备战2023年中考英语专题复习—— 完形填空(议论文)

试卷更新日期:2022-11-16 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. 完形填空

    We feel angry or guilty (内疚的) about the things we did or did not achieve, about the things we cannot have, and many other things. It seems that everyone carries their own bad emotions (情绪). But neither guilt 1 anger can help us. Over time, they can be heavy weights on our 2.

    These bad emotions don't do anything good for us 3. So you might ask yourself-is it possible to put down this heavy burden (负担) and give yourself a 4?It is quite possible. Start by actually looking at your feelings. How do they get inside of us? Why do we carry them for so long instead of putting them down? Can we live 5 them?

    By thinking about our bad emotions, we can find healthy ways to 6 them. Unhealthy behaviors are not the way to do this. They provide no relief. Instead, there are better ways to handle them. One of the best ways is forgiveness (原谅).

    Forgiveness is a powerful tool. We should forgive 7 first. We shouldn't keep bad emotions inside. We must also forgive others who have made us guilty or angry. This is not always easy. But 8 we learn to forgive ourselves, it becomes easier to forgive others as well.

    There is nothing good about carrying years of emotional burdens. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can put down our burdens and feel better about ourselves. 9 you do this, you will start to feel a lot lighter. Years of heaviness will be magically lifted! You'll start to feel like you have more 10 and you'll be much happier with your life.

    A、or B、nor C、both D、and
    A、shoulders B、hands C、legs D、arms
    A、in all B、above all C、at all D、all in all
    A、secret B、result C、pain D、break
    A、without B、in C、for D、with
    A、look after B、worry about C、deal with D、bring up
    A、yourself B、ourselves C、themselves D、myself
    A、unless B、although C、where D、when
    A、As soon as B、As well as C、As often as D、As far as
    A、pride B、difficulty C、energy D、knowledge
  • 2. 完形填空

    Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.

    First, reading is fun. It can always bring you1if you like reading. You will never feel2or tired.

    Next, you can read a book3—in a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you4is a book!

    Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read5a bobby, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it6to understand what you read. As your reading skills7you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.

    Some people say that reading is out of date. This is not true. You can read on 8and the better you read, the better your computer skills will be.

    Good readers may become9too. They always have more things to write about. Reading is a wonderful hobby. 10start reading right now?

    A、happy B、happily C、pleasure D、pleased
    A、interesting B、interested C、boring D、bored
    A、anywhere B、somewhere C、any time D、some time
    A、want B、need C、like D、have
    A、for B、a C、like D、of
    A、easily B、more easily C、easier D、more easier
    A、improve B、change C、rise D、add
    A、online B、phones C、screens D、computers
    A、players B、artists C、dancers D、writers
    A、How about B、Why not C、Why don't D、Shall we
  • 3. Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

    People have been trying to find out whether homework is good or bad for school children, and they have different1.

    Some people think that homework is an important part of2for students. They believe it not only enables children to practice what they have learned3class, but also helps4their handwriting. They also say that homework is able to teach children5to work on their own. Also, it's a skill which is6to them in future life.

    Others disagree, though. They think homework puts7stress on children. And the time spent on homework could have been used to do8activities like reading and playing sports, To back up(支持) their opinion, they give the9of Finland(芬兰).

    In Finland, students have little homework. But the country remains one of the most educationally10countries in the world.

    In my opinion, whether the homework is good or bad11the purpose of it. If there is no clear reason for giving homework, the students will not get12from doing it, so it should not be set.13, I still believe that homework can14help with children's learning, if teachers clearly tell them why they15do the homework and let them know how they will do their homework. Students will get more from homework.

    A、advice B、opinions C、idea
    A、learn B、to learn C、learning
    A、in B、for C、after
    A、change B、increase C、improve
    A、what B、how C、which
    A、useful B、hard C、difficult
    A、much too B、too much C、too many
    A、another B、others C、other
    A、name B、example C、number
    A、successful B、success C、succeed
    A、works out B、works on C、depends on
    A、something B、anything C、nothing
    A、However B、But C、Or
    A、hardly B、suddenly C、really
    A、should B、could C、may
  • 4. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Have you argued with a friend or done anything you regretted? 1 it's hard to put things right, especially when your feelings are hurt. Knowing 2 to apologize (道歉) can help you become friends again and understand why you argue, 3 you'll separate from each other forever.

    Why do you argue?

    You argue for all kinds of reasons. Your friend's idea is 4 yours about something or your sister always drives you crazy. When you are 5, you may say or do something to hurt others. Arguing with others is quite normal but it's important to 6 it and learn from it

    What does an apology mean?

    Everybody makes mistakes in his life. Apologizing is a good 7 of admitting (承认) your mistakes. In fact, it's very difficult to say sorry to others. Most of the people think saying sorry means regretting what they've 8 done. But as long as you decide to correct your mistakes, you should 9. It's believed that a good apology needs to show that you're truly sorry, you want to be responsible for what you do and get forgiveness (原谅).

