
试卷更新日期:2022-12-12 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 从方框中选择合适的单词补全句子。

    A. She B. me C. he D. I E. My

    (1)、This is Kitty. is my friend.
    (2)、Is Joe?
    (3)、eyes are small.
    (4)、Look at . I am thin and short.
    (5)、 am fine. Thank you.
  • 2.  看图,选词       

     A. eye   B. fat   C. girl   D. brother 

     E. boy   F. thin   G. sister   H. mouth 

  • 3. 给下列单词分类,将字母编号写在横线上。

    A. rulers    B. chair    C. these    D. this

    E. desk    F. apples    G. oranges    H. pen


  • 4. 选词完成句子,将字母代号填写在横线上。

    A. this      B. Are    C. blackboard    D. How    E. door

    (1)、—Close the, please.

    —Yes, Miss Fang.

    (2)、—Is your desk?

    —No, it isn't.

    (3)、—much is it?

    —Four yuan, please.

    (4)、—these your pencils?

    —Yes, they are.

    (5)、Look at the, please.
  • 5. 猜谜语。(选择合适的单词)

    (5)、红门楼,白院墙, 里头坐个红衣郎。
  • 6. 选词填空,将字母写在横线上。

    I'm      wolf      boy      Thank      not

    (1)、—How are you?

    —I'm fine.  you.

    (2)、—Are you Sam?

    —No, I'm .

    (3)、Hello.  Miss Liang.
    (4)、You are a . You're Peter.
    (5)、You're not a sheep. You're a
  • 7. —What's this?

    —It's a( pencil/blue )?

  • 8. This is (a/ an) big orange. It's for you.

  • 9. My nose (is/ are) big.

  • 10. It (is/ are) a schoolbag.
  • 11. (These/ This) are pens.
  • 12. The (pear/ pears) are 5 yuan.
  • 13. This is (a/ an) orange.
  • 14. What(colour/many)is it?
  • 15. (My/ I) eyes are big.
  • 16. My mouth (is/ are) big.
  • 17. (My/ I) pen is 4 dollars.