
试卷更新日期:2022-11-14 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 听录音,选择最佳应答语(   )
    A、You're welcome. B、I'm sorry. C、Great!
  • 2. 听录音,选择最佳应答语(   )
    A、Jack won a prize. B、Jill. C、It is Bill's dream.
  • 3. 听录音,选择最佳应答语(   )
    A、Me, too. B、Not at all. C、I think so.
  • 4. 听录音,选择最佳应答语(   )
    A、15 minutes by bike. B、Two meals a day. C、Show me the menu.
  • 5. 听录音,选择最佳应答语(   )
    A、No problem. B、No, there isn't. C、Let's go!


  • 6. What time is it now?
    A、7:30. B、7:45. C、8:15.
  • 7. How does the boy go to school?
    A、By car. B、On foot. C、By bike.
  • 8. Who is taking photos?
    A、Mark. B、Jim. C、Kevin.
  • 9. What did Karen do last night?
    A、She saw a movie. B、She watched a show. C、She went for a meal.
  • 10. How much did Frank pay for the plane ticket?
    A、$150. B、$90. C、$50.


  • 11. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、When did the man move in?
    A、Last Friday. B、Last Saturday. C、Last Sunday.
    (2)、What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A、Have a coffee. B、See a movie. C、Watch a show.
  • 12. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、When did Andy get his new computer?
    A、Yesterday. B、Last week. C、A month ago.
    (2)、Where did Andy buy the computer?
    A、In the city center. B、On the Internet. C、From a friend.
    (3)、What does Andy like best about the computer?
    A、The keyboard. B、The mouse. C、The screen.


  • 13. 听短文,选择最佳答案
    (1)、Who wrote the story?
    A、Lindsay. B、Jason. C、The speaker.
    (2)、How many main roles were there in the play?
    A、2. B、4. C、6.
    (3)、What did the speaker dress up as?
    A、A reporter. B、A police artist. C、A criminal.
    (4)、How often did the performers practice?
    A、Once a week. B、Twice a week. C、Three times a week.
    (5)、Which performance was the best?
    A、The one for students. B、The one for teachers. C、The one for parents.


  • 14. Money is very important in our lives, but it isn't _______.
    A、something B、anything C、everything D、nothing
  • 15. — Where is Linda?

    — Oh, I _______ to see her in the dining hall, but I'm not sure.

    A、seemed B、started C、wanted D、forgot
  • 16. Do some sports _______ running. It's good for your health.
    A、next to B、such as C、across from D、because of
  • 17. Tony didn't _______ his father to get home so early, so he was very happy.
    A、ask B、want C、wish D、expect
  • 18. I enjoy walking on this road. There are so many flowers on _______ sides of it.
    A、all B、each C、both D、none
  • 19. _______ I took piano lessons for years, I still can't play the piano very well.
    A、If B、Although C、When D、Because
  • 20. It's not easy to tell Mike from his brother because they have much _______.
    A、in fact B、in time C、in common D、in danger
  • 21. Jack spent ________ time doing sports. Now he looks much ________.
    A、little; healthy B、more; healthy C、more; healthier D、little; healthier
  • 22. — Do you want to join me for the party?

    —________. I'm not interested in it.

    A、No problem B、Not really C、I'm not sure D、Of course.
  • 23. — Why did she do that?

    — She didn't tell me, but I think she had her ________.

    A、habits B、rules C、questions D、reasons


  • 24. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。

    A. Who do you often imitate?

    B. How do you learn to sing?

    C. Why don't you join the club?

    D. How often do you practice singing?

    E. Do you practice singing every day?

    F. Are there any singing clubs in your school?

    G. How many singers are in the competition?

    A: Hey, Jack. You seem so happy, why?

    B: Today I won first prize in the singing competition!

    A: Great! Congratulations (祝贺)!

    B: Thank you.


    B: Sure, I do. I enjoy singing. It is my favorite thing to do.


    B: By imitating (模仿) some famous singers.

    A: Really?

    A: Li Ronghao, Li Jian and Jay Chou.

    A: Oh, I see. Imitating other singers is a good way to learn to sing, but I think you can also join a singing club.

    B: Yes, there is one. Many of my classmates are in the club.

    A: In the club, you can learn from each other. In this way, I'm sure that you will sing better and one day you may appear on CCTV.

    B: That's a good idea. I'll join our school singing club tomorrow.


  • 25. 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    When I was 18, I traveled to a few countries in Europe. I had a plane ticket (票) to go home on January 23rd. I got to the airport (机场) the night before. I had to1there because my flight (航班) was at 8:30 in the morning and I didn't have any money to2a hotel. At about 6:00 a.m., I looked to see if my flight was on the screens, but it wasn't. I looked at 7:00 a.m.3, but no. Then I went to ask someone what the problem was. They looked at my ticket and said, "4, the date is wrong. This flight leaves on January 25th!" I had to5two more days! I was really6and had no money to buy food. I started to cry.

