
试卷更新日期:2022-11-29 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 每个学校都有自己的校规,有的班级也有自己的班规,请你结合自身情况,完成下面的短文,每空不超过两个单词。

    I have been in this school for two months: When I came here, I was told to obey the school . Students can't be to wear their own clothes. The students must wear school uniforms every day. Phones can't be allowed to school. Students must have lunch at school. I think the school is very with us.

  • 2. 七月一日是建党节(The Communist Party of China Da),今年是建党一百周年。一百年来,在中国共产党的领导下,我国的人民和国家发生了巨大变化,下文摘自刊登在某校英文板报上的一篇简讯,请你将其补充完整。每空一词。

    July 1st is the Communist Party of China Day. Time flies. Now our party is 100 old.

    Under the Communist Party of China's leadership. Great changes have taken

    . The people are strong and the land is fruitful. We are always on the way to becoming a developed country. We are all of the great achievements of the Party and the people.

    As a student. I think we should study and try our best to build our country. Only in this way, we can make our Chinese dream true.

  • 3. 你的微友Cindy对中国文化很感兴趣,希望能了解一些中国文化,你热心查找相关内容井进行剪辑。请你完成下面这篇介绍中国茶文化的微信留言。每空一词。

    We Chinese like drinking tea. It's over 4, 000 years the Chinese began to grow and drink tea. There are many different of tea in China. such as Green Tea, Black Tea, Jasmine Tea, Herbal Tea and so on. People use tea pots or tea cups to drink tea. They are . of china(瓷器). Tea is served not only at tea houses and restaurants but also at home. Drinking tea is good health. It's said that green tea can prevent cancer. When you are tired, a cup of tea can make you .

  • 4. 假期里,一些学生志愿者想担当交通小卫一,他们为司机朋右们制作了温馨提示卡,将一些驾驶时应注意的事项印在了上面。诸将卡片卜的信息补充宗整,每空一词。

    Dear drivers,

    To keep , please follow the rules.

    * You may go on if the light is green. When there is a red light, you must .

    * Wait the light changes to green if you want to turn left.

    * Whether the light is green or red, you can turn right if there are no cars in of you.

    * Color-blind people cannot see the difference red and green, so please don'tdrive.

    * Please remember not to drive fast around a school.

  • 5. "出国旅游,学会用礼貌的方式寻求帮助很重要"请根据汉语提示填入合适的单词,使句意完整。每空一词。

    When you visit acountry, it's necessary to know how to ask for help politely.

    So you should studynewspapers or computers. I think you should study how to ask for theto a place. For example, "Could you tell me where the restrooms ?" is more polite"Where are the restrooms?"

  • 6. Mr. Jones 接受了王强的学校的邀请,要来给他们做关于怎样学好外语的报告,但他不知怎样到王强的学校。下面是王强给Mr. Jones的电子信函,请在空白处填入一个恰当的词,使其完整,符合逻辑。

    Dear Mr. Jones,

    We are glad that you accepted our invitation. Now let me tell youto get to our school. Take the bus No. 4 to Zhangshan Road, andthe street. Keep going straight and left at the first crossing. You will see a bookstoreyour right. Our school is right next to it. I'll be expecting you at 15:10 at the school gate.

    We are all lookingto your coming.

    Wang Qiang

  • 7. 根据短文的内容填写所缺的单词,每空一词

    Nothing can be completed without rules. As students, they should be about their studies first. After class, they can spend some time doing thingshelping the old. They should be friendly to the old, too. Don't talk to them. What's more, the students should also be allowed to make their own decisions, parents should allow them to the concert, but girls should not be allowed to get their ears . So remember it is important for us to follow rules.

  • 8. Tom来到长春市留学,对中国的烹饪很感兴趣,刚刚在中国度过中秋节,给父母写信介绍了中国的中秋节。请你完成这封信。每空一词。

    Dear Mum and Dad,

    How are you doing? I've been busy since I came to China. Guess what? I'm learning Chinese and I really enjoy it!

    Three weeks ago, I had a Chinese festival— Mid-Autumn festival in Changchun. It's on 15th of the lunar calendar, It's one of the most important festivals in China. All the family members together for a big dinner that day. On that day the Chinese people eat a kind of special food- mooncakes. A mooncake is a delicious, round cake. It looks the moon. At night families often stay in the open air near their houses. There they eat the mooncakes watching the moon. They believe the full moon is the symbol of reunion.

    I have to stop here. I miss you, mum and dad.



  • 9. 学习了《圣诞欢歌》后,让我们来了解一下它的作者查尔斯·狄更斯吧。下面是对查尔斯·狄更斯以及他第二部小说《雾都孤儿》的介绍,请将缺少的部分补全,每空一词。

    Charles Dickens was born in London in 1812. His family was quite poor. In his life, he changed several jobs and met all kinds people. Many of his novels were really from his experiences in the past. Oliver Twist is his novel. It came in 1838 and was very successful and became more and more in the world.

    Because of this novel, people began to great attention to poor children at that time. Many of Dickens' novels are still read widely all over the world today.

  • 10. 下面是一则有关中学生自我保护的建议书,请你阅读后完成相关内容。每空一词。

    Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some suggestions.

    First, We should be careful when we make friends on line, especially don't them alone. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for in time, so that we can keep ourselves , Also we should eat healthily and safely. Not only that, we shouldn't crowd each other when we get or get off the bus.

    All in all, everyone needs to learn more to protect ourselves and stay from danger.