
试卷更新日期:2022-11-29 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 阅读理解

    Welcome to the Paris Olympic Games 2024! Find out more about these popular matches: Shooting, Basketball, Football, and Marathon! There are some rules you should know before watching these matches.


    ■Sit at the back or on either side of the stadium.

    ■Above all, keep quiet during the match.

    ■Do not use the flash on your camera.

    ■When the players are aiming, keep your voice down.

    Basketball Football

    ■You cannot bring drinks in glass cups.

    ■Keep the cheering down at important moments. Do not use the camera flash.

    ■If you often get too excited, bring some food. Keep your mouth moving to cool yourself.


    ■You can use the flash to take photos but remember to keep yourself away from the player.

    ■Players might look tired, but do not hand them water or anything else.

    ■Again, if a runner hurts, do not run over to help. The best thing to do is to call our doctors for help.

    If you want to get more information, please visit http: //www. Paris. Olympic. gov. cn

    (1)、If you watch the Olympic Games, you can use flash to take photos in ____________.
    A、Marathon B、Basketball C、Football D、Shooting
    (2)、According to the passage, who does the right thing?
    A、Nancy: bring cola in glass cup in the football match. B、Mike: shout at the players excitedly in the shooting match. C、Anna: call a doctor to help the player in the marathon match. D、Bill: shout at the player excitedly when he gets the basketball.
    (3)、Where is the passage probably from?
    A、In a novel B、In a magazine C、In a guide book D、On the Internet
  • 2. 阅读理解

    You might be surprised at the number of rather unusual sports that exist(存在) around the world. Mostly, they are little known outside the areas where they were invented(发明). Here are some examples:

    Sandboarding: Sandboarding starts at the top of a slope (斜坡) and uses a board to get you to the bottom. It takes place on sand dunes (沙丘) by sunny beaches or in the desert. It's popular in many countries, including Australia, Namibia and South Africa.

    Extreme ironing (极限熨烫): Extreme ironing is all about taking an ironing board to a place, where you then start to iron your clothes! The places might be on a mountainside, in a forest, on a ski slope (while skiing) , underwater, and under the ice on a frozen lake!

    Wife-carrying: This sport was inspired by an ancient western tradition in which a man showed his love to a woman by running to her village, picking her up and carrying her away. In the modern sporting competition, the man has to carry the woman along a way with several challenges without her feet touching the floor.

    (1)、According to the passage, which sport usually takes place on beaches or deserts?
    A、Water skiing. B、Sandboarding. C、Extreme ironing. D、Wife-carrying.
    (2)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Sandboarding starts at the top of a mountain.    B、In Wife-carrying, the woman's feet can't touch the floor. C、The three sports are popular around the world. D、You have to wash the clothes before doing the ironing in Extreme ironing.
    (3)、In which part of a magazine can we probably read this passage?
    A、Health. B、Travel. C、Science. D、Sports.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Do you have good friends? What kind of friends do you like to make? Some students are sharing their opinions with us.


    Although we are quite different, Alan and I have been close friends for 5years. We have a lot to talk. We play basketball together after school. We go for a picnic on weekends. It's always a pleasure to be with him.

    Han Lin

    I spend my free time mostly with people from other countries. When I'm with them, I really get to know what they're like and how easy they are to get along with. They help me to improve my English.


    I've made some good friends at the gym I go to. People there are very friendly. Talking to them as l take exercise is a good way for us to get to know each other.


    I can make more friends on the Internet because it keeps me in touch with the whole world. I can get worldwide stories from my friends all over the world.

    (1)、What helps Peter make more friends?
    A、The story. B、The sport. C、The Internet. D、The language.
    (2)、Anna made her friends________.
    A、on the Internet B、in a park C、on the street D、at the gym
    (3)、Which of the following is right?
    A、Sam and Alan play football together after school. B、Han Lin's English is very good. C、Anna thinks the people at the gym are friendly. D、Peter's friends are from China.
  • 4. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Sunny English Club

    For students

    16:00 – 18:00 Every Saturday

    200 Yuan a month

    9 Zhou Yu Street

    Tel: 3785290

    Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!

