备战2023年中考英语专题复习—— 动词的时态(过去)

试卷更新日期:2022-11-16 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. — Did you see the manager this morning?

    — No. He ________ for Beijing by the time I arrived at his office.

    A、has left B、left C、was leaving D、had left
  • 2. —She was encouraged to write the report, ______ she? 

    —Yes. We're sure she can write an excellent one.

    A、isn't B、doesn't C、wasn't D、hasn't
  • 3. My parents ___________ the airport this morning.
    A、have left to B、left to C、have left for D、left for
  • 4. —Lily, a concert is being held in our school for the birthday of the Communist Youth League of China(CYLC).

    —I know. It has been 100 years since CYLC_____________.

    A、born B、was born C、is born D、has born
  • 5. —Daniel has gone to Beijing on business.

    —Oh, I didn't know. When ________?

    A、has he left B、was he leaving C、did he leave D、will he leave
  • 6. Ariel ________ every night for a week before her Chinese test and got a very good grade.
    A、studied B、studies C、has studied D、was going to study
  • 7. —Helen, why didn't you come to the party yesterday?

    —Oh, I ______ for the speech competition.

    A、prepares B、prepared C、will prepare
  • 8. Li Lei ______ the school bus last Friday.
    A、misses B、missed C、was missing D、has missed
  • 9. Yesterday mom ______me some money to buy a dictionary.
    A、gives B、gave C、has given D、was giving
  • 10. —Would you like something to eat, Mary?

    —Of course. Although I____________ lunch, I am feeling a little hungry no.

    A、will have B、have C、am having D、had
  • 11. —Jeff, you are much more active than you        , right?

    —Yes. And now I          joining in many after school activities every day.

    A、are used to, used to B、used to be, am used to C、used to be, used to D、were used to, am used to
  • 12. When the teacher got into the classroom, Xiaoming ________ a novel.
    A、read B、reads C、is reading D、was reading
  • 13. Yesterday when I got home from work, my brother ________ for dinner, so he invited me to join him.
    A、goes out B、went out C、has gone out D、was going out
  • 14. — What were you doing when I called you last night?

    — I ________ football with my father.

    A、play B、was playing C、will play
  • 15. While Sally ________ the housework, her mother came back from work.
    A、are doing B、was doing C、did
  • 16. —Andy, what were you doing at this time yesterday afternoon?

    —I ________ the film The Battle at Lake Changjin with my sister.

    A、watch B、watched C、was watching D、am watching
  • 17. —I called you last night, but no one answered the telephone.

    —Oh, I    some shopping in supermarket at that moment.

    A、were doing B、was doing C、did
  • 18. —I called you yesterday morning, but you didn't answer the phone.

    —I_______ some of my old friends at that time.

    A、dropped by B、was dropping by C、will drop by D、drop by
  • 19. She _____ terrible at this time yesterday.
    A、feels B、felt C、is feeling D、was feeling
  • 20. —Amenda, I didn't see you when I arrived home. Where were you?

    —Sorry, Mum. I      homework in Anna's home. I won't forget to tell you next time.

    A、did B、does C、will do D、was doing
  • 21. I ________________ an English book when the bell rang.
    A、read B、will read C、am reading D、was reading
  • 22. She said her family ____ themselves ________ the army during the war.
    A、has hidden; from B、had hidden; from C、has hidden; with D、had hidden; with
  • 23. Most of my good friends _______ when I ________ at the party.
    A、left; had arrived B、had left; arrived C、left; arrived D、had left; had arrived
  • 24. —Why was he late for school yesterday?

    —He got up late. By the time he got to the bus stop, the bus ________ already__________.

    A、was; leaving B、has; left C、would; leave D、had; left
  • 25. —Did you see Mrs. Lee in the meeting room?

    —No. When I got there, she ________ another meeting.

    A、had left for B、had left to C、was leaving for D、was leaving to
  • 26. By the time we _______ to the cinema, the movie______.
    A、got; had begun B、have got; had begun C、got; began D、had got; begun
  • 27. The young man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He _______ before.
    A、doesn't fly B、didn't fly C、hasn't flown D、hadn't flown
  • 28. When I got to the concert, I realized that I _____my ticket at home.
    A、have left B、left C、had left D、leave
  • 29. By the time I got back to school . The bell _____.
    A、rang B、has rung C、had rung D、ring
  • 30. Mrs. Jackson     many interesting comic strips created by her students by the end of 2018.
    A、received B、has received C、will receive D、had received
  • 31. The chief engineer announced that they ________ a space lab on the space station around the end of 2022.
    A、have built B、had built C、will build D、would build
  • 32. Tom promised that he          the dictionary to me this Saturday.
    A、returned B、would return C、had returned D、was returning
  • 33. Dr Nanshan Zhong predicted that the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) outbreak in China _________________ over by this late June.
    A、has been B、had been C、will be D、would be
  • 34. Sam told me that he ____ to the party the next day.
    A、went B、goes C、will go D、would go
  • 35. Our class teacher said that we        the 3D Printing Cultural Museum next Thursday.
    A、visit B、visited C、will visit D、would visit
  • 36. It was believed that the TV series The Legend of Miyue _______________ millions of people soon.
    A、would attract B、has attracted C、will attract D、attracted
  • 37. Jerry told me he ___________ on an old man's eyes in the hospital this Sunday.
    A、will operate B、would operate C、operated D、has operated
  • 38. —What did your son say in the letter?

    —He told me that he      the Disney World the next day.

    A、will visit B、has visited C、is going to visit D、would visit
  • 39. Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he        the meeting if necessary.
    A、would cancel B、cancel C、cancelled D、will cancel
  • 40. Kate said that she _____________ us as soon as she got home.
    A、called B、calls C、will call D、would call