广东省4地5校2022-2023学年高三上学期11月期中考试 英语

试卷更新日期:2022-12-02 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

    Thank you for choosing OTT Travel Agency. In order to have a pleasant journey, please read the following notes carefully.

    Booking Regulations

    ⒈There is a necessary booking process. We will confirm that with you within 1—2 working days.

    ⒉ Please book a ticket as soon as possible because the rates may vary at different times. For example, rates rise during holidays.

    ⒊ Please carefully read our Customer Agreements before booking.

    Booking Procedures and E-tickets

    ⒈ You will receive a booking receipt by e-mail immediately after submission of booking information.

    ⒉You will receive the confirmation e-mail we send within 1—2 working days after submission.

    ⒊Once the booking details are confirmed, you will receive your e-ticket by e-mail. We will provide the contact information of local tourism offices for your convenient use during tour or as required.

    ⒋Next, you only need to print the e-ticket and present it with photo ID to the tour guide on the departure day.

    Special Notes

    If the flight is delayed for over 45 minutes due to weather condition or other cases, please go to the hotel by yourself. You can contact the local travel agency and ask for help. You are strongly recommended to contact the airline and local travel agency to confirm the flight arrival time and airport pickup.

    For your safety, please lock your door whenever and wherever you leave. Do not hang any clothes on lights. Do not smoke in bed. Leave the hotel immediately if you hear a fire alarm.

    Please observe all dos and don'ts mentioned by the tour guide.

    Thank you for your cooperation. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    (1)、Why should travelers book tickets immediately?
    A、The rates probably change with time. B、There are few tickets on holidays. C、The booking process is complicated. D、The confirmation wastes much time.
    (2)、When will you receive a booking receipt?
    A、Before filling in a confirmation form. B、After sending out a booking e-mail. C、Before receiving a confirmation e-mail. D、After submitting booking information.
    (3)、What should you do when you hear a fire alarm in the hotel?
    A、Lock the door. B、Run out of the hotel. C、Hang clothes on lights. D、Put out your cigarette.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Recently, homeless people across Chicago faced freezing to death if they couldn't find shelter for the night. Thankfully, one local woman refused to let that happen.

    In late January of 2021, Chicago experienced some of the coldest temperatures that the city has seen in decades. Sadly, more than 100 homeless people were left outside directly exposed to the deadly environment.

    Candice Payne was lucky enough to have a shelter from the dangerous conditions. However, she couldn't stop thinking about the homeless people in the area who had nowhere to go. Payne started brainstorming different ways she could possibly help. At last, she decided to see if there were any rooms available at local hotels that she could purchase for the people on the street.

    However many of the local hotels refused to allow her to pay for the rooms. "No one wanted them, but one hotel, the Amber Inn, that was nice enough to allow me to buy the rooms," Payne told TODAY.

    According to Payne, each room cost $70 per night. Without hesitating, she purchased 30 rooms for the night with her credit card. She then reached out to strangers, asking if anyone would like to help out with paying for more rooms. Strangers donated money, which helped Payne pay for a total of 60 rooms for five nights.

    Payne's selfless act made news across the country, however, she insisted she never did it for attention. "I am a regular persons," said Payne, who spent thousands of dollars of her own money helping complete strangers. "It all sounded like a rich person did this, but I'm just a little black girl from the South Side. I thought it was impossible, but after seeing this and seeing people from all around the world, that just tells me it's possible. We can all do this together."

    (1)、How much did Payne pay the Amber Inn for the rooms in total?
    A、$2100. B、$4,200. C、$21,000. D、$10,500.
    (2)、Which of the following can best describe Payne?
    A、Kind and generous. B、Wealthy and friendly. C、Determined and honest. D、Ambitious and faithful.
    (3)、What is the best title for the text?
    A、The Homeless Suffered the Extreme Cold B、Chicago Experienced the Coldest Temperatures C、Volunteers Called on People to Help the Homeless D、Chicago Woman Tried Hard to Save the Homeless
    (4)、What type of writing is the text?
    A、A lab report. B、A news report. C、An advertisement. D、A science fiction.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    This summer, as the capital of England became warmer than before, there has been many stories from Londoners experiencing odd insect bites. Even the London Underground has its own species of mosquito with a particular appetite for human blood.

    The main insects out for your blood in London are mosquitoes and horseflies (马蝇). And, as that Space song said, the females of these species are more deadly than the males, being the ones that seek out animal blood as extra nutrition for their eggs. Horseflies have a particularly cruel bite using their jaws to bite into our skin like a carving knife until they break a blood vessel (血管). Mosquitoes are more secret attacker, biting us very precisely with their needle-sharp mouth.

