备战2023年中考英语专题复习—— 副词(比较级与最高级)

试卷更新日期:2022-11-16 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. My father always tells me that the more I help others, the ________ I will live.
    A、happily B、more happily C、most happily
  • 2. Who listens ________, Tim, Jack or Bill?
    A、the most carefully B、more carefully C、the most careful D、more careful
  • 3. We say we like it ______ than something else.
    A、better B、well C、good D、best
  • 4. Good luck belongs to hard-working people. _____you work, the luckier you will be.
    A、The harder B、Harder C、The hardest D、The hard
  • 5. Roy is a great dancer. He dances___________ than others.
    A、beautifully B、more beautifully C、less beautifully D、most beautifully
  • 6. —Our class did well in the school singing competition.

    —Yes, you sang ________ of all.

    A、beautifully B、more beautifully C、most beautifully
  • 7. —The virus Omicron (奥密克戎) spreads _____than the other types. Is it true?

    —Yes. We must be careful.

    A、quickly B、more quickly C、most quickly D、quick
  • 8. We are glad to see that our country is developing       these years than before.
    A、fast B、faster C、fastest D、the fastest
  • 9. ________ you study, the better grades you will get.
    A、Hard B、Harder C、The harder D、The hardest
  • 10. — Who is the girl dancing on the stage?

    — Oh, she's my friend Maria. She dances ________ than before.

    A、well B、much better C、best D、the best
  • 11. — Did you have a good sleep last night, Betty?

    — Yes, I have never slept ________________.

    A、best B、better C、worse D、worst
  • 12. A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much        than the one with 4G.
    A、fast B、faster C、fastest
  • 13. —Chinese government has controlled COVID-19 ____________.

    —I think so. China is the only country that allows millions of people traveling around during holidays.

    A、successful B、more successfully C、most successfully
  • 14. Bill lives ________ to school than Peter.
    A、close B、closed C、closer D、the closest
  • 15. — Who runs _________________________,Mike or Peter?

    — Peter. He is good at running.

    A、slower B、slowest C、faster D、fastest
  • 16. My brother works ___________ than before, so he has made great progress since this term.
    A、harder B、hard C、hardest D、the hardest
  • 17. Teenagers are supposed to ask        by using "could"" than using "can".
    A、polite B、politely C、more politely D、more polite
  • 18. In the police station, Ann described the appearance of the thief    of all the witnesses.
    A、accurately B、less accurately C、more accurately D、most accurately
  • 19. David does       in English than Gloria.
    A、good B、well C、better D、best
  • 20. Millie jumped ________ in the sports meeting, so she was ________ thought of by her teachers and classmates.
    A、highly; high B、high; highly C、the most highly; the highest D、highest; highly
  • 21. You've done a good job, and I'm sure you can do it ___________.
    A、worse B、worst C、better D、best
  • 22. To travel a short distance, mobikes (摩拜单车)help us go           than going on foot.
    A、fast B、faster C、more fast D、much fast
  • 23. —I didn't do well in this English exam. How about you?

    —I did        you.

    A、not better than B、no worse than C、as well as D、no better than
  • 24. _______ we work at English, the better grades we will get.
    A、Harder B、The hardest C、Hardest D、The harder
  • 25. If you want to pass the exam, you had better do it       than before.
    A、careful B、carefully C、more careful D、more carefully
  • 26. —Your handwriting is beautiful.

    —Thank you, I write        than before.

    A、careful B、more careful C、more carefully D、carefully
  • 27. Lucy wants to improve her English this term, so she works      than before.
    A、hard B、harder C、hardest D、the hardest
  • 28. Happiness is very important.        you live,         you are. So try your best to make yourself and the persons around you happy every day.
    A、The happier; the healthier B、The more happily; the more healthily C、The more happily; the healthier D、The happier; the more healthy
  • 29. Competing makes us work harder and better while sharing can make us work _____________ and better as well.
    A、easily B、more easily C、easier
  • 30. My parents always give me a gift when I get good grades. It drives me to work much____________.
    A、harder B、hard C、early D、earlier