
试卷更新日期:2022-11-29 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 请从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏的相应答语把编号写在前面的括号里。

    Hello, my name's Daming.

    A. D-E-S-K.

    Who's she?

    B. Two.

    How do you spell "desk"?

    C. That's my mother.

    What day is it today?

    D. It's red.

     Thanks a lot.

    E. You are welcome.

     How many cats can you see?

    F. Football.

     Where's my pencil?

    G. Hello, I'm Lingling.

     How are you?

    H. It's Thursday.

    What's your favourite sport?

    I. Fine, thank you.

    What color is your new bag?

    J. It's on your chair.

  • 2. 阅读下列五段语言材料,从方框中所给的A~F六个选项中选择符合意思的标题(其中有一项是多余选项)。

    Today, I'm very happy. Some of my classmates come to my home for my birthday party. Some of them dance, and some sing. We eat delicious food. Everyone has a good time.

    Many of us like candies. But if you eat too many candies, your teeth will not be healthy. So if you want to make your teeth healthy, don't eat too many candies.

    My grandpa is 85 years old, but he is very healthy. He does sports every morning. And he eats a lot of healthy food, like fruit and vegetables. He doesn't eat candies. He says candies are bad for his health.

    I'm twelve now. Of all the vegetables, I like tomatoes and potatoes best. I think they are good for my health. I don't like hamburgers. I don't think they are healthy.

    There are six people in my family. My grandparents like to drink tea. My parents like to drink milk. My sister and I like to drink fruit juice. We don't like to drink coffee. We are very healthy.

    A. Too many candies are bad for teeth

    B. My grandma likes to have healthy food

    C. My grandpa has got healthy living habits

    D. I've got a happy birthday party

    E. My family have got healthy drinking habits

    F. have I got a good eating habit

  • 3. 请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中给Aunt Wang, Jack, Mark, Robert, Mike五个人选择最适合他们去的地方或网址。选项中有一项多余。

    Aunt Wang wants to buy an old computer.

    Jack is a basketball fan. He loves to know more about his favorite team, Huston Rocket.

    Mark's hobby is reading.

    Robert wants to have his fourth birthday party with his parents this Sunday.

    Mike's English is not good. He is 13. He needs help.

    A. Kids' Party Welcome kids aged 3-6.

    B. Weekend Bookshop All books, 30% off at weekends.

    C. Second-hand Shop Old things are on sale.

    D. Evening School A 3-month study helps you do well in the exam.

    E. Http://www.NBA.com

    F. HK Disney Mickey and Minnie bring smiles to kids and their parents.

  • 4. 在新学校如何交朋友呢?阅读下面内容,然后从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出符合内容的小标题。

    Do you know how to make friends at a new school? Here are some things you can do.

    In a new school von need to tell your classmates your name, phone number and what you like first. Then they can know about you.

    You can help your classmates when they need help. When they have no pens or rulers, give them yours. It is a good way for you to make friends.

    It's a good time to get to know each other(彼此). You can talk about your school day or some interesting things when you are eating.

    Look at the baseball club (俱乐部), the reading club or the computer club in your school. Go to the ones you like. You can meet nice friends there and play with them.

    It can make you look friendly. The teachers and classmates are happy to see your smile. Then you can have a good day with them at school.

    A. Always help your classmates

    B. Go to some school clubs

    C. Tell others about yourself(你自己)

    D. Ask your classmates to have lunch

    E. Always have a smiling face(笑脸)

  • 5. 请根据以下同学的描述,找出相应的寻物启事或失物招领,并回答问题。



    Is this your pen? Ask the teacher for it.


    Lost: A white ruler.

    Please e-mail me at jacky23@163.com.


    Lost: A jacket.

    If you find it, please call me at 763-2356.


    Eric, is this your notebook?

    My phone number is 362-4657. Call me!

    (1)、Alan: I lost a jacket. My telephone number is 763-2356.
    (2)、Mary: I found a red pen in Room 203. I give it to the teacher.
    (3)、Jack: I lost a ruler. It's white. My e-mail address is jacky23@163.com.
    (4)、Cindy: I found a notebook with the name “Eric Green”. My phone number is 362-4657.
    (5)、Who lost a notebook?
    A、Alan. B、Jack. C、Cindy. D、Eric.
  • 6. 请认真阅读题中每一段的主要内容,然后从A-F六个选项中选出符合要求的最佳主题句。(其中有一项多余)

    Parents are very important to us and they love us all the time. As kids, how to show love to our parents? Here are some tips.