    What if (万一) it's not your mistake?

    Sometimes the mistakes have 10 to do with you, but another person may force you to say sorry. Be sure to try talking about why you argue at first. If 11 of you still can agree with each other, what should you do? Keep 12 and ask a parent or a teacher for help.

    Does apologizing always work?

    As far as I know, an apology itself 13 be enough, so try to ask someone else how he felt while you were arguing. Explain your side too, and make 14 clear that you'll try to avoid making the same mistake again. An apology isn't a magic stick. It may 15 people time to understand and forgive.

    A、Perhaps B、Recently C、Instead
    A、what B、where C、how
    A、and B、or C、so
    A、different from B、similar to C、as well as
    A、happy B、bored C、angry
    A、solve B、refuse C、complain
    A、hobby B、way C、reason
    A、never B、nearly C、ever
    A、go away B、try your best C、talk back
    A、something B、anything C、nothing
    A、all B、neither C、either
    A、cool B、relaxed C、crazy
    A、mustn't B、may not C、needn't
    A、that B、this C、it
    A、spend B、take C、cost
  • 5. 从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

    One morning, a teacher was giving a lesson in a middle school. All of the students stared at him in1because the teacher had a rope (绳) in his hand.

    At the beginning of the class, the teacher didn't say anything. 2 he started tying knots (打结) in the rope. Then he asked, "I have tied three knots in this rope. Is it the same rope I had before?"

    One of the students replied, "It's not 3 to answer. The rope seems to have 4 from the outside. It has three knots which were not there before. But from the inside it is still the same rope 5 it was before."

    "Yes, you are right!" the teacher said. "Now, I will untie (解开) these knots."

    Then he began to 6 both ends of the rope away from each other.

    Seeing that, the student said, "You are not untying them. You are making them tighter (更紧的)."

    So the teacher stopped and asked, "7 can I do to untie these knots?"

    Some students replied, "You have to look at them closely so that you will know how they are tied. Then you can try to untie them."

    The teacher said, "That's what I want to hear. In our lives, many people want to 8 problems, but they don't even know the reasons that cause the problems. Just like the 9goes, everything must be carefully examined before we act. We need to first know the cause of a problem, and only then can we solve 10 as soon as possible."

    A、danger B、surprise C、trouble
    A、Perhaps B、Sometimes C、Instead
    A、easy B、brave C、polite
    A、grown B、burned C、changed
    A、or B、as C、until
    A、put B、pull C、point
    A、How B、When C、What
    A、ask for B、deal with C、depend on
    A、saying B、promise C、memory
    A、it B、him C、them
  • 6. 完形填空

    Students may have problems with their minds. Some students become worried   1they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates. A student of Grade8 could not understand his teacher and was2at his lessons. He became3worried about it that he started4his finger with a knife. Another student was afraid of5. She got very worried when she looked at the exam paper, and she could write nothing. A report6that 18%of Shanghai students have mental problems. Their troubles include being unhappy, having problems in learning and getting on with people.

    Many students who have problems won't ask for7. Some think they8look stupid if they go to see a doctor. Others don't want to talk about9secrets. A famous expert on students has the following10

    1)Talk to your parents and teachers often.

    2)Take part in group activities and play sports.

    3)Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy.

    A、and B、so C、because D、for
    A、badly B、well C、good D、bad
    A、as B、so C、such D、too
    A、to cut B、cut C、cutting D、cuts
    A、parents B、exams C、doctors D、classmates
    A、says B、say C、talk D、talks
    A、success B、hug C、help D、chance
    A、would B、are C、were D、will
    A、them B、theirs C、his D、their
    A、suggestions B、fact C、facts D、suggestion
  • 7. 根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Everyone has his own dream in the heart. Dreams are like stars in the sky. Dreams are special things which only belong to human beings. Hall, a super intelligent (智能)computer in a science fiction movie, who almost has understood all feelings of human beings, always confuses if he has dreams. After an accident, he realizes1a dream is. It's not what you see during your sleep, but something when you are2. At last, he helps save the members of a spaceship and dies for a pretty dream to build a new world. Dreams are so important for a person that we must have one dream3two. 4a dream, we know what we should do something for. Without a dream, we will lose power to5. How to make our dreams come true is a serious problem. Here6my advice.

    First, we must make sure we have a practical(实际的) dream. It's7too far for us to reach nor too near to need any hard work.

    Second, we need to make plans to8them. A long plan makes us always know the necessary big   steps toward the final goal. A short plan helps us keep getting a little step closer to the dream.

    Third, we should have a good9. That means we should always be active and never give up whenever we come across problems or even failure. Also, we should never be careless and keep working hard even when we get success.

