
试卷更新日期:2022-11-18 类型:期中考试


  • 1. What does Shirley plan to do this afternoon?
    A、  Have classes. B、Go swimming. C、Do her homework.
  • 2. When is Peter's father's birthday?
    A、On September 1st. B、On September 10th. C、On September 20th.
  • 3. Where will the man go first?
    A、New York. B、Chicago. C、Washington DC.
  • 4. What does the man offer to do?
    A、Lend the woman his copy. B、Underline the important parts. C、Accompany the woman to the bookstore.
  • 5. What will the man probably do tomorrow afternoon?
    A、Attend a meeting. B、Meet the woman. C、See a film.


  • 6. 听录音,回答问题
    (1)、What magazine will the woman work for?
    A、Sports Weekly. B、Swim World. C、National Football.
    (2)、What will the woman most probably work as?
    A、A designer. B、An editor. C、A secretary.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题
    (1)、What is the man's cousin?
    A、A sailor. B、A teacher. C、A journalist.
    (2)、How does the man find teaching?
    A、Exciting. B、Boring. C、Challenging.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题
    (1)、What is the matter with Mr. Smith?
    A、He is unqualified for his job. B、He can't sleep at night. C、He got a sore throat.
    (2)、What does Mr. Smith teach?
    A、Chinese. B、English. C、Physics.
    (3)、Why doesn't Mr. Smith want to take a rest?
    A、He has to help his students. B、He has rested for a week. C、He wants to visit a university.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题
    (1)、What does the woman think of her co-workers?
    A、Selfish. B、Nice. C、Unfriendly.
    (2)、How is the research program going?
    A、It won't be started till March. B、It was finished last Christmas. C、It hasn't been finished yet.
    (3)、What do we know about the woman?
    A、She traveled a lot in America. B、She won't go back to America. C、She enjoyed herself in parties.
    (4)、What day does Boxing Day fall on?
    A、December 24. B、December 25. C、December 26.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题
    (1)、What will the headmaster do tomorrow morning?
    A、Meet the listeners in the library. B、Introduce the school to the listeners. C、Take photos in the lab building.
    (2)、Where will the listeners visit on Tuesday morning?
    A、Central Park. B、Brooklyn Bridge. C、The Statue of Liberty.
    (3)、What will be held on Tuesday night?
    A、A talk show. B、A party. C、A lecture.
    (4)、When will the listeners go to Washington?
    A、On Tuesday afternoon. B、On Wednesday morning. C、On Wednesday afternoon.


  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Wine and beaches, fireworks and music...our readers recommend some fantastic festivals.

    Festa deirtlva e del vino, Italy

    Set on the beautiful shores of Lake Garda, this grapes and wine festival takes over the small town of Bardolino for four days every October. With local wines, food, art projections, fireworks and live music, people come from miles around to celebrate. First and foremost, it's about great wine, but it's worth visiting to soak up the great atmosphere.

    Free, 1-5 October

    Quest festival, Vietnam

    This is a weekend camping festival held just a 40-minute drive from Hanoi, bringing together locals and visitors in a celebration of underground live and electronic music culture. Held in the beautiful Son Tinh campsite, there are usually about 30 local and international DJs and 10 bands. There are also workshops, pop-up cafes, fire performances, dancing and much more.

    Weekend tickets about £25, 6-8 November

    Estival, Switzerland

    This is a free festival of jazz which takes place in the first weekend in July in the pretty squares and lakeside beaches and parks around the southern Swiss town of Lugano. The palm trees and summer air to see some of Europe's up and coming jazz bands and enjoy Swiss

    Free, every July

    Irish Redhead Convention, County Cork

    A friendly gathering for all red-haired people is held in the small seaside village of Crosshaven where redheads from all over the world take part in light hearted events. There's live music, art exhibitions, lectures and of course the traditional Parade of Redheads through the village led by the newly crowned Redhead King and Queen.

    Free, Every August

    (1)、Jennifer, a girl with red hair, may be interested in ________.
    A、Estival. B、Quest festival. C、Festa deirtlva e del vino. D、Irish Redhead Convention.
    (2)、What do these four festivals have in common?
    A、They offer local food. B、They have fireworks. C、They are free of charge. D、They have music activities.
    (3)、Where can you probably find the text?
    A、In a textbook. B、In a magazine. C、In a news report. D、In a research paper.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    On Saturday 24 August 1918, it was raining cats and dogs and thundering over a city called Sunderland on the northeast coast of England. The storm lasted for only about ten minutes. People were surprised to see that it was not just rainwater falling from the sky. There were fish falling down, too! People came out to find out what was happening. They could not believe their own eyes. There were thousands of fish — sand eels— lying on the ground. They were about seven centimeters long, and all were frozen solid.