    Ocean Museum

    9:00—17:00 From Thursday to Sunday

    Ticket: 50 yuan

    132 Xue Yuan Street

    Tel: 5439871

    Show you a full picture of sea lives!

    Health Centre


    16 Yong Le Street

    Tel: 3801451

    Free examinations for those over 70

    Give you good advice to keep healthy!

    (1)、Sunny English Club is for _______.
    A、nurses B、policemen C、businessmen D、students
    (2)、If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to________.
    A、Health Centre B、Ocean Museum C、Sunny English Club D、16 Yong Le Street
    (3)、One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is ________.
    A、9 B、17 C、67 D、73
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Happy Days Club



    Every Friday

    7:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.

    Just $1 a week

    Games—music—dancing and more

    Parker's Sweet Shop

    14 Park Street



    Prices lower than in other shops


    9 AM-5 PM    






    Monday-Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

    New England House,

    Museum Street


    For young people 8-16 years old

    Paint a picture of an animal

    Send it to: Young Artist Magazine

    12 High Street before 14 September

    and win a bicycle

    (1)、Happy Days Club opens at __________.
    A、7:30 p.m. B、9:00 a.m. C、9:30 a.m. D、10:30 p.m.
    (2)、Parker's Sweet Shop sells __________.
    A、books B、chocolate C、pictures D、CDs
    (3)、Sally wants to take part in the painting competition, she should paint __________.
    A、a bicycle B、a boy C、an animal D、a flower
  • 6. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    High technology products(产品)change our life. Here are three examples.

    Smart clothes

    The clothes can change its colors — while you are wearing them. Is it hot outside? The coat will change from dark blue to a lighter color to protect you from the sun. Did you spill( 溅 ) coffee on your white trousers or shirt? No problem. They will change to brown. These smart clothes never look dirty.

    Futurecraft 4D

    Futurecraft 4D is a new kind of sports shoes. If you like running, this pair of shoes must be your favourite. It can help you run more quickly and jump much higher as it can be designed (设计)to your own need. It takes only two hours to make one pair. How can it be so fast? That's because it's made not by hand, but the 3D printer.

    E-sight Glasses

    For the blind (盲的) people, it's dangerous to go outside alone and there are always accidents around them. But now, with the E-sight, they can not only walk safely, but also "see" clearly what is happening around them. It's an exciting device(设备) that can enable them to "see" the faces of loved ones, "watch" their kids playing soccer, "read" Sunday newspapers and even travel by themselves.

    (1)、Smart clothes change colors when ______________.
    A、you have to drink coffee B、you went outside C、You're in the dark at home. D、you're in the hot sunny weather
    (2)、With the Futurecraft 4D, you can _____________.
    A、see more clearly B、run much faster C、look less dirtier D、travel more safely
    (3)、Mary wants to buy a gift for her friend who cannot see. Her best choice is ______.
    A、a 3D printer B、smart trousers C、E-sight Glasses D、Futurecraft 4D
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Earth Day Is Coming Make Every Day Earth Day Earth Day is April 22nd

    This year we need your support more than ever!

    Come and listen to the speech in the City Hall.

    Please consider supporting us.

    Thank you!

    Sign up: 53829367

    Donate money: 98186463

    Buy Ticket: ¥150 for each adult

    (free for student)

    UN Day Concert On 24th October,  UN General Assembly Hall with the Hungarian State Opera

    This year's United Nations Day will focus on

    achieving the Sustainable(可持续的)

    Development Goals.

    Further information: 28253523

    Name of concert: Freedom First

    Date of concert: Oct. 24th

    Ticket price: ¥180 per person and children below 10 are not allowed.

    World Water Day

    "Saving Water" is the theme in 2021, which is about reducing and reusing waste water.

    Join the writing contest "My School Toilet" at every weekend in March and April.

    School Children Only!

