备战2023年中考英语专题复习—— 情态动词

试卷更新日期:2022-11-16 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —What will the weather be like tomorrow?

    —I'm not sure. It                be rainy.

    A、might B、must C、should D、will
  • 2. — There is a new art museum in our city. You ______ miss it.

    — Thank you. I won't.

    A、can't B、must C、needn't
  • 3. —Whose is this toy truck?

    —It _________ belong to Dick. He was the only little kid at the picnic.

    A、can't B、must C、could D、need
  • 4. The book ______ be Mary's. We can see her name on it.
    A、need B、must C、can't D、needn't
  • 5. Jim can swim, but I________.
    A、don't B、can't C、am not
  • 6. —Wow! Here is an offer of Tsinghua University! _______it be Bob's?

    —It must be Bob's, he is the most excellent student in our school.

    A、May B、Can C、Must D、Shall
  • 7. —Oh, my God! I'll nearly lose my heart. 

    —Cheer up. Life ____ be perfect all the time. 

    A、can't B、mustn't C、needn't D、shouldn't
  • 8. —Have you decided how to spend this weekend with your family, Lingling?

    —Not yet. We ____ go camping along Nanxi River to enjoy beautiful sights.

    A、must B、should C、need D、may
  • 9. The magazine ________ be Lucy's. Her name is on it.
    A、can't B、must C、couldn't D、might
  • 10. Zhao Liying, who played the lead role in Journey of Flowers, says "As an actress, you _________ never be too hard-working."
    A、must B、may C、can D、should
  • 11. Protect your hearing. Don't wait until you ________ hear a thing.
    A、needn't B、mustn't C、shouldn't D、can't
  • 12. —Whose physics book is this?

    —It _____be Helen's because her name is on it.

    A、mustn't B、must C、might D、can't
  • 13. —David, do you know Su Yiming, a snowboarder from China?

    —Sure. He won the first place in the men's Big Air Event. He_____________ be hard-working.

    A、needn't B、can't C、should D、must
  • 14. The boy ________ be Tom. I saw him reading in the library just now.
    A、shouldn't B、can't C、needn't
  • 15. — Mike, I can't stop playing computer games.

    — For your eyes, my dear friend, I'm afraid you____.

    A、could B、may C、would D、have to
  • 16. —Excuse me. _______ I sit here?

    —You'd better not. It's the man's seat.

    A、Must B、Need C、Could D、Should
  • 17. We should learn some basic life skills since we ________ depend on ourselves some day.
    A、can B、can't C、must D、mustn't
  • 18. —Can we play games here?

    —Better not. If you ________, please go to the open space there.

    A、must B、can C、may D、will
  • 19. —The paper cutting is pretty lively, who made it?

    —It ________ be Amy. None of us except her is able to do it.

    A、would B、need C、must D、can
  • 20. — ________ you tell us a story in English?

    —I think I can do it. Let me try.

    A、Need B、Can C、Should D、Must
  • 21. —Look! Mark is reading a book in the library.

    —It ______ be him. He is in the classroom.

    A、can't B、wouldn't C、needn't
  • 22. —Listen! I think it ________ be Mrs. Li singing in the next room.

    — It ________ be her. I know she has already left for New York.

    A、may, must B、must, can't C、must, mustn't
  • 23. —What kind of music do you like?

    —I like music that I ______ dance to.

    A、can B、must C、should D、need
  • 24. —To make our school more beautiful, we _____throw the rubbish on the ground.

    —Everyone should play an important part in doing it.

    A、needn't B、mustn't C、may not
  • 25. You ________ pay too much attention to your reading skill as it's very important.
    A、shouldn't B、needn't C、mustn't D、can't
  • 26. — No one knows what it will be like tomorrow because there are many possibilities such diseases, disasters(灾难) and so on.

    — Yeah, but sometimes the facts show that humans       stronger than the forces of nature.

    A、can't be B、can be C、mustn't be
  • 27. Your answer ________ be right, but I'm going to check to make sure.
    A、might B、can't C、must D、needn't
  • 28. —Could you tell me how to renew the library books?

    一With pleasure. You________ come to our desk every time. It's easier to renew them online.

    A、can't B、mustn't C、shouldn't D、needn't
  • 29. —Mom, can I watch TV this evening?

    —You ________ finish your homework first.

    A、can B、may C、must D、shall
  • 30. —Alex, come down to play football.

    —I can't. Mom said I __________ clean my bedroom before doing anything else.

    A、had to B、will C、used to D、can