This means China has become the second country which has a rover on Mars.
    A、In B、At C、On
  • 7. It's reported that_____ of the world's land has been influenced by humans' activities.
    A、three-quarter B、third quarters C、three quarters
  • 8. Some old people find it_____ to get into public places than before when they are asked to show a green health code on their phone.
    A、more easily B、easier C、easy
  • 9. It may be more difficult to communicate with people who don't have the same interests as you, ______ you should find something in common for you both.
    A、although B、so C、since
  • 10. China's government_____ the Yangtze River Protection Law on Dec. 26th, 2020. It is the first law to protect the Yangtze River in China.
    A、has passed B、will pass C、passed
  • 11. —This cloth bag is too old. I want to throw it away.

    —I don't think it's a good idea. To save energy, it_____ for longer!

    A、should use B、should be used C、uses
  • 12. —Mr. White, I'm very upset that I failed to enter art college.

    —When_____ on the way to success, you need to stand up and fight again.

    A、running away B、checking out C、falling down
  • 13. —Morn, why am I so sleepy these days? I even fall asleep in today's class.

    —The medicine you take_____ cause it, but I'm not so sure.

    A、must B、might C、would
  • 14. —_____ better later, I'm writing the main points in the notebook.

    —It's a good habit and that'll help a lot with your study.

    A、To review B、Review C、Reviewing
  • 15. —Ella, have you picked up your grandma at the airport yet?

    —Yes, Morn. I saw her_____ she walked out of the gate.

    A、as far as B、as soon as C、as long as
  • 16. —Can you see the cute robots in the restaurant? I want to know_______.

    —They certainly stand out from the crowd and send dinners.  

    A、what are they used for B、what they were used for C、what they are used for
  • 17. — The race______ was held on May 28th, 2021 might be put off because of the rainstorm.

    —What bad luck!

    A、who B、where C、which
  • 18. Halloween is an important and interesting festival. Some young people dress themselves in stranger clothes at a_____.
    A、Christmas party B、singing competition C、costume party
  • 19. As a middle school student, keeping ourselves safe on the Internet is necessary. So we aren't supposed to_____.

    ①think twice before we show our photos online

    ②accept any invitation from people we don't know

    ③go to meet anyone we know online

    ④tell anyone our home address, email address or telephone number

    ⑤use safe websites

    A、①②④ B、②③④ C、②④⑤
  • 20. Mrs. Green will buy something on sale today. All the things will be 20% off. According to the table, she may save_____ dollars.

    Shopping List

    Potatoes(2 kilos)

    Tomatoes(1 kilo)

    Eggs(3 kilos)

    Meat(2 kilos)

    Usual Price( $/kg)

    1.5 3 5 2.5
    A、$5.2 B、$1.2 C、$0.6


  • 21. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案

    At 5:00 p.m. I stopped at the market to pick up a few things for daily life—cream for coffee, eggs for breakfast and medicine for my terrible headache.

    Having been rushing all day, I was tired out and did not want to shop with other shoppers. But I told1it was my last stop before going home. So I took a deep breath and entered the last market.

    That's when I saw her, a baby2looked about 9 months old sitting in a shopping cart(购物车) with blonde hair and large blue eyes.  We looked at each other.  Then I did3I always do with children. I gave her my best smile. That's a habit I developed after I became a mother. She reminded me4my first child. At that fantastic time, my first baby 5on the sofa by me and held up his tiny head to watch me.

    About three years later, my smile would6an expression of fear, worry or anger. But it never left my face. It happened that same way with my second and third child.

    And now, after all these years, I can't help7at children. I've learned that all children, young and old, need8to smile at them.9their parents and grandparents,……their teachers and coaches, family and friends. And yes, even strangers at a market.

    The baby and I smiled at each other. That got a smile in return from every shopper I passed. I waved to her with "Goodbye" and she10me a kiss.

    I was still smiling when I got home and realized I'd forgotten to get the medicine. I didn't need it because my headache had disappeared already.

    A smile is a good medicine.

