
试卷更新日期:2022-11-30 类型:复习试卷


  • 1.
    A、Open the door with your hands. B、Don't touch the door with your hands.
  • 2.
    A、We're going to eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival. B、We're going to eat mooncakes on Spring Festival.
  • 3.
    A、Mr. Black is angry with the mouse. B、Mr. Black is afraid of the mouse.
  • 4.
    A、Lisa lives in Alaska. She likes reading word books. B、Lisa lives in Sydney. She likes doing word puzzles.
  • 5.
    A、We are in front of the zoo. Let's go straight and turn left at the cinema. B、We are in front of the cinema. Let's go straight and turn left at the zoo.
  • 6. Robin has BDS. It can help him find a place. Which picture is BDS?
    A、 B、 C、


  • 7. You must slow down at a yellow light.

  • 8. The worker is going to buy a word book for his son.

  • 9. My brother is a maths teacher.

  • 10. The bookstore is behind the zoo.

  • 11. The angry teacher should take a deep breath.

  • 12. This is Binbin's new pen pal. He is tall and strong. He lives on the farm. He likes cooking food and playing sports with his brother.

  • 13. There is a cinema next to the park. The park is beside the bookstore. There is a post office near the hospital. There is no science museum.

  • 14. —What is Mike's hobby?

    —He likes reading stories.

    —What's his favourite story?

    —Harry Potter.

  • 15. —Hi! How do you come to school?

    —Usually I come on foot.

    —That's good exercise.


  • 16. 阅读,将每则广告与宣传画相匹配。

    At the Real World Camp, you can try to do different jobs. Here are some ads(广告).


    Do you love science? Do you like doing experiments(实验)? Come here and you will find the secrets(秘密)of the nature. We're waiting for you here!


    Do you love to teach? Do you hope all the kids can go to school and learn many things? Why not join us and find out what you like teaching?


    Do you want to work on the spaceship? Would you like to have a spacewalk? Do hope (希望)you can join us and have an amazing time!


    People are very worried if their family or friends are ill. Now we're afraid of COVID19 (新冠病毒). Do you want to help? Come and try!