    A man in a black jacket came up to me and asked, "Are you OK?" I told him the7"Listen," he said, "I have some money. I was only going to8a newspaper with it. Take it. You need it more than me." He gave me the9and walked off.10I looked to see how much it was, I found that I had $20. It was enough money to stay in town for two days.

    I don't even know the man's name. What a kind man!  

    A、read B、eat C、play D、sleep
    A、think of B、pay for C、look at D、learn about
    A、ever B、either C、often D、again
    A、Please B、Thanks C、Sorry D、Yes
    A、wait B、leave C、miss D、enjoy
    A、shy B、busy C、noisy D、hungry
    A、rule B、story C、show D、activity
    A、buy B、find C、study D、keep
    A、food B、money C、jacket D、newspaper
    A、If B、When C、Though D、Because


  • 26. 根据短文内容选择正确答案(四选一)


    Drummer wanted

    For Green Band (乐队). Must have band experience. We play mostly rock (摇滚乐). Many songs already written. Some performances in November and December.

    Phone Ada at 719 536 799.

    Computer problems?

    Experienced (有经验的) IT engineer will help work out problems with computers. Phone Jack now at 651 325 693.


    Small black cat missing in the Lees Hall area. She's afraid of dogs and teenage boys. If you see her, please, please phone Mary at 651 324 472. We really miss her!

    Babysitter (临时保姆) wanted

    For a 2-year-old girl—weekday evenings for up to six hours a week. Would be suitable (适宜的) for a student with some experience. $6.50 an hour.

    Phone Jane at 719 873 466.

    (1)、If Mike wants to join Green Band, he must ________.
    A、be a good singer B、play the guitar well C、have his own songs D、have band experience
    (2)、Who should you call if you can't turn on your computer?
    A、Ada. B、Jack. C、Mary. D、Jane.
    (3)、What number should you call if you find a black cat?  
    A、719 536 799 B、651 325 693 C、651 324 472 D、719 873 466
    (4)、When will the babysitter work?
    A、On weekday mornings. B、On weekday evenings. C、On weekend mornings. D、On weekend evenings.
    (5)、If Linda works as a babysitter, how much can she get a week?
    A、$6.50. B、At least $39. C、$13. D、At most $39.
  • 27. 根据短文内容选择正确答案(四选一)

    World Elephant Day falls on Aug 12 every year. In China, the Asian elephant mainly lives in Yunnan.

    Elephant observer

    In Yunnan, a monitoring system (监测系统) keeps an eye on elephants with the help of cameras and drones (无人机). Elephant observers are also important. They follow elephants in cars and tell people where elephants are.

    Diao Faxing, 47, does this job. He gets up early and sleeps late every day to see the elephants' movements (移动) from a drone. Then he sends messages about the elephants to a WeChat group of local (当地的) people. If the animals are in a safe (安全的) place, people will go out to do farm work. Besides WeChat, people can also get messages about where the elephants are by using an app or listening to the radio.

    Elephant canteen

    Asian elephants eat 400 kinds of food! Sometimes, they visit villages and eat what they love. Though people can get money from the government (政府) for their losses (损失), it's still a big problem. In recent years, China set up many "elephant canteens (食堂)" in different places. There, people plant foods elephants love to eat. China is now building a national park for elephants as well.

    Elephant doctor

    Elephants sometimes get hurt. "Elephant doctors" come to help. Bao Mingwei, 42, has done this job for 22 years. In June 2021, a young elephant left a group and wandered (走失) alone for about 30 days. He followed it for 33 days to keep it safe and help send it back home. He got it back home by giving it the right dose of anesthetic (麻醉剂量) after checking (检查) the animal's health,

    (1)、What does the underlined word "observers" mean in Chinese?
    A、爱好者 B、保护者 C、观察员 D、饲养员
    (2)、What does Diao Faxing use to watch the elephants move?
    A、An app on his phone. B、A drone. C、A WeChat group. D、A radio.
    (3)、Why does China set up "elephant canteens"?
    A、To help people make more money. B、To teach people how to plant food for elephants. C、To build a national park for elephants to live. D、To stop elephants from eating villagers' food.
    (4)、What do we know about Bao Mingwei?
    A、He got hurt by an elephant. B、He became an elephant doctor at 20. C、He cleans elephant dung every day. D、He wrote stories about a group of elephants.
    (5)、Why did Bao follow the young elephant?
    A、To learn about its habits. B、To write a news story about it. C、To help it get back home. D、To see where the elephant group went.
  • 28. 根据材料内容,将 A—E 五个句子还原到文中空白处,使材料完整、通顺。

    A long time ago, people were very different from the way we are now. For example, if you find a really old house somewhere, you'll see that the doors are usually much lower (较低的) than they are today. Why? Over time, the human body has changed a lot.

    That's for sure. And the main reason is that we have more and more technology, and it is changing how we live. Here are some possible changes.

    Most of us now have much better food than people in the past, so we grow more. Our muscles(肌肉) will not be as strong as now, because we won't do a lot of physical work.

    We are already using our feet less, and our hands more (think about computers). At the same time, our fingers (手指) will get longer. And our fingers and our eyes will both get better, because they'll have to do more work together.