    A、mine B、ourselves C、myself
    A、whose B、which C、who
    A、what B、that C、how
    A、off B、of C、against
    A、laid B、was lain C、was laid
    A、turn into B、put off C、drop by
    A、to smile B、smiled C、smiling
    A、no one B、anyone C、someone
    A、Not only; but also B、Either; or C、Neither; nor
    A、has blown B、blows C、blew


  • 22. 根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Activities from Our Indoor Library!

    English Conversation Group

    Come to our group at the every Thursday afternoon. Come along to make new friends and improve your English. Learners of all levels are welcome.

    Age: All adults

    Bookings: Not required

    Time & date: Thursday, Aug. 1st

    From 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

    Young Creative Club

    Do you love to write or express yourself through art? Come and join our creative club, share your ideas and make friends with others who are like you.

    Age: 11--15

    Bookings: Required

    Phone Number: 073 -407-0069 to book your place.

    Time & date: Thursday, Aug. 1st

    From 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

    Learn to Code(编程)

    Learn how to create a game or design(设计) a website using free online resources(资源) that teach you how to code. It allows you to do experiments (实验) and play. It is designed for adults with basic computer and Internet skills.

    Age: Young adults

    Bookings: Not required

    Time & date: Wednesday, Aug. 28th

    From 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

    Gumtree Basic

    Come and learn about buying and selling products online through Cumtree Basic. Computer and Internet skills are required.

    Age: All adults

    Bookings: Required

    Phone Number: 073 -407 -8745 to book your place.

    Time & date: Tuesday, Aug. 13th

    From 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

    (1)、What do we know about the English Conversation Group?
    A、It is set up for children. B、It is a weekly activity. C、It is only for high -level learners
    (2)、What should you do if you want to learn how to code?
    A、Have basic computer skills. B、Buy a coding book. C、Book your place.
    (3)、If you're a middle student and have time on Thursday during the summer vacation, you can join______.
    A、English Conversation Group B、Learn to Code C、Young Creative Club
    (4)、Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the form above?
    A、You can improve your English in English Conversation Group. B、Kids and teenagers are allowed to learn to code. C、Each lesson in Cumtree Basic lasts one hour and a half.
    (5)、Where can you read this poster?
    A、At a library. B、At a hotel. C、At a restaurant.
  • 23. 根据短文内容判断正、误。

    About 10 years ago, I started a job as a trainer. In one of my first classes, the head trainer told us a very encouraging story.

    He began by drawing a man standing in the middle of a circle. To make it more interesting, he drew things like a house, a car, and a few friends inside the circle.

    He asked the question, "Can anyone tell me what this is?" In a long silence, one guy decided to try, "The world?" The trainer said, "That's close. Actually, this is your Comfort Zone(舒适区). Inside your circle, you have all the things that are important to you. Your home, your family, your friends, and your job. People feel that inside this circle they are safe from any danger. "

    "Can anyone tell me what happens when you step out of this circle?"

    A strong silence came over the room. The same guy finally started, "You are afraid." Another guy said, "You make mistakes."

    The silence continued and the trainer smiled and said, "When you make mistakes, what can the result be?" The first guy shouted, "You learn something."

    "Exactly, you are learning." The trainer turned to the board and drew an arrow(箭头) pointing from the man directly to the outside of the circle. He continued to say, "When you leave your Comfort Zone, you put yourself out there, in front of the world to be in situations that you are not comfortable with. The end result is that you have learned something that you did not know and you gradually become a better person." He turned again to the board and drew a bigger circle around the first circle, and added a few new things like more friends, a bigger house, etc.

    (1)、The writer started a job as a head trainer and told a very encouraging story about 10 years ago.
    (2)、The Comfort Zone is like a situation in which we feel all safe and comfortable with the world.
    (3)、Only one guy answered the head trainer's questions.
    (4)、The final drawing on the board is a big circle around a smaller one with more things.
    (5)、The writer wants to tell us "To keep safe, please stay inside the Comfort Zone."
  • 24. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

    Yangzhou paper cutting, with a history of 2,000 years, can be dated back to the Sui Dynasty(朝代), making Yangzhou one of the places where paper cutting first became popular.

    In the Sui Dynasty, the people of Yangzhou would cut colorful paper or silk and satin (缎子) to celebrate festivals. It is said that Emperor Yang came to Yangzhou three times. In winter, the flowers and trees in the garden became dry and weak. The emperor asked the girl servants to cut fine silk and satin into flowers and leaves and use them to decorate (装饰)the trees and lakes, copying nicely the looks of spring and summer. Since then, "colorful cutting" has become a popular art in Yangzhou.