    Dreams are so beautiful and meaningful for all of us that we will be excited10we are just imagining about them. But the most important one is to take action. So let's begin our journey to success right now.

    A、what B、which C、who
    A、sleepy B、wake C、awake
    A、or B、and C、but
    A、With B、Without C、Include
    A、go out B、go ahead C、go away
    A、are B、was C、is
    A、either B、neither C、whether
    A、achieve B、come true C、come out
    A、feeling B、attitude C、decision
    A、even though B、unless C、because
  • 8. 完形填空

    Body image—the way people feel about their looks—is a big problem for many young people today. According to a1, more than half the teenage girls in the USA think 2 should be on a diet(节食), and almost one in five teenage boys are 3 about their bodies and their weight.

    But what's the cause? In the study, many blame the media(媒体). Turn on the TV and you'll 4 see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. 5 a magazine or a newspaper, look through the Internet, and it's usually6.

    Many young people feel pressure to7 these "perfect" people. But for most, this is just not possible. In the USA, the average(平均的) woman is 163 cm tall and weighs 64 kilos,8 the average model is 180 cm tall and weighs 53 kilos.

    When people don't look the way many9people look, they may become less confident. Some stop eating 10 in order to lose weight. Students can lose so much confidence that they start to 11 taking part in classroom activities at school.

    Body image problems don't 12 as we get older, either. In the UK, for example, women over 50 spend more money on cosmetics(化妆品) than any other 13 group. Older men spend a lot of money trying to 14 hair loss(损失).

    Is there a solution to the problem? A 2016 study in the UK suggested that body image lessons should be provided in 15. Others believe it's a problem that all of society needs to deal with. As Meaghan Ramsey says, "We need to judge(评判) people by what they do, not what they look like."

    A、newspaper B、magazine C、study D、book
    A、we B、they C、you D、she
    A、confident B、sure C、worried D、happy
    A、probably B、hardly C、never D、finally
    A、Get B、Open C、Take D、Find
    A、the same B、different C、special D、interesting
    A、look after B、look for C、look at D、look like
    A、because B、although C、but D、or
    A、kind B、strong C、young D、famous
    A、early B、properly C、slowly D、carefully
    A、enjoy B、stop C、finish D、forget
    A、come B、continue C、disappear D、happen
    A、age B、job C、hobby D、man
    A、make B、avoid C、refuse D、protect
    A、supermarkets B、streets C、parks D、schools
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Creativity (创造力) is the key to a bright future. Here is1schools and parents can help their children to develop their creativity.

    Drew worked for a company in 1925. At work he invented a kind of material 2 enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Drew didn't stop and finally, using his own time, made a kind of tape, 3 now is used everywhere by many people. And his company learned from its 4 .

    Now the company asks its workers to 5 15 percent of their work time just thinking about and developing new ideas.

    Creativity is not something 6 is just born with. A person with high intelligence does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of 7 your intelligence to think of new ideas that are good for something.

    We know that many schools have tried to8 students' creativity, but some teachers only want to develop students' reading, writing and maths skills, and have to 9 creativity for correct answers. Children from such schools can give correct answers, but they are unable to use 10 to work out problems.

    It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should learn to make decisions and understand their 11 Even though it's choosing between two kinds of food 12 lunch, decision- making helps thinking skills.13 children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend 14 money. The child may have a 15 time, but that is all right.

    A、when B、where C、how D、what
    A、thick B、wide C、light D、strong
    A、what B、who C、which D、how
    A、effect B、thought C、suggestion D、mistake
    A、take B、cost C、spend D、pay
    A、one B、who C、none D、that
    A、finding B、using C、taking D、improving
    A、help B、develop C、open D、bring
    A、grow up B、catch up C、give up D、hurry up
    A、it B、them C、that D、ones
    A、meanings B、conversations C、results D、questions
    A、with B、to C、of D、for
    A、When B、While C、As D、Before
    A、my B、your C、their D、his
    A、hard B、lucky C、happy D、mad
  • 10. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Someone says" Time is money", but I think time is much more important than1. Why? Because when there is no money, we can get it back. However, when time2, it will never come back. That is3we must not waste(浪费)time.

    There is no need to tell anyone that time is4. Every second is very helpful. We should use our time to do5useful.

    But it is a pity(可惜)that a lot of6do not know the importance of time. They spend their free time smoking, drinking and7. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own8.

    In a word, we should save time. We shouldn't9today's work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to10. We should spend our time doing helpful things.

    A、money B、water C、food D、air
    A、costs B、takes C、goes D、finishes
    A、what' B、that C、because D、why
    A、interesting B、important C、boring D、surprising
    A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything
    A、child B、people C、women D、farmers
    A、reading B、writing C、playing D、working
    A、time B、food C、money D、life
    A、stop B、leave C、let D、give
    A、lose B、save C、spend D、take