    In the UK, these insects are usually harmless. The key thing to know about these insects is that they're far more active in warm weather. "Insects have a special and specific relationship with heat," says Vicki Sims from Lady Bug Pest Control. "The rise in temperature sees insects grow faster. Year on year, many species are altering their behaviour and biology to follow the trends of the seasons." So, what does this mean for the state of our skin? Long and warm London summers mean we may see more of the insects we expect, but some new ones we don't. "The only thing separating us from species like mosquitoes that carry public health risks in other parts of the world, is climate, geography and more than a little luck," says Sims.

    Concerns about increase of alien species in the UK are growing. Usually arriving with international shipments, traditionally "insect species brought over would die out relatively quickly because of our cold weather," says Natalie Bungay from the British Pest Control Association. "But as the weather warms up there's more chance that they'll survive and become a problem, so effective measures should be taken as soon as possible."

    (1)、What is the major function of paragraph 1?
    A、To introduce the main topic. B、To clarify the author's stand. C、To arouse the readers' concern. D、To summarize the whole text.
    (2)、Why do female insects favour animal blood?
    A、They become hungry more easily. B、They have stronger mouths. C、They are more sensitive to blood. D、They need more nutrition for eggs.
    (3)、What do we know from the third paragraph?
    A、The insects grow fast in warm weather. B、New species will increase in cold weather. C、Most species can't adapt to the changing climate. D、We can only depend on luck to avoid potentially harmful insects.
    (4)、What is Natalie Bungay's attitude towards the rise of temperature?
    A、Optimistic. B、Worried. C、Unconcerned. D、Confused.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Chewing uses a surprising amount of energy. An experiment that looked at the energy use associated with chewing gum found that it can increase bodily energy use by up to 15 percent.

    Adam van Casteren at the University of Manchester in the UK and his colleagues measured energy use in 21 people between 18 and 45 years old as they chewed gum for 15 minutes. Each participant was asked to chew two types of gum—one soft and the other tough—so they could compare the effects of the gum's properties on the participants' energy use. Energy use was measured using a specially made cap covering the participants' heads. "You can use the cap to work out how much energy is being used," says Casteren. Before the experiment, the participants had all worn the cap while they sat watching a film in order for the researchers to know their base level energy use.

    The researchers found that chewing the soft gum increased energy expenditure by about 10 percent, while chewing the tougher gum increased this use by around 15 percent. Casteren says it's interesting that a small change in the properties of the gum had such a clear effect on energy use.

    The findings suggest that the energy use required to chew also explain why we developed such strong teeth for the action. Any amount of energy lost while chewing food, makes the meal a less efficient source of energy, so we must finish the action as soon as possible.

    Dylan Thompson at the University of Bath in the UK says the increase is still only a small amount overall. "It will contribute less than 1 percent of total daily energy use because of relatively short daily chewing time," he says.

    (1)、What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
    A、Comparison between soft and tough gum. B、The result of an experiment about energy use. C、Adam van Casteren's opinion about chewing gum. D、An experiment about energy use when chewing gum.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "expenditure" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A、Digestion. B、Transportation. C、Consumption. D、Production.
    (3)、Why do human beings develop strong teeth according to the text?
    A、To eat more food at a meal. B、To reduce energy loss. C、To make the meal less efficient. D、To break down food thoroughly.
    (4)、What does Dylan Thompson probably agree with?
    A、Chewing time of humans is increasing. B、Chewing is not an important part of our life. C、Chewing doesn't use much energy in our daily life. D、There is no relationship between energy use and chewing.


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    What keeps us healthy and happy as we go through life? The clearest message that we got from a 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.

    The first is that social connections are really good for us, and that loneliness kills. It turns out that people who are more socially connected to others are happier. On the contrary, the experience of loneliness turns out to be harmful. There are some people who are more lonely than they want to be. They find that they are less happy, their health declines earlier in midlife, and they live shorter lives than people who are not lonely.

    And we know that you can be lonely in a crowd and you can be lonely in a marriage. So the second big lesson that we learned is that it's not just the number of friends you have, and it's not whether or not you're in a committed relationship, but it's the quality of your close relationships that matters. High-conflict marriages, for example, without much love, turn out to be very bad for our health.

    And the third big lesson that we learned about relationships is that good relationships don't just protect our bodies, they protect our brains. It turns out that being in a securely attached relationship is protective. Many people are in relationships where they can get help from the other persons in times of need.

    So, good and close relationships are good for our health and well-being. This is wisdom that's as old as the hills. Now, ask yourself a question: If you were going to invest now in your future best self, where would you put your time and your energy?

    A. These people's memories stay sharper and longer.

    B. We've learned three big lessons about relationships.

    C. That is to say, the good life is built with good relationships.

    D. What's more, they're physically healthier, and they live longer.

    E. It turns out that living in the conflict is really bad for our health.

    F. They will surprisingly find that this relationship cause mental decline.

    G. People living in loneliness are either in sorrow or terrible health condition.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Once, there was a small, unkept and rather poor village. People had to work hard to 1 themselves. Johnny lived in a wooden hut with his old grandma. He had dreamed to move to a big city he had never 2 before.

