
试卷更新日期:2022-12-13 类型:中考真卷


  • 1. She often plays ________ chess on weekends.
    A、an B、a C、the D、/
  • 2. ________ my opinion, we should be proud of our country.
    A、For B、At C、In D、Of
  • 3. There are two apples on the table. One is red and ________ is green.
    A、the other B、another C、others D、the others
  • 4. Andy doesn't like junk food at all, so she ________ eats it.
    A、often B、sometimes C、usually D、never
  • 5. —How much ________ do you need?

    —We need two cups.

    A、milk B、egg C、pear D、potato
  • 6. I won't go to the movies this afternoon ________ I'm free.
    A、or B、unless C、because D、than
  • 7. You ________ drive without a license!
    A、can B、must C、mustn't D、may
  • 8. We have to ________ the sports meeting because of the bad weather.
    A、turn off B、put off C、take off D、get off
  • 9. After the boy's homework ________, he went out to play.
    A、finished B、finishes C、was finished D、is finished
  • 10. —Could you please tell me ________?

    —Next Sunday morning.

    A、when we will go to Gupo Mountain B、when will we go to Gupo Mountain C、why we went to Gupo Mountain D、why did we go to Gupo Mountain


  • 11. 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Being street smart is an important skill to have and it's a good way to take care of yourself.

    Always carry your phone with 1, but do not look at it while you are walking. Being able to communicate or call for help is important, 2 keep a list of useful phone numbers. But put your phone away while you are walking so that you can keep your 3 up and see what's going on around. If you do need to check your phone, stop and look at it quickly.

    Don't wear earphones while you are out. If you have to 4 something when you're out, use only one earphone or play it at a very low volume (音量).

    Travel with 5 or family members when possible and never go anywhere with a stranger. It's important to be 6 with strangers. Do not get into a stranger's car.

    7 dark and out-of-the-way places. Do not take short cuts through dark areas, even if it will make your trip much faster. If you have to go to a place, and you're not sure whether it's safe or not, go 8 someone you know or speak to someone on the phone while you are there.

    Run and shout if you feel unsafe. Run away as 9 as you can towards a police station, hospital, or nearby shop for help. Shout as loudly as you can 10 the attention of people around.

    A、us B、me C、you D、them
    A、because B、so C、though D、but
    A、hands B、arms C、nose D、head
    A、talk to B、listen to C、wait for D、look for
    A、parents B、sisters C、brothers D、friends
    A、careful B、carefully C、careless D、carelessly
    A、Avoid B、Find C、Visit D、Clean
    A、to B、for C、with D、without
    A、fast B、faster C、fastest D、the fastest
    A、get B、getting C、got D、to get


  • 12. 根据表格内容,选择最佳选项。

    THE SCHOOL NEWS    June 8th, 2022

    School Trip

    Students in Grade 7 had a great time on the school trip on Children's Day. They went to Huangyao Ancient Town by bus. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the buses after the trip.

    American Visitors

    Sixteen visitors from America arrived at our school on June 3rd, Friday. And they visited a few places of interest in Hezhou.

    Football World

    Here's good news for football fans! The Hope Cup 2022 will be held in our school from July 1st to July 3rd. Wonderful football matches are waiting for you.

    School Concert

    There'll be a concert in our school on July 5th. Some students will show their talents by singing, dancing and playing the violin at the music hall.

    (1)、Who cleaned the buses after the school trip?
    A、The teachers. B、The students. C、The American visitors. D、The football fans.
    (2)、When did the American visitors arrive at our school?
    A、June 3rd. B、July 1st. C、July 3rd. D、July 5th.
    (3)、What activity will be held on July 5th?
    A、The School Trip. B、The Visit to Hezhou. C、The Hope Cup. D、The School Concert.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Once upon a time, two brothers lived in a village. They were both famers and grew corn. The elder brother had many children to feed. The younger brother also had a big family to look after. Although the brothers were poor, they lived happily.

    One year, there was a drought (干旱) and the corn didn't grow well. The two brothers collected their small harvest and stored the grain in their barns (谷仓).

    That night, the elder brother couldn't sleep. He was worried about his brother. Would he have enough grain to feed his family? At last, the elder brother got out of bed. He went to his barn and filled a bag with grain. Then he went silently to his brother's house and secretly added the grain to his brother's pile (堆).

    Every night, he did the same thing. He took some of his own grain and added it to his brother's store. But after a while, he noticed something strange. His pile of grain never looked smaller in the morning.

    One night, he decided to find out why. After it had got dark, he hid near his barn and watched. At last, a man came near with his own bag of grain. At first he didn't know who he was. Then, he was amazed to see his own brother. Every night the younger brother had done the same thing—taking grain from his own pile to give to his brother.

    It was true brotherly love!

    (1)、How was the two brothers' life?
    A、Rich and happy. B、Rich but sad. C、Poor but happy. D、Poor and sad.
    (2)、What happened to the two brothers one year?
    A、Their com didn't grow well because of the drought. B、They collected much grain. C、They didn't grow any corn at all. D、They sold all their grain.
    (3)、What did the elder brother do that night?
    A、He slept well. B、He was angry with his brother. C、He sent a bag of grain to his brother secretly. D、He stole a bag of grain from his brother.
    (4)、What do you know about the two brothers according to the passage?
    A、They both had a small family. B、They loved and helped each other. C、They didn't care about their families at all. D、They were strict men.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    During ancient times in China, children didn't have any smartphones, iPads or computers to have fun. Instead, they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood. Let's take a look.

