
试卷更新日期:2022-11-30 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. Look at the panda. It's white and _______.
    A、yellow B、black C、blue
  • 2. — Look, this is my _______.

    — I have a pen, too.

    A、pen B、ruler C、bag
  • 3. 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样_______。
    A、red B、green C、blue
  • 4. 白毛浮______水,红掌拨清波。
    A、red B、green C、black
  • 5. 面包
    A、chips B、bread
  • 6. —How many legs?

    — Three       .

    A、legs B、leg C、one
  • 7. I'm six _________________ old.
    A、year B、a year C、years
  • 8. My name is _________________.
    A、Zhang Peng B、Zhang peng C、zhang peng
  • 9. 下面的颜色单词中,哪个单词既是颜色又是一种水果?
    A、orange B、white C、red
  • 10. — Your name, please?

    — I'm        .

    A、a  boy B、girl C、Amy
  • 11. —Good  morning, Daming.

    —Good         , Peter.

    A、afternoon B、morning C、hello
  • 12. Amy has three ________ and an ________.
    A、book; candy B、toys; English book C、pens; ruler
  • 13. — Let's go to the _______.

    —Great. I like animals.

    A、school B、zoo C、bag
  • 14. This is    .
    A、Zhou Miss B、Miss Zhou C、zhou Miss
  • 15. 草
    A、grass B、fast
  • 16. 下列单词中,哪一个单词既是颜色又是一种水果?
    A、orange B、green C、red
  • 17. Look at me. I have two _________ and one

    A、mouths; eyes B、eyes; mouth
  • 18. I'm hungry. I'd like some _________.
    A、dogs B、water C、eggs
  • 19. Clap your _______.
    A、hand B、hands C、heads
  • 20. How many_________?
    A、pencils B、pencil C、book
  • 21. I'm eight_________.
    A、old years B、years old C、year old