    All of Johnny's friends had left for a long 3 in big cities. Only Johnny, who was 4 all summer long, and couldn't even go to the nearest city for a moment.

    Johnny 5 walked into the hut and sank onto the muddy brown sofa. "Are you okay, dear?" His grandma asked. "No!" Johnny 6. "My friends are all taking trips to other cities, even countries, and I'm 7 in this place!" Johnny's Grandma was 8. "Johnny," she began. Immediately, Johnny interrupted. "I'm going to my room!" He then bolted (冲) towards his room.

    One day, Johnny 9 up. He walked outside to look at the golden sun 10 over the horizon, standing firm against the ocean and blue sky. Soon after, his grandma went over to stand near Johnny. "Listen, Johnny," she 11. "Look at the sky and the ocean. Aren't they splendid? You won't 12 them in a city, would you?" Just then, a few wolf cubs (幼崽) could be 13 at the end of the village. "See those wolf cubs? Aren't they so 14? I don't think you would find them crawling around a big city." This made Johnny 15 how beautiful life is, and he's lucky to even live in a village.

    A、remind B、support C、enjoy D、behave
    A、visited B、imagined C、described D、introduced
    A、gathering B、treatment C、ceremony D、vacation
    A、curious B、regretful C、bored D、amused
    A、unhappily B、unbelievably C、unexpectedly D、unconsciously
    A、broke down B、passed down C、pointed out D、burst out
    A、interested B、absorbed C、stuck D、involved
    A、disappointed B、shocked C、inspired D、ashamed
    A、woke B、turned C、gave D、grew
    A、landing B、wandering C、rising D、burning
    A、recalled B、complained C、shouted D、announced
    A、share B、draw C、find D、miss
    A、bought B、spotted C、raised D、rejected
    A、wonderful B、pitiful C、fierce D、respectful
    A、remember B、imagine C、suspect D、realize


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Beijing had 204 museums, including 18 first-class ones, by the end of 2021, (rank) the top in China and being one of the cities with the richest museum (resource) in the world.

    Recently, Beijing Radio & Television Station launched a cultural programme named "The City of Museums'', deeply explores the unique value of Chinese civilization, (interpret) the national spirit and showcases the capital's profound cultural connotation and the charm of the times.

    Until now six episodes of the programme (broadcast) while the number of discussions of the topic online has exceeded 1 billion, providing a cultural feast for the audience. The show explores the beauty of culture from a (total) new perspective. The hosts visited eight museums with different characteristics in Beijing, presented a yet-to-be explored area in each museum for the first time.

    Many "treasures" of those museums appeared for the first time, such the painting by the Emperor Qianlong (1711—1799) in Wanshou Temple, the original paintings in Xu Beihong Memorial Hall, and (return) cultural relics in the Museum of the Prince Gong's Mansion.

    Through the exploration and exhibition, the audience would enter the "hidden world" of those museums by following the hosts' steps, learning the broadness and (deep) of Chinese civilization deeply.


  • 8. 假定你是高中生李华,正在伦敦做交换生。大英博物馆(the British Museum)正在招聘兼职导游。请你给招聘负责人史密斯先生写一封信,申请这一职位。内容如下:







    Dear Mr. Smith,


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    The Cup of Coffee

    It was supposed to be a normal trip to the supermarket. My son was little, and it was getting close to time to have a little sleep, so I was rushing through the aisles trying to avoid a failure. I remember feeling a sense of achievement as I got him into the car without any tears. Then I went to start the car and realized my keys were gone. After a few minutes of checking around, I realized that I must have locked them in the trunk with my bag.

    I wasn't sure what to do, so I took my son out of his car seat and went back inside the store with my cart still full of groceries. I had to use their phones to call my husband for the spare key because my phone was in the bag I had locked in the trunk. After multiple calls and messages with no answer, I was getting discouraged. My son was tired and began to cry. I was tired because of a sleepless night that all mums go through-when their kids are teething. When he went into full-on crying, I felt the tears come down my face, too.

    An employee at the store tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to come with her. I was panicked for a moment, thinking that I was going to be scolded and thrown into the storage area to keep us quiet. The employee, whose name I would later find out was Kelly, took me, to my surprise, to the Starbucks cafe that was inside the store. She asked me if I drank coffee. When I said yes, she walked over to the counter and came back with one for me. She said that it looked like I was having one of those days and that, as a mum, she had them, too. I told her how stupid I felt locking my keys in the car, and she assured me it happened to a lot of people. As we talked, my son settled into a sound sleep in my arms.



    After about fifteen minutes, she said her break was over.


    After I got home that day, I kept thinking about what Kelly had done for me.