    Whether with pencils or paints, it will be a great treasure (财富)to them forever When we are older and leave home, our parents can see the picture when they miss us.

    Though it's a kind of housework, it shows Mom and Dad that we care about them and we can help them around our house. And clean rooms make the family happier.

    It can be some rice, some meat and vegetables,and even some soup. It can give them a break after they come back from work. And it's better to wash the dishes after dinner.

    The best way to show them our love is, never to lie (说谎).This shows that you not only love them, but also believe in and respect(尊敬)them.

    Watch a film with Mom sometimes, or go to a sports game with Dad once in a while. It is also a way to show them how much we care and want to be closer with them.

    A. Spend time with them.

    B. Keep our room clean.

    C. Make a picture for them.

    D. Say sorry to them.

    E. Never tell lies to them.

    F. Cook dinner for them.

  • 7. 上栏是五个人的信息,下栏是六则广告。 请根据这五个人的信息,从以下选项(A,B,C,D,E,F)中选出最合适他们的广告。其中有一项是多余选项。

    Lucy likes dancing. She wants to learn to dance by herself on the Internet.

    Jack likes searching for information on the Internet when he has problems with his homework.

    Tom doesn't know how to use a computer.

    Lily wants to buy a new computer because her old one doesn't work.

    Jane likes music very much. She often listens to music on the Internet on weekends.

    A. www. dancelearning. com

    If you like dancing and want to learn how to dance Online, you can visit our website. Here we will show you many dance videos.

    B. Jingjing Computer Shop

    Do you want to buy a new computer? Come to our shop. We will give you a good price.

    C. FM Music Radio

    Do you often listen to music on the radio? If yes, why don't you listen to FM Music Radio? We play music every weekend.

    D. www. funbbs. com

    Do you often have problems with your homework? Don't worry. You can find lots of information about school subjects here.

    E. www. beautifulmusic. com

    On our website, there are all kinds of music for you to listen to. Welcome to our website. You can find your favorite music at any time.

    F. Guangming Computer Club

    Do you want to learn how to use a computer? Come here, and we will teach you some skills about using computers. .

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的A—E五个选项中选择正确的选项,将其序号填入下面小题。

        Here are four schoolbags in the classroom. They are new. They ‘re green, yellow, black and blue.  Can you help me find their owners?

        Lisa likes green. She' s often in green clothes.  Yes, it is. Her name is on it. Is the yellow one Rose's? It's "6". "6" is Rose's student number.  I think the black schoolbag is David's. He likes black very much.  For the blue one, I think it's Terry"s. He tells me his Dad gives a new blue schoolbag to him.

    A. The yellow one is Rose's

    B. And he is often in black clothes.

    C. Whose schoolbags are these?

    D. Is the green schoolbag hers?

    E. Oh, a number is on the schoolbag.

  • 9.  请根据四位同学的描述,找出相应的寻物启示或失物招领,并回答问题。

    Frank: I lost a pair of sports shoes. If you find it, call me at 876-3531. 

    Alan: I found a bag of fruit. My phone number is 612-8847.

    Linda: I lost two baseball bats. If you find them, please call me at 380-7436.

    Sally: I found a ring with the name" Grace Brown". My phone number is 255-0284.


    Is this your fruit?

    Please call me at 612-8847.


    Lost: Two baseball bats. My name is Linda Uiller. Please call me at 380-7436.


    Lost: A pair of sports shoes. My name is Frank.

    My phone number is 876-3531.


    Grace Brown, is this your ring? Please call me at 255-0284.

     lost the ring.

  • 10. Mrs Roberts喜欢给孩子们猜谜语。大家快来猜一猜吧!请选择和谜语内容相符的动物图片,其中有一项多余。

    A.  B.  C.

    D.  E.  F.

    (1)、I am a pet. I have four legs. I don't like cats. I bark.
    (2)、I live on the farm. I have horns. I moo. I give milk.
    (3)、I am beautiful. I have six legs. I can fly. I eat honey.
    (4)、I eat vegetables. I can run fast. My eyes are red. My ears are long.
    (5)、I live in the house. I eat everything. I am small and grey. Cats eat me.