
试卷更新日期:2022-11-30 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 根据短文内容,在表格内写出下列物品的数量及颜色,并用彩笔涂上相应的颜色。

    Hello, my name is Sam. I'm ten years old. Today is my birthday. I have many gifts(礼物). Look, I have a pencil-box. It's red. I have two books. They are yellow. I have four erasers. They are orange. I have three toy(玩具) bears. They are black and white. I have a toy bird. They are blue.I'm very happy.






  • 2. 读一读,在表格中用“√”标出小朋友们所拥有的物品

    I'm Li Ming. I have a pen.      I'm Gao Yan. I have a bag

    I'm Zhao Jing. I have a ruler.   I'm Song Jia. I have a pencil box.

    Li Ming        
    Gao Yan        
    Zhao Jing        
    Song Jia        
  • 3. 读句子或对话,选出各自喜欢的食物,在相应方格内打“√”。

    ①I'm Zoom. I like bread and rice.

    ②Hello, my name's Zip. I like milk and fish.

    ③—Have some water, John.

    —No, thanks. I like juice.

    ④—Have some rice, Sarah.

    —No, thanks. I like eggs and bread.

    ⑤I'm Miss White. I like milk and cake.












    Miss White

  • 4. 读小对话,在正确的图片下面打“√”。

    Sarah: Mum, I'm hungry. Can I have some bread and juice?

    Mum: OK. Here you are.

    Sam: Mum, I'm hungry, too. I'd like some fish and rice, please!

    Mum: OK. Here you are. Have some milk, too.

    Sam: Thanks, Mum.

    Mum: You are welcome.





  • 5. 读对话,完成以下练习。

    Hello, can I have some milk and bread?

    I'd like some juice and two eggs.

    Can I have some rice and fish, please?


    Chen Jie:







  • 6.  Harry和朋友们相约一起去购物,请选出他们各自选中的物品,并将序号填入相应的购物车里。

    Children(孩子们):Good morning. 

    Jane:I'd like three books and an eraser. 

    Sue:A toy panda and five crayons,please. 

    Tom:I like this pencil box and the toy pig.

    Harry:I'm hungry. I'd like some juice and bread. 

  • 7. 阅读理解

    Sarah: Good morning, John.

    John: Good morning, Sarah. This is my friend (朋友), Mike.

    Sarah: Nice to meet you, Mike.

    Mike: Nice to meet you, too.

    Sarah: Look! I have a cat.

    John: Wow. The cat is brown. The eyes are green. The ears are white. The mouth is black. The nose is black.

    Mike: It's very funny (搞笑的). I like it.

    (1)、John is Amy's new friend.
    (2)、The cat has green mouth.
    (3)、The cat is funny. Mike likes it.

    A. green  B. brown  C. white  D. black

    ①nose  ②eyes  ③ears  ④cat

  • 8. 任务型阅读

    Mike: Hello, can I have some juice and bread?

    Amy: Can I have some milk and a cake?

    John: I'd like some rice, fish and two eggs.

    Chen Jie: I'd like some juice, bread and two cakes.

    Sarah:I'd like some noodles and water, please.

    (1)、请把每位小朋友想要的食物在表格中打“✔ ”





    ⑷Chen Jie:¥


  • 9. 阅读短文并看图片,把相对应的内容连线。

    Hello! I'm a robot(机器人). Look at me. This is my head. It's blue. Look at my body. It's red. My arms are yellow. My hands are yellow too. Look at my leg. It's brown. This is my foot. It's green.

    1            body          green

    2            head          yellow

    3            arm           brown

    4            foot        red

    5            leg           blue

    6            hand

  • 10. 粗心的Mike把自己的一天活动搞乱了,请你阅读对话,将图片重新排序。

    ①A: Goodbye, Mum.

    B: Bye, Mike.

    ②A: Good morning, Sarah.

    B: Good morning, Mike.

    ③A: I have a pencil.

    B: Me too.

    ④A: Mr. Jones, this is Chen Jie.

    B: Nice to meet you, Chen Jie.

    ⑤A: Good afternoon, Miss White.

    B: Good afternoon, Mike.

    ⑥A: Hello! I'm Mike.

    B: Hi! My name's Liu Xin.

    A: Nice to meet you.

    B: Nice to meet you, too.