    Sand eels swim together in large groups, often in sandy water, and are often found in large numbers in the North Sea, which reaches out to the east of Sunderland. How was it possible for these sand eels to fall from the sky and land on Sunderland?

    Scientists believed the heavy thunderstorm that afternoon may have caused a waterspout. Waterspouts can be formed when strong winds move quickly in a circle over water. They are so powerful; anything less than one meter in length can be taken into them and forced into the clouds. The clouds carry whatever has been taken into them for long distances — sometimes over 150 kilometers. It's very cold up there and everything soon freezes solid.

    For hundreds of years there have been reports of small animals being taken into the sky through waterspouts. In 2009, dead tadpoles rained down on the city of Nanao in Japan. In 2012, fifty kilos of prawns fell from the sky over Sri Lanka. In 2017, fish fell on the coastal city of Tampico in Mexico.

    It must be a very strange experience to see fish raining down on you. It would probably hurt if one fell on your head! With climate change, global warming and many reports of terrible natural disasters, will the time ever come when it may really begin to rain cats and dogs?

    (1)、What was the rain like on 24 August 1918?
    A、It was very heavy. B、It fell around England. C、It lasted quite a long time. D、It caused many human deaths.
    (2)、What do we know about the sand eels that landed on Sunderland?
    A、They were few in number. B、They came in different sizes. C、They were still alive when landing. D、They probably came from the North Sea.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "them" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A、Clouds. B、Waterspouts. C、Strong winds. D、The waters of the sea.
    (4)、In the end, what does the author probably care most about?
    A、Our health. B、Our environment. C、The wild animals. D、The news reports.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    I keep remembering unusual things: the way she loved daffodils, jokes she told at the dinner table, the look in her eyes when she talked about my future. I knew about college before I'd never heard of high school; I was Mom's second chance at the degree she never had.

    Her parents pushed her too much, too hard, and she always wished she hadn't let the pressure defeat her. She dropped out of college after one term for marriage and a secretarial job. While she never regretted marrying my father, she always regretted giving up her dream of becoming an accountant. She was determined her eldest daughter would never miss an opportunity.

    One of the most extremely special times of my life was Christmas in my second school year, when I played Tiny Tim in a local community theater production of "A Christmas Carol." Mom delighted in my endless rehearsal (排练) stories and spent hours helping me work out ways of disguising my long hair. There's a line in the show: "And it was always said of him that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive had the knowledge." Change the pronouns and that sentence describes Mom perfectly.

    She was the one person I could talk to about anything. She was right about so much, so often—much more than I gave her credit for at the time.

    I never imagined she wouldn't be here now. I never thought cancer could strike so quickly, could kill someone so strong and determined in only a year. She's the only person I couldn't imagine living without; now, since last January, I've had to. Suddenly, I have no one to talk to about meaningless little things, no one whose advice I trust completely to help me with decisions. When I come home from school, I come home to an empty house, troubled by memories of the year she spent here dying. I remember the disastrous Thanksgiving when she was feeling terrible, and our wonderful last Christmas Eve together.

    What I feel cheated of is the future we'll never have.

    (1)、What can be learned about the author's mother in Paragraph 2?
    A、She gave in to her parents. B、She had an obedient(听话的) daughter. C、She fell in love with her husband in college. D、She wished her kids to follow her example.
    (2)、What made the Christmas in the author's second school year special?
    A、Her rehearsal stories. B、Her mother's company. C、Her favorite line from the show. D、Her mother's skills in doing hair.
    (3)、What does the author think of her mother?
    A、Clever and energetic. B、Caring and humorous. C、Supportive and reliable. D、Talented and hard-working.
    (4)、What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?
    A、To show her mother's great sadness. B、To tell anecdotes (轶事) about her mother. C、To talk about the cruelty of the disease. D、To share fond memories of her mother.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    For caffeine addicts, a morning without a pot of coffee is a no-go. But it hasn't always been as easy to make coffee as it is today — and as Rebecca K. Shrum writes, the dawn of coffee machines came along with a lot of manly marketing(营销).

