
试卷更新日期:2022-11-30 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Alan is in Class Two, Grade Seven. He is 12. His English teacher is Mr Smith. He is English. His daughter is Helen. She is 13. Alan and Helen are good friends. They like English. This is Helen's school ID card. Its number is A-270789. Is that Alan's school ID card? No. He can't find his school ID card. If you find it, please call Alan at346-2828. Thank you!

    (1)、Alan and Helen are _______.
    A、in Class Seven B、in Grade Two C、teachers D、friends
    (2)、Alan is _______.
    A、Chinese B、English C、12 D、13
    (3)、Mr Smith is ________.
    A、Alan's father B、an English teacher C、Helen's friend D、a Chinese teacher
    (4)、Alan can't find _______.
    A、Mr Smith B、Helen C、his ID card D、his school ID card
    (5)、Alan's _______ number is 346-2828.
    A、phone B、ID card C、school ID card D、book
  • 2. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    Willie and his friends are magicians(魔法师). On his birthday, Willie asks his friends Priscilla, Silvester and other children to his home for his birthday party. They give Willie books, foods, pictures and so on. They have a good time.

    After some time, Willie says, "I want to go to the swimming pool (游泳池). Swimming is my favorite sport. "

    Silvester says, "Let me help you, Willie! I know what to do. "Then Silvester pours some water on the floor(在地上洒水). "Wow! A big swimming pool!" say the children. All the children are happy and they go into the water to swim.

    Later Priscilla says, "It's boring to swim like this. Let's all be fish!" Then she says, "Fish!" Everyone is a fish in the water now. They swim for hours.

    That evening, Willie goes to bed happily. He has a really interesting birthday.

    (1)、Willie, Priscilla and Silvester are _______.
    A、brothers B、friends C、classmates D、cousins
    (2)、What's Willie's favorite sport?
    A、Soccer. B、Basketball. C、Tennis. D、Swimming.
    (3)、Who makes everyone a fish?
    A、Priscilla. B、Silvester. C、Willie's father. D、Willie's mother.
    (4)、Which statement(陈述)is right?
    A、Willie is happy today. B、Priscilla is not a magician. C、Silvester has many fish at home. D、Silvester doesn't like the swimming pool.
    (5)、What's the passage mainly about?
    A、A great magician. B、A big swimming pool. C、Willie's happy family. D、Willie's birthday party.
  • 3. 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。

    My name is Tom Mallory. I'm English and I'm 13. I'm a student in No. 14 Middle School. I like music and sports very much. I can play two instruments:the violin and the piano. I can play them very well.

    I have two sisters. They are students, too. Our parents are from England, but we live(居住)in China now. My mother is an English teacher and my father is a worker.

    (1)、Tom lives in________ now.
    A、Ireland B、England C、America D、China
    (2)、There are ________people in his family.
    A、three B、four C、five D、six
    (3)、The word "instrument" in the passage means________in Chinese.
    A、乐器 B、钢琴和小提琴 C、工具 D、家具
    (4)、Tom is good at________.
    A、the piano B、the violin C、the drum D、A and B
    (5)、Tom's mother is _______.
    A、40 years old B、a teacher C、a worker D、a student
  • 4. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    My name is John. I'm twelve. I'm a student in No. 1 Middle School. I'm in Class Six, Grade Seven. My favorite subject is science because my science teacher, Mr. Smith, is great fun. My favorite day is Thursday because l have science on that day.

    I have a twin brother. His name is Bob. He is my classmate. He likes drawing. His favorite day is Monday because he has art on that day.

    My father is Frank Green. He is a teacher. He teaches English. His favorite day is Sunday because he can go to the swimming club. He thinks swimming can make him healthy.

    My mother is Jessica Green. She is a saleswoman(售货员) at Mrs. Brown's Clothes Store. Her favorite day is Saturday because on that day she needn't go to work. And she can play tennis with her friends. She thinks playing tennis is relaxing for her.

    (1)、How old is Bob?
    A、12. B、13. C、14. D、15.
    (2)、What's John's last name?
    A、Brown. B、Black. C、white. D、Green.
    (3)、Bob has art on _______.
    A、Monday B、Tuesday C、Thursday D、Friday
    (4)、The underlined word "teaches" means _______ in Chinese.
    A、学习 B、品味 C、讲授 D、安排
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Frank's favorite day is Saturday. B、Bob is in No. 1 Middle School. C、John's favorite subject is art. D、Jessica can play ping- pong with her friends on Sunday.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Mr. Smith is 40 years old. He's an English teacher in a middle school. Jack and Jim are his sons. Linda is his daughter.

    Today is June 20th. Next day is Mr. Smith's birthday. His children buy some things for him. Mr. Smith likes apples very much. Jack buys his father a lot of apples. Jim buys a basketball for his father because Mr. Smith likes playing basketball. Mr. Smith often plays it with his sons in the afternoon. Linda gives her father a big white cake. It's his favorite color.

    On his birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Smith needn't go to work. And the children don't go to school. So they have birthday party in the evening. Mr. Smith's friends come to his party. They give some cards to Mr. Smith. There are many words on the cards. Mr. Smith likes them very much. The next day, the Smiths have a picnic in a park(公园). It's great fun for them to eat there.