    It'll get smaller, because we needn't talk so much with the help of technology.

    A. What about the mouth?

    B. In the future, people will probably be even taller.

    C. Because hundreds of years ago, people were shorter.

    D. Can we expect the human body to keep changing in the future?

    E. So we can expect that our legs will get shorter and our feet smaller.


  • 29. 阅读短文,选择方框里的词并用其适当的形式填空,使短文意思完整,通顺。

    necessary,   education,   become,   share,   touch,   discussion,   well,   though,   both, win The

    Little Prince (《小王子》) is a famous book for children. It tells a good story and it the hearts of children. Children will know how important love is after reading the book. In fact, children and their parents can learn something from it. For their parents, the book is really because it helps parents know their kids . The book also tells parents to get on well with their kids.

    The story is about a boy named Little Prince. It is about the prince and the rose (玫瑰花) he looks after. they love each other, they still quarrel (吵架) sometimes. One day the prince left home. During his trip, he met a pilot (飞行员). The prince and the pilot soon good friends. The little prince his story with the pilot and they often had about love and life. At last the prince found that he missed the rose very much and tried to go back home.

    The story me a lot, because it teaches me not to ignore (忽视) the simple things in life, such as friendship, love and the beauty of the world. I think it's for children and parents to read the book.


  • 30. 根据短文内容按要求完成任务。

    How far can you jump? For British parkour athlete (跑酷运动员) Toby Segar, the answer is 2.96 meters. He did it up a wall! The 28-year-old broke a world record (纪录). How did he do (A) it? Parkour helps him.

    Parkour started in France. (B) It comes from a French way of training soldiers (训练士兵). Today, it is a fun way to stay healthy.

    Parkour athletes take the city as their playground. They run along walls, climb to high places, jump from rooftop (屋顶) to rooftop and roll (翻滚).

    Behind their cool moves is the skillful (高超的) way of training. To keep his body strong, Segar does strength training (力量训练), cycling and climbing.

    Not just young adults can do the sport. Many kids enjoy it. Segar started learning it when he was 11. "(C) Each time I succeed (成功), I make a step () further," he said.

    That is the charm (魅力) of the sport. It is not about winning. People "win" when they make progress (进步).

    (3)、请列举出 Segar 进行力量训练的两种方式
  • 31. 阅读短文,回答问题。

    The world is mourning (哀悼) the death of British Queen Elizabeth II. She died aged 96 on Sept 8. She is Britain's longest-serving monarch (在位时间最长的君主).

    Elizabeth became queen in 1952. At that time, the UK was still rebuilding from World War II. She spent her life working for her country and the Commonwealth (英联邦). Fifteen British prime ministers (首相) worked with her!

    The queen was admired (受到爱戴的) around the world. She helped over 600 charities (慈善机构), according to Sky News. And she got along well with people. In the UK, every Christmas day, people would turn on their TVs to listen to the queen's Christmas speech.

    Her death left the world in sadness (悲伤). The UK has 10 days of national mourning. Leaders (领导人) from different countries also sent sincere (真诚的) messages.

    Charles, the queen's son, is now the king. He called her death "a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family". "I know her loss (去世) will be deeply felt throughout the country ... and by countless (无数的) people around the world," he said in a statement.

    (1)、When was the British Queen Elizabeth II born?
    (2)、What was the UK doing when Elizabeth became queen in 1952?
    (3)、How many British prime ministers worked with the queen?
    (4)、Why was the queen admired around the world?
    (5)、Who is the king in the UK now?


  • 32. 只要完成了工作,任何人都可以休假。

    Anyone can take a vacation they finish their work.

  • 33. Tom 与他的妈妈很相似,他们都很外向。

    Tom his mother. They are both very outgoing.

  • 34. Dick 叔叔给孩子们编了一个有趣的故事。

    Uncle Dick an interesting story for the children.

  • 35. 作为一名好老师,她总是能激发出学生们的最大潜能。

    As a good teacher, she can always in her students.

  • 36. 父母对孩子们的成长与学习有重要的影响。
  • 37. 由于她坚持练习英语口语,她在这次英语演讲比赛中得了一等奖。

    She won the first prize in the English speaking contest practicing oral English.

  • 38. 事实上,有朋友的人更快乐。

    , the person who has friends is happier.

  • 39. 当你放学回家时最想做的是什么?

    What do you doing most when you get home from school?

  • 40. 凯丽一年至少应该看两次牙医。

    Kelly see a dentist  a year.

  • 41. 我很忙。你能代替我去车站接一下格林先生吗?

    I'm very busy. Could you please meet Mr. Green at the station.


  • 42. 假如你是校报小记者,你调查发现你们学校学生最喜欢的电视节目排名前三的分别是Keep Running, The Readers and Animal World。下面图示是你的调查结果,请根据下图提示写一篇英文报道。



    3)不少于 80 词,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

    Hello, everyone! I'm a reporter from our school newspaper. Many students in our school enjoy watching TV. Yesterday, I did a survey (调查) of their favorite TV programs.