备战2023年中考英语专题复习—— 副词(频度副词)

试卷更新日期:2022-11-16 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —We Chinese will ________ forget what Japanese did in Anti-Japanese War.

    —That's right. Many people died in the war.

    A、always B、sornetimes C、never D、usually
  • 2. Though my uncle is very rich, he ____wastes his money on unnecessary things.
    A、always B、never C、sometimes D、often
  • 3. Mr. Liu _________ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time.
    A、often B、seldom C、always D、usually
  • 4. —How often do you write to your cousin in Francisco?

    —________. I'm busy preparing for my exams these days.

    A、Seldom B、Often C、Always
  • 5. I want to keep fit so I ______________ eat junk food.
    A、always B、sometimes C、usually D、never
  • 6. They ________________ eat junk food, do they?
    A、always B、usually C、never D、sometimes
  • 7. —How often do they stay up late?

    —________. They always go to bed early.

    A、Three times a week B、Almost every day C、Never D、Sometimes
  • 8. — Chinese people _________________ stay at home with their families on to welcome the new year.

    — But last year, hundreds of medical workers left their homes for Tonghua.

    A、often; National Day B、never; the Mid-Autumn Festival C、usually; the Spring Festival
  • 9. —Have you ever been to Beijing, Sally?

    —_____. I am planning to go there this summer.

    A、Never B、Sometimes C、Seldom D、Often
  • 10. Nowadays some parents spend more time on mobile phones so that they ___________care for their kids.
    A、often B、seldom C、usually D、sometimes
  • 11. —Would you like some green tea?

    —No, thanks. I ______ drink green tea. It hurts my stomach,

    A、almost B、seldom C、always D、often
  • 12. —I'm afraid of flying in the sky, so I ________ travel by plane.

    —But it can take you ________ time to travel! You should try more.

    A、hardly, less B、always, fewer C、hardly, fewer D、always, less
  • 13. —Where shall we eat tonight?

    —Let's call Jack. He ____________ knows the best places to go.

    A、seldom B、always C、only
  • 14. —How often do you go to the cinema?

    —___________. I only watch movies at home.

    A、Always B、Usually C、Sometimes D、Never
  • 15. — Mum, why do we ____________ eat out?

    —Honey, home cooking is healthier.

    A、seldom B、always C、often
  • 16. As a football lover, John __________________ plays football these days because he is busy preparing for the school leavers' party.
    A、always B、often C、sometimes D、seldom
  • 17. —Does your brother like playing football?

    —Not really. He _________watches football matches.

    A、often B、always C、sometimes D、seldom
  • 18. There is something wrong with my nose, so I can        smell everything.
    A、always B、hardly C、sometimes D、often
  • 19. Jack is so crazy about football that he_________ misses a chance of playing it.
    A、always B、usually C、often D、never
  • 20. Jackie______ goes rock climbing because he doesn't like doing outdoor activities.
    A、often B、usually C、seldom
  • 21. —Do you often go to the cinema?

    —No, I often watch movies on TV. But ______ I go to the cinema with my girlfriend.

    A、sometime B、some time C、sometimes
  • 22. — Have you __________ seen a dragon-boat race?

    — No, I've __________ seen a dragon-boat race. I hope I will go to see it while I'm in China.

    A、ever; ever B、ever; never C、never; never D、never; ever
  • 23. Nelson         exercises because he has too much work every day.
    A、usually B、always C、often D、seldom
  • 24. This kind of plant is ______ seen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard to find.  
    A、commonly B、always C、seldom D、easily
  • 25. He      joins us. He likes to play by himself.
    A、never B、always C、usually D、often
  • 26. Bettey      goes to school by bike. She always takes a bus.
    A、often B、sometimes C、seldom D、usually
  • 27. Tom's teacher likes him because he is _________ late for class.
    A、never B、sometimes C、often D、always
  • 28. Uncle Liang           eats out because his wife always makes delicious food for him.
    A、seldom B、sometimes C、often
  • 29. —Joan has made great progress in speaking Chinese.

    —She_________works hard at it, you know.

    A、never B、seldom C、always
  • 30. —Look at the bird over there!It's so beautiful!

    —It's an unusual kind.It ____ appears here.

    A、always B、usually C、seldom D、often