    Mr. Coffee, the first electric drip coffee machine for home use, appeared in1972, forever changing the way Americans made coffee. Before its rise, women used percolators (渗滤式咖啡壶) to make their coffee on the stovetop or on the counter — a method that produced bitter, scorched (烧焦的) coffee. Despite the availability of complex, non-electric drip systems, percolators ruled American kitchens.

    They also gave American women a reputation for making terrible coffee. Part of that was based on the coffee supply itself, writes Shrum. Due to wartime shortages and poor quality, "coffee tasted bad no matter what method consumers used."

    At the time, women were households' primary coffeemakers, and cultural pressures such as the popularity of percolators as wedding gifts kept the task in a firmly female sphere(领域). Coffee ads described coffee-caused family issues and threatened women who made bad coffee with relationship problems. This cultural pressure cooker presented the perfect opportunity for Mr. Coffee.

    Mr. Coffee looked and worked differently than percolators. It also made better coffee. In order to get consumers to give up their familiar percolators for this expensive new product, not only was Mr. Coffee given a masculine (男子气概的) name, writes Shrum, but its marketing suggested that it would produce a man's preferred coffee. The company hired Joe DiMaggio to give his masculine endorsement (宣传) to the product — adding an additional layer of masculine advice to a product that claimed to teach women how to make better coffee.

    Mr. Coffee encouraged men to get into the kitchen themselves. Since it was so easy to use, men no longer had an excuse to avoid coffee-making. Mr. Coffee played into existing ideas about gender and domesticity. It all goes to show that everything around us has historical and cultural significance — even that morning cup of coffee.

    (1)、What was mainly used to make coffee in American households before 1972?
    A、The glass pot. B、The percolator. C、The non-electric drip system. D、The electric drip coffee machine.
    (2)、What was a cause of American women's reputation for making bad coffee according to Shrum?
    A、Their deep dislike for coffee. B、The bad family relationships. C、The poor quality of coffee itself. D、Their improper use of the devices.
    (3)、How was Mr. Coffee advertised?
    A、By giving away coffee. B、By including men in its marketing C、By asking Joe DiMaggio to name the machine. D、By stressing the cultural significance of coffee.
    (4)、What would be the best title for the text?
    A、What Made Americans Caffeine Addicts (上瘾的人)? B、How Did Mr. Coffee Make Coffee Manly? C、What Made Men Feel Worthy in Family Life? D、How Did Women Fight for Equality in the Family?


  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Between school, homework, sports, your after-school job, and hanging out with friends, it may feel like there's no time for healthy eating. And when you have time, you may simply eat snacks like potato chips.In fact, if you have a busy schedule, it's even more important to eat healthy foods that give you the energy you need to keep going.

    For example, you may feel hungry in a long afternoon of classes or during your swim meet. Knowing how much food your body needs to satisfy this hunger is important. A few walnuts(核桃) are great brain food before sitting down to do your math homework.

    Healthy snacking is important to you. During teenage years, the body needs more nutrients to grow. Snacks are a great way to satisfy your hunger and get all nutrients your body needs.Do not eat foods with lots of added sugars like candy bars or soda. That's because eating these foods may help you stop feeling hungry for a moment, but they are bad for your health in the long term.

    Choosing healthy snacks means shopping smart.We may find "all natural" on the side of a package but it doesn't necessarily mean it's nutritious. For example, "all natural" juice drinks can be filled with sugar, which means they'll make you fat easily and give you little nutrition.

    A. It's natural to feel hungry at certain times.

    B. Healthy snacking doesn't have to be boring.

    C. But you need to pay attention to what you eat.

    D. If you're really feeling hungry, don't pay no attention to it.

    E. But it is possible to treat yourself to a healthy snack.

    F. But a whole bag only makes you put on weight easily!

    G. Be careful of the health information on food packages.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When young, I loved going on trail runs. It was my favorite way to1stress.

    So, when I was back in my hometown after a2first year of my Ph. D. program. I thought a trail run was just what I needed. But instead of helping me relax, the run did just the3.

    After I moved to the city for college, where my runs were on flat concrete paths instead of4dirt trails, I used a GPS watch. When I went on trail runs again in the country, it constantly reminded me of the fact that I wasn't5up with my usual pace. I6my watch, thinking that would allow me to enjoy my7and find the peace I expected, but I found myself under performing. "Why can't I let go and just enjoy myself?" I wondered. But after some8, I realized why I was9both on trail runs and in graduate school.

