
试卷更新日期:2022-11-24 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. She's going to_______ the great wall next week.
    A、visit B、visits C、visiting
  • 2. I'm going to ______________ the Chinese song.
    A、teach he B、teaches him C、teach him
  • 3. Don't ______________ little ant. I won't sit on you.
    A、worried B、worry C、worrys
  • 4. I can't ____ now. It's nine o'clock.
    A、goes B、going C、go
  • 5. Let's _____ to Chinatown.
    A、going B、go C、went
  • 6. It_________got twenty million people.
    A、has B、is C、's
  • 7. —Why not________on Tuesday?
    —It's half price.
    A、see a film B、seeing a film C、sees a film
  • 8. Chen Jie is ill. She should________.
    A、half price B、see a doctor C、not well
  • 9. I wash the vegetables and Cao Jia _______ salad
    A、tell B、make C、makes
  • 10. Don't __________sad.
    A、are B、be C、please
  • 11. My pen pal _________ Chinese well.
    A、study B、studying C、studies
  • 12. Tom usually _______ in the evening.
    A、playing computer B、watch TV C、does his homework
  • 13. Does Oliver ______ a music lesson every day?
    A、have B、has C、having
  • 14. My sister ______ hiking.
    A、like going B、likes going C、likes goes
  • 15. Sometimes Zhang Peng ___TV too long. Mum's angry.
    A、watch B、watching C、watches
  • 16. —I __________ a picnic next Friday.

    —Have a good time!

    A、have B、am going to have C、has
  • 17. —______ Allen ________ in Shanghai?

    —No, he doesn't.

    A、Does; live B、Is; live C、Does; lives
  • 18. We should _________ hard every day and stay healthy.
    A、study B、studies C、studying
  • 19. —_________ he _________at a university?

    —Yes, he's a scientist.

    A、Do; works B、Does; work C、Does; works