    Stone balls During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular sport in the northern part of China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm. Stones were carved (雕刻) into small balls and kicked along with feet.

    Flying kites Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites were made of wood, instead of paper. Nowadays, the three most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite, and Weifang kite. And they are quite different from each other. For example, the swallow-shaped kite is a well-known Beijing style.

    Hide-and-seek Hide-and-seek is a traditional game for children, popular around the nation. There are two ways to play: covering a child's eyes while other kids run around to enjoy themselves or, more commonly, one child must try to find other players who hide.

    Watching shadow plays The closest thing to watching a film or television for fun during ancient times was going to see a shadow play. Folk artists use puppets (木偶) behind the screen to show all kinds of shadows, telling stories with music. During the Qing Dynasty, shadow play art reached its top, and was shown for each important occasion.

    (1)、What were the earliest kites made of according to the passage?
    A、Paper. B、Stone. C、Bamboo. D、Wood.
    (2)、How many children's games are mentioned in this passage?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five. D、Six.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "occasion" probably mean in Chinese?
    A、海洋 B、场合 C、机会 D、目标
    (4)、What is the best title of the passage?
    A、Children's Games in Ancient China. B、Children's Games in Smart Phones, iPads or Computers. C、Kicking Stone Balls in Ancient China. D、Playing Hide-and-Seek in Ancient China.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Several large companies have begun creating paper bottles to replace glass and plastic ones.

    A company called Paboco has been working with many large companies to develop paper bottles. These companies are creating their own bottle designs.

    Clearly, one of the biggest challenges is keeping a paper bottle from leaking (渗漏). The inside of the bottle needs a special liner (衬层) to make sure the liquid doesn't leak through. Many companies are lining their bottles with thin plastic.

    Though bottle makers may say this liner can be removed and recycled, many recycling programs don't have the right machines to deal with these liners.

    A Danish beer company called Carlsberg is working with Paboco on a paper bottle called the "Green Fiber Bottle". Now the bottle uses a plastic liner. In the future the company hopes to use a "bio-plastic (生物塑料)" that will break down naturally over time.

    But even without the plastic, paper bottles aren't perfect. Most paper bottles use wood pulp (木浆). That could lead to the loss of forests.

    Frugalpac, a company from the United Kingdom, has created bottles made of recycled paper, so no trees need to be cut down. Frugalpac still uses plastic liners, though.

    But with so many companies working towards the same goal, we will see more paper bottles on store shelves in the near future.

    (1)、One of the biggest challenges of using paper bottles is _________.
    A、how to use few liners B、how to make perfect liners C、keeping the plastic bottles from breaking down D、keeping the paper bottles from leaking
    (2)、What does the underlined word "Frugalpac" refer to?
    A、A Danish milk company. B、A Danish beer company. C、A company from the United States of America. D、A company from the United Kingdom.
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、A company called Paboco has been working to develop paper bottles alone. B、Many paper bottles have thin plastic inside. C、It's impossible to remove and recycle the liners of paper bottles. D、The loss of forests leads to the use of wood pulp in most paper bottles.
    (4)、What's the main idea of this passage?
    A、Paper bottles are not perfect. B、Bottles are made of recycled paper. C、Some companies work to develop paper bottles. D、Some companies work to develop glass and plastic bottles.


  • 16. 根据对话内容,选出5个最佳选项补全对话,其中有一项是多余的。

    A: Hello, Bob. The summer vacation is coming.

    B: No, I don't. Would you please give me some advice?

    A: What about doing housework with your family?

    B: What can we do?

    A: For example, we can cook dinner and do the dishes.

    B: It sounds great.

    A: Of course you can! Doing housework is so meaningful.

    B: Yes, we can share the housework with our family members.

    A: I agree. Besides,

    B: Let's do it.

    A: OK

    A. There is so much we can do.

    B. I don't like doing housework.

    C. doing chores will make us happy and relaxed.

    D. And I can clean the rooms.

    E. That's a good idea.

    F. Do you have any plans?


  • 17. 阅读下面材料,用方框中所给单词的适当形式在空白处填空,每词限用一次。请将完整的单词填写在对应的横线上,每空只能填一词。

    good    it   factory    surprise    set    encourage   hard   but   for   success

    A man sees a butterfly. The butterfly tries to get out of chrysalis (蛹). The man cut the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily. To his , the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesn't struggle (挣扎) to get out of the chrysalis, it can't fly. The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly. Similarly, the challenges of life bring out the in young people and prepare the ability to "fly". When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. For successful people, the more challenges they have had, the more they are. One famous man, who now owns many big , used to sell socks from door to door when he was young. Another successful man is Eric. He up a college at the age of 30. His father died when he was only 16. He worked in the day and studied hard in the night. His father's death forced him to grow up fast. He took up the challenges and overcame them. Today, not only he himself, also his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives.

    Nowadays, some parents and teachers actively young people to face challenges. It is important them to learn to meet challenges and overcome them.




  • 28. 假如你是李华,在过去的三年,英语老师教会了你很多英语知识和技能,开拓了你的视野。你感激英语老师的付出,决定将来继续学好并用好英语。请你结合以下提示和要求,用英语写一篇短文。



    1.外貌   2.性格……


    1.唱英文歌,欣赏英文电影   2.用英语讲小故事   3.用英语进行简单交流……


    1.感恩老师的教导   2.继续努力学习英语   3. 用英语向世界讲述中国故事……



    3)80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。I'm Li Hua. My English teacher is