    (1)、When is Mr. Smith's birthday?
    A、On June 20th. B、On July 20th. C、On June 21st. D、On July 21st.
    (2)、The underlined word "have a picnic" mean ______ in Chinese.
    A、钓鱼 B、野餐 C、游泳 D、远足
    (3)、What do the Smiths do on the evening of June 21st?
    A、Go to the store. B、Go to the park. C、Play basketball. D、Have a party at home.
    (4)、What does Mr. Smith do?
    A、Have a party. B、A worker. C、An English teacher. D、Get some things.
    (5)、The second paragrapg (段)is mainly about ______.
    A、the things Mr. Smith's children buy for him B、Mr. Smith's favorite things C、Mr. Smith's family members D、the place they go for a trip
  • 6. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    John Smith is 66 years old. He has a son and a daughter.

    John has 10 ping-pong bats. 6 basketballs. 12 soccer balls and 18 volleyballs, but he never(从不)plays sports. He only collects(收集)these things.

    John's son, Alan, likes soccer. He is a member of the soccer club. He plays Soccer every day with his friends.

    And John's daughter, Cindy, likes volleyball. But she doesn't play volleyball.

    She watches it on TV.

    (1)、How many children(孩子)does John have?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
    (2)、How many basketballs does John have?
    A、10. B、6. C、12. D、18.
    (3)、Who is Alan?
    A、John's son. B、John's father. C、John's friend. D、John's brother.
    (4)、Cindy is Alan's _________________.
    A、mother B、aunt C、daughter D、sister
    (5)、Which of the following ix TRUE?
    A、John Smith is 60 years old. B、John often plays sports. C、Alan likes soccer. D、Cindy likes tennis
  • 7. 根据上面每段话的陈述内容,选择正确答案。

    John Smith is 66 years old. He has a son and a daughter.

    John has 10 ping-pong bats, 6 basketballs, 12 soccer balls and 18 volleyballs, but he never (从不) plays sports. He only  collects (收集) these things.

    John's son, Alan, likes soccer. He is a member of the soccer club. He plays soccer every day with his friends.

     And John's daughter, Cindy, likes volleyball. But she doesn't play volleyball. She watches it on TV.

    (1)、How many children (孩子)does John have?
    A、One B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
    (2)、How many basketballs does John have?
    A、10. B、6. C、12. D、13.
    (3)、Who is Alan?
    A、John's son. B、John's father. C、John's friend. D、John's brother.
    (4)、Cindy is Alan's ______.
    A、mother. B、aunt C、daughter D、sister
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、John Smith is 60 years old. B、John often plays sports. C、Alan likes soccer. D、Cindy likes tennis.   
  • 8. 根据短文内容, 判读正误。

    This is my family. This is my uncle. His name is Harry Brown. His telephone number is 12345678911. This is my aunt. Her name is Jean Brown. Her telephone number is 12345678922. This is my father. His name is Jeff Brown. He is a teacher. His telephone number is 13456783211. This is my mother. Her name is Helen Brown. She is а teacher, too. Her telephone number is 13456783231. Kate Brown is my sister. My name is Tom Brown. She and I study(学习) in No. 1 Middle School.

    (1)、There are six people in Tom's family.
    (2)、Tom's first name is Brown.
    (3)、Helen Brown is Tom's grandma.
    (4)、Tom's mother's telephone number is 13456783231.
    (5)、Tom's sister is a teacher.
  • 9. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Hello, my name is Linda Green. I am ten. I have a big family. Come and meet(见一见) my family. This is my grandfather, Frank Green and that is my grandmother, Cindy Green. They are old, but they are very energetic(有活力的) . This is my father, Tom Green and that is my mother, Alice Green. Jim is my brother. He is a nice boy. He is five. Oh, who is she? She is my aunt, Gina. And this is her dog, Mimi. I love my family.

    (1)、My grandfather's name is             .
    A、Frank B、Cindy C、Dale D、Alice
    (2)、Cindy is Linda's             .
    A、father B、brother C、grandfather D、grandmother
    (3)、Linda and Jim are             .
    A、sister and brother B、brothers C、sisters D、cat and Mimi
    (4)、There are             persons (人) in Linda's family.
    A、four B、five C、six D、seven
    (5)、—Whose dog is it?

    —It's             .

    A、Linda's B、Gina's C、Jim's D、Cindy's
  • 10. 根据短文选择最佳答案

    Paul is from a big family. His grandparents have a son and a daughter. The son is Paul's father Jack. And the daughter is Paul's aunt Amy. Paul has a sister.Her name is Alice and she is eight years old. Aunt Amy and uncle Frank have two daughters. They are Grace,14 and Helen,12. They are students of No. 5 Middle School.

    Today is Saturday. The family is in the grandparents' home. They have a good time and take a picture. In the picture,Alice is in front (前面 ) of her parents. Grace and Helen are between their grandmotherand their father. Where is Paul? Aha , he is on his father's shoulders ( 肩膀).

    (1)、Jack is Paul's____
    A、son B、uncle C、father D、mother
    (2)、Who is Amy's daughter?
    A、Alice. B、Amy. C、Helen. D、Kana.
    (3)、Paul has______cousins.
    A、two B、three C、four D、five
    (4)、What do we know about Grace?
    A、She is 12 years old. B、She is in a middle school. C、She is Paul's sister. D、She is a beautiful girl with long hair.
    (5)、We can see  _____  people in Paul's big family.
    A、Seven B、eight C、nine D、ten