    To know more: 79828916

    E-mail address: 79828916@saveworldwater. gov


    (1)、How much will your parents pay for listening to the speech?
    A、¥180. B、¥150. C、¥360. D、¥ 300.
    (2)、Freedom First is the name of ______________.
    A、a contest B、a festival C、a concert D、a speech
    (3)、To know more about saving water, you can call_____________.
    A、53829367 B、79828916 C、28253523 D、98186463
  • 8. 阅读理解

    Are you thinking about how to spend your free time? Come and join Bonbon Club! We have interesting lessons and activities here. It's fun! For more information, please call us at 632-2873.





    English lessons

    Saturday &Sunday


    Playing basketball or soccer

    Monday &Thursday


    Dance lessons for dance lovers




    Tuesday, Thursday &Saturday


    Cooking lessons

    The second and last Saturdays of every month

    Music time

    (1)、Mike wants to swim and play soccer. He can go to the club ___________.
    A、on Tuesday B、on weekends C、on Thursday and Saturday D、on Monday and Sunday
    (2)、How often can we enjoy music in Bonbon Club?
    A、Twice a week. B、Three times a week. C、Once a month. D、Twice a month.
    (3)、Bill wants to know the prices of the lessons in Bonbon Club. He can ___________ for information.
    A、send an e-mail B、rend its newspapers C、give a call D、visit its website
  • 9. 阅读理解

    At the age of 22, most students spend their time looking for their first job. But Taylor Demonbreum had a different idea. She decided to travel around the world.

    Taylor began her trip in the Dominican Republic and finished in Canada. During one year and 189 days, Taylor visited 196 countries. She became the new record holder(纪录保持者)for the shortest time to visit all the countries. The last holder was Cassie De Pecol. Cassi spent five days more than Taylor finishing the trip.

    Taylor grew to love some countries during her trip, like Singapore and France. But one of her favorite countries was Iceland. She thought it was really a beautiful country to visit.

    Taylor said, "It was easy to map out where and when I wanted to go, but l had no control (控制)when it came to the visa(签证). Some visas are much harder to get than others. "

    Although it was not an easy trip, Taylor thinks she is different after the trip. She was shy and quiet, but now she feels more confident(自信).

    (1)、How long did it take Cassie to finish the world trip?
    A、189 days. B、194 days. C、A year and 189 days. D、A year and 194 days.
    (2)、What was the difficult part of Taylor's trip?
    A、Getting visas. B、Finding a job. C、Mapping out the trip. D、Doing everything herself.
    (3)、What can we know about Taylor from the passage?
    A、She found it hard to get a visa in most countries. B、She is the first woman who visited all the countries. C、She is more confident after the world trip. D、She disliked France before she went there.
  • 10. 阅读理解

    If you don't like sports, you can try some non-sport activities. The non-sport activities can also help you take exercise and keep you active. Here are some popular non-sport activities.

    Walking your dog

    Lots of teenagers(青少年) like dogs. If you have a pet dog, you can take it for a walk. Dogs always run around. They run faster than you. When you walk your dog, you will run after it. You will get exercise in this way. Walking your dog can also keep you active.

    Working in the garden

    Gardening is getting popular nowadays. There are some things you can do in the garden. You can water flowers, grow vegetables or pick apples. Working in the garden can make you feel relaxed. Some people say working in the garden can also make them healthy.

    Making a snowman

    Do you feel bored on snowy days? Go outside and make a snowman. You can make a snowman with your parents or friends. You will have great fun making a snowman.

    It doesn't matter what activity you will choose. Just remember that the most important thing is to keep healthy and be active.

    (1)、We can do some things in the garden EXCEPT(除了) ________.
    A、watering flowers B、growing vegetables C、cooking meals D、picking apples
    (2)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、There are four non-sport activities in the passage. B、We can know how teenagers get exercise by walking dog. C、Lots of teenagers don't want to work in the garden. D、The writer thinks the most important thing is to have fun.
    (3)、In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?
    A、Health. B、Games. C、Animals. D、Food.