    In the Tang Dynasty, the paper cutting industry was highly developed and plenty of high quality(高质量)paper was made as gifts for the Court(宫廷). In the Qing Dynasty, because of the economic development, the people of Yangzhou became interested in wearing fine clothing, especially embroidered(刺绣的)clothing. The embroidered clothing were based on paper-cuts, the most well-known of them was from Bao Jun, a paper cutting master. He won a high reputation as Magic Scissors for his wonderful cutting skills.

    After the People's Republic of China was started, the Chinese government accepted the importance of paper cutting like many other arts and skills. In 2007, China Paper-cuts Museum opened to the public in the back garden of the Wang's Residence(住所), Yangzhou, greatly helping the development of Yangzhou paper cutting.

    (1)、Paper cutting became a popular art first in_____.
    A、the Sui Dynasty B、the Tang Dynasty C、the Qing Dynasty
    (2)、The underlined word "reputation" in the third paragraph means "_____" in Chinese.
    A、安慰 B、声誉 C、美化
    (3)、Where did China Paper - cuts Museum open to the public?
    A、In the front of Wang's Residence's garden. B、In the middle of Wang's Residence's garden. C、In the back of Wang's Residence's garden.
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Yangzhou Paper cutting has covered five historical periods. B、The emperor asked the girl servants to decorate the trees and lakes in spring or summer. C、China Paper- cuts Museum opened to the public in 2007.
    (5)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、How to make paper cuttings. B、The importance of Yangzhou paper cutting. C、The history and development of Yangzhou paper cutting.
  • 25. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)。

    When I was a very little boy, I was always asking questions.

    One day when I was walking with my sister along the city street, I asked, "Jane, what's under the street?" "Oh, just dirt(尘土) ," she replied. "And what is under the dirt?" "Oh, more dirt." she replied, too.

    So I asked again, "Well, what's under that?" "Oh, nothing--I don't know-why are you always asking so many questions?" she asked.

    I knew there must be something under that. I also heard that Chinese lived on the other side of the earth. I wanted to find out if that was true.

    Down, down, down, till I came through on the other side, and then I would get to China. I was a very little boy, you see. With a small shovel (铁锹), I started a hole in the back yard. No one knew what I was doing.

    Then one evening my father asked, "What's that hole in the back yard?"

    He didn't laugh when I told him, but he asked me if I knew how far I would have to dig.

    I hadn't due through the world, but I did know how far it was.

    A. I knew my secret was out.

    B. I wasn't satisfied with her answer.

    C. And I just wanted to know what it was.

    D. So I made up my mind to dig down through the earth.

    E. I wanted to keep it a secret until I had dug all the way through.


  • 26. 从A—G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)

    A: What are you doing, Li Jun?

    B: Hi, Wang Ming.

    A: What's it about?

    B: It's reported that mobile phones are not allowed to school this September.

    A: Oh, no. We've grown up with them.

    B: Well, I think it's a good rule, though. If we bring mobile phones to school, we might want to check them out from time to time.


    B: Even adults can't always control themselves. Let alone kids like us.

    A: Sounds like you are right.

    B: Hmm... Maybe it is a little inconvenient sometimes. Anyway, some ways will be found to solve problems.


    A. Well, I hope so.

    B. It will get in the way of our schoolwork.

    C. I'm reading a newspaper.

    D. An article about what our future life is like.

    E. However, I have to use a bike -sharing app on the phone every day.

    F. Mobile phones are part of our life now.

    G. But we can control ourselves.

  • 27. 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Hey, you look great! is everything?

    B: Yeah, fine. I enjoy myself in the club?

    A: I gone to the club for a long time. I am too busy with work.

    B: The training really works. Now I know more about how to keep fit.

    A: Really? Tell me about it.

    B: It's important to do proper exercise.

    A: You're right. Too much or too little won't do any good.

    B: The trainer tells me, sports activities, I should also have a healthy diet.

    A: Sounds reasonable. ?

    B: We should eat more vegetables than junk food.

    A: And fruits!

