
试卷更新日期:2022-11-24 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. ________ is my brother. ________ is my sister over there (那边).
    A、This; That B、That; This C、These; Those D、Those; These
  • 2. —        ?

    —It's a yellow key.

    A、What's this B、How are you C、Is this a key D、What color is it
  • 3. —Is this your ruler?

    —No,         . It's         ruler.

    A、this isn't; Li Lei's B、this is; Li Lei's C、it isn't; Li Lei's D、it is; Li Lei
  • 4.         dogs are black.         are my dogs.
    A、This; They B、Those; They C、That; Those D、They; Those
  • 5. —Is ________ old man Mr. Green?

    —Yes, it is.

    A、an B、these C、that D、one
  • 6. —         the bags in the box?

    —Yes,         .

    A、Are; they are B、Is; it is C、Are; those are D、Is; that is
  • 7. —Mum, ________ my friend, Jim.

    —Hi, Jim, nice to meet you.

    A、this is B、that is C、it is D、he is
  • 8. —Where ________ the apples?

    —______ in the bag.

    A、is; It's B、is; They're C、are; It's D、are; They're
  • 9. Tom,         is my brother, Mike. Mike,         is my good friend, Tom.
    A、this; that B、that; that C、this; this D、that; this
  • 10. —Look! Do you know ________man under the tree?

    —Sorry. It's too far to see ________clearly.

    A、this; him B、that; this C、this; her D、that; him
  • 11. ________ is my brother and ________ name is Jeff Brown.
    A、This, his B、This, her C、she, his D、He, her
  • 12. Hi, _____ is my mother and _______ are my friends.
    A、this, that B、these, these C、this, these D、that, that
  • 13. You helped to make ________ possible for me to get the job.
    A、it B、this C、that D、these
  • 14. The boy found ________ easy to fly kites.
    A、that B、it C、this D、it's
  • 15. ____________are Bill's books.
    A、Those B、This C、That D、It
  • 16. —Who are         girls?

    —They're my friends, Helen and Lucy.

    A、that two B、two these C、this two D、those two
  • 17. 你想知道"地图"用英语怎样说,你该怎样问大家呢?
    A、What's this in English? B、How are you? C、What's your name? D、Good evening!
  • 18. —Is this         computer game?

    —Yes,         is         computer game.

    A、his; it; me B、your; this; his C、your; it; my D、you; it; my
  • 19. I can't find my. Notebook, I think I lost ___________.
    A、it B、one C、this
  • 20. —___________?

    —They are tables.

    A、What are they B、What's this C、How are you
  • 21. —This book is mine.         the ruler?

    —It's Helen's.

    A、What about B、Is this C、Are these D、Are you
  • 22. —Is that Tony's pencil?

    —No,         isn't. It's         .

    A、it; hers B、that; her C、that; hers D、it; she's
  • 23. Your new shirt looks ________ with ________ pink trousers.
    A、well, that B、good, those C、good, that D、well, those
  • 24. —Is that your father?

    —_________. It's my uncle.

    A、Yes, that is B、No, that isn't C、Yes, it is D、No, it isn't
  • 25. —___________ under the table?

    —No, they aren't.

    A、Where are B、What's C、Are those keys