    Going into my Ph.D., I had thought that I would do well. To my surprise, I was wrong. I10confidence in my research abilities which I thought stopped me performing well and I constantly felt my progress was too slow. Other students' self-confidence and their excellent results made me feel11.

    Then came my visit home. I was having12because I hadn't properly13my expectations to the differences between an urban run and a trail run.

    A Ph. D. is like a trail run. Sometimes you can run fast. Sometimes you might climb at snail's pace. And that's OK. Barriers are14. Sometimes it's best to take a deep breath and do your best to15the challenge.

    A、accept B、expose C、escape D、rescue
    A、magical B、normal C、fast D、tough
    A、odd B、same C、opposite D、extreme
    A、winding B、similar C、safe D、transparent
    A、coming B、keeping C、breaking D、linking
    A、cut off B、put off C、set off D、turned off
    A、investments B、surroundings C、investigations D、associations
    A、motivation B、imagination C、reflection D、determination
    A、struggling B、running C、talking D、trembling
    A、ended B、enriched C、missed D、lacked
    A、indifferent B、incredible C、insecure D、inconsiderate
    A、trouble B、expectation C、fun D、battle
    A、adjusted B、devoted C、owed D、contributed
    A、unreal B、unavoidable C、unlimited D、unacceptable
    A、recognize B、border C、prepare D、embrace


  • 17. 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    How can people live in a country for years and not learn the language? I'd heard of such people and, if I'm(complete) honest, I judged them. Then, the time came for me to move to China and I decided I wouldn't waste my opportunityothers.

    After two years, I'm embarrassed to report that I've not made significant progress.I work mostly with Chinese colleaguesoffer to help me, I simply don't make the time. Why, though? How is it possible? Well, life is so interesting in Beijing that I get  (catch) up in anything and everything else.

    One would think that living in a foreign country would practically press you (study) the language, but it's more complex than that. First, when your job is to use your native language, the majority of your day  (spend) in and around native language material. Second, let's not forget that we live in the (advance) era (时代) of translation apps. Yes, it is easy indeed to go about the majority of your day and not hear or need to use much Chinese at all. Thirdly, it must be recognized that learningnew language takes time.

    In short, it has taught me how to abandon my opinions about how people "should" interact with the world. It has increased my  (able) to empathize(共情).


  • 18. 选择并使用所给英文单词的正确形式完成句子。有两个单词为多余。

    concentrate,   misunderstand,  frighten,  apology,  seek,   achieve,  judge

    (1)、The little girl feel at the sight of the big black dog.
    (2)、She has always felt by her parents.
    (3)、They long and hard but found no answer.
    (4)、I slept badly and had difficulty my mind.
    (5)、from what you say in your letter, you don't sound well.

八、根据句意和所给汉语提示, 用适当的英文短语完成句子。(每空1分,满分10分)

  • 19. Whether we're walking to school, doing homework or just hanging out at the weekend, we're hardly(脱离彼此的视线).
  • 20. Difficulties and hardships have(使显现)the best qualities of the young scientist.
  • 21. I nearly (失去知觉)when I saw all the blood.  
  • 22. No matter how hard he tries, his parents are never satisfied with him, which is(逐渐破坏) his self-confidence.
  • 23. She was so touched by his generosity that for a moment she was(不知所措) for words.
  • 24. The (最精彩的部分) of the performance was a short play performed by the Drama Club.
  • 25. On the journey to success, you will have some difficulties (克服).
  • 26. No matter what happens, she always(向好的方面看). She's an optimist.
  • 27. Many people are (对……担忧) the environment and have done their part to help.
  • 28. (无论如何), he will respond to emails that he receives immediately.


  • 29. Put (simple), potential is your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard enough.
  • 30. I warned that her that (skip) meals was unhealthy, but she wouldn't listen.
  • 31. This friendship is worth (save): eight years is a long time.
  • 32. We often find easier to recognize other people's weaknesses than our own.
  • 33. It looks like you're a lot of stress.
  • 34. After school, there were many clubs to join and the one attracted me most was the Rugby Club.
  • 35. Everything will turn all right in the end, and the changes and challenges of your teenage years will prepare you for adulthood.
  • 36. In a society being thin is often seen as being beautiful, teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly.
  • 37. If you're feeling (energy), we could go out for a run.
  • 38. It is accepted that cycling is highly (benefit) to our health and the environment.


  • 39. 假定你是李华,你和你的英国朋友Jim约好本周日下午去听一个关于中国文化的讲座,但你因故不能赴约。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:





    2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。