初中英语牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 6 Food and lifestyle 课时作业第二课时

试卷更新日期:2022-12-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. ___________ breakfast, I usually have an egg, some bread and a glass of milk. 
    A、For B、To C、With D、On
  • 2. Daniel goes to the zoo ________ a month.
    A、sometimes B、some times C、some time D、sometime
  • 3. Sam never ________ to English news before.
    A、listens B、listen C、listening D、listened
  • 4. —________ did you write to your e-friend yesterday?

    — For more than half an hour.

    A、How often B、How much C、How long D、How soon
  • 5. Lucy ______ goes roller skating on weekends. She likes it very much. .
    A、seldom B、some time C、never D、often
  • 6. — Mum, I'm hungry.

    —Oh, There __________ some orange and bread on the table.

    A、is B、are C、be D、will be
  • 7. I don't like this kind of drink because there's ____________sugar in it.
    A、too many B、many too C、too much D、much too
  • 8. — Doesn't Li Ming do morning exercises every day?

    —______________. He has a healthy body because of this.

    A、Yes, he doesn't B、Yes, he does C、No, he does D、No, he doesn't
  • 9. It is a nice bag, but it only __________ me ten yuan.
    A、spent B、took C、paid D、cost
  • 10. My brother likes to eat sweet food and snacks __________ meals.
    A、among B、between C、with D、for
  • 11. There are four ____________ on the floor.
    A、pair of red shoes B、pairs of red shoe C、pairs of red shoes D、pair of red shoe
  • 12. — Would you like some bread?

    — _______________. I'd like some cakes.

    A、Yes, please. B、Yes, I'd like to. C、Yes, thank you. D、No, thanks.
  • 13. Can you pass me ___________ carrots and ____________ salt?
    A、many; many B、many; much C、much; many D、much; much
  • 14. — What kind of ___________ do you like?

    — I like oranges best.

    A、milk B、drink C、fruit D、rice
  • 15. I like to eat some _______ and _______ in the morning.
    A、potatoes; mangoes B、potatos; mangos C、potatos; mangoes D、potatoes; mangos



  • 26. 阅读理解

    One day, Mike went to a big dinner party at about twelve o'clock. He was wearing his old clothes. When he came in, nobody looked at him and nobody gave him a seat at a table. So Mike went back home. He put on his best clothes, and then went to the party again. The host (男主人)at once got up and came to meet him. He took him to the best table, gave him a good seat and the best dishes.

    Mike put his coat in the food and said," Eat, coat." The others were very surprised(惊奇的)and said, "What are you doing?" Mike answered, "I'm letting my coat eat. When I wear my old clothes, nobody looks at me or gives me food or drink. Then I go home and come back in these clothes, and you give me the best food and drink. So you give these things for my clothes, not for myself. "

    (1)、When Mike came in at first, ______ looked at him and gave him________ to eat.
    A、all the people; something B、no one; nothing C、someone; something D、every one; anything
    (2)、Mike went back home because ______________.
    A、Someone asked him to do that        B、nobody treated him  C、he wanted to wear his best clothes    D、he wanted to wear his old clothes
    (3)、Why did Mike want his coat to eat?
    A、because it is hungry. B、because he is angry. C、because he want to take more food. D、because he is mad (疯的)。
    (4)、When did Mike go to a big dinner?
    A、at noon B、in the afternoon  C、in the evening D、It isn't mentioned. (提起)
    (5)、What did the story tell us?
    A、We mustn't treat anyone by their clothes. B、We must learn from the host. . C、When we go to a dinner party, we must put on our old clothes. D、People with best clothes are best people.