    B: Surely it is. My trainer also tells me getting enough sleep is also necessary.

    A: Yeah, he does have a .


  • 28. 阅读短文,用方框中所给词或短语的正确形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空只能填一个单词或一个短语,每个单词或短语限用一次)

    early,  two, able,   choose,   be,   angry,   use,   to one's surprise

    Five people were waiting for an interview in a room of a company. Inside the room, they could do whatever they liked, except the phone or the Internet.

    On the first day, all of the five people were excited. They imagining their bright future. But there was no interview.

    On the day, they came again for the interview. But , there was no news about the interview. Two of them got upset.

    On the third morning, they arrived than they did yesterday. Still no news came. By mid - day, most of them were walking around Some thought the company did not care for them. Some regretted coming here. Only one man was different. He was happy all those days. He kept smiling while the others were complaining(抱怨).

    At the end of that day, the boss appeared. To their disappointment, the boss said that their interview had ended and only one of them was . It was the man who remained happy. Then the boss added, "We want someone who can remain happy in different situations. Remaining happy is a necessary ."

  • 29. 阅读短文,回答问题。

    My father didn't know how to show love. He went to work every day. He often punished me when I made mistakes.

    Once I broke my leg, my mother held me in her arms all the way to the hospital. My father stopped the car right up at the door of the hospital. He looked really upset.

    When I learned to ride a bike, I asked him not to leave me alone, but he said it was time for me to ride alone. I fell and my mother ran to lift me up, but my father stopped her. I was mad because I needed my parents to care.

    When I went to college, my mother wrote letters to me. He just sent money and a little note about how great his garden looked now because I wasn't playing football in it. Whenever I called home, he acted as he wanted to talk but always said, "Wait, Tim. I'll get your mother. "

    He only said, "Where are you going? What time are you coming home?" People often say father's love is as great as a mountain. Was it possible that he showed it and I didn't realize it?


    ①u unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened

    ②c to feel that something is important and worth worrying about


    When I learned to ride a bike, I asked him not to leave me alone.

    When I learned to ride a bike, I asked him not to leave me

    (3)、What did Tim's father do when Tim made mistakes?
    (4)、From the passage, where did Tim probably play football when he was young?
    (5)、What do people think of father's love?
  • 30. 根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。

    Vicuna is a small town in the north of Chile, a country in South America. It is a great place for watching the stars. Although it is near the sea, the cold, wet air from the coast does not bring clouds. Instead dry winds from the desert keep the clouds away at night. In fact, the skies are so clear in Vicuna that it is possible to see many stars. And these stars can be seen only with special instruments (仪器)in other parts of the world.

    In Vicuna, faraway star systems can be seen without the help of the instrument. That is why the town was chosen as the Home of Sky Science Station.

    Vicuna has many sky science stations. One of them, the Mamalluca, is quite different from the typical sky stations used by scientists. This station was built for tourists who like to look at the stars. During the year, Vicuna's' hotels hold thousands of tourists who come from all over the world to see the night sky as they have only seen it in books. The cloudless sky is clearly a moneymaker for the town, which plans to set up even more stations. It was recently decided that building stations will go on for another few years.

    At one point, however, the town faced a serious problem. As the town grew, more streetlights were added. The clear sky is polluted by light. That makes it more and more difficult to see the stars at night. The town saved the night sky by building a new system of lights. And it can light up the streets without influencing the view (观看)of the sky.

    Vicuna--A Great Place for Watching the Stars& Home for Sky Science Station

    of Vicuna

    In the north of Chile

    Why it's right for watching the stars

    skies at night

    How amazing

    Faraway star systems can be seen without the of the instrument.

    Tour features

    Sky science stations as Mamalluca were built to attract(吸引)tourists.

    Problems it faces

    Streetlights cause light which influences the view. However, it can be solved by using a new system of lights.


  • 31. 假如你是辛蕾,你的美国笔友Cindy来信提到了他们国家的校园暴力(the incidents of campus violence)。请你根据写作要点给她回信,告诉她你校也将针对这一问题举行一次演讲(lecture),并告诉她必须注意保护自己的人身安全。











    Dear Cindy,

    How are you doing?

    Best wishes!

    Yours, Xin Lei