
试卷更新日期:2022-11-11 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 听对话。选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. 听对话。选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 听对话。选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. 听对话。选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. 听对话。选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项(   )
    A、 B、 C、


  • 6. 听对话和问题,选出一个最佳选项(   )
    A、Wood. B、Silver. C、Ivory.
  • 7. 听对话和问题,选出一个最佳选项(   )
    A、A fireman. B、A postman. C、A policeman.
  • 8. 听对话和问题,选出一个最佳选项(   )
    A、By car. B、By taxi. C、By underground.
  • 9. 听对话和问题,选出一个最佳选项(   )
    A、The Mid-Autumn Festival. B、The Dragon Boat Festival. C、The Spring Festival.
  • 10. 听对话和问题,选出一个最佳选项(   )
    A、Toby used to be thin, B、Toby used to be heavy. C、Toby used to be short.


  • 11. 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
    (1)、What does Tom probably do?
    A、A student. B、A teacher. C、A salesman.
    (2)、When did Tom see his father search around the house?
    A、In the morning. B、In the afternoon. C、In the evening.
    (3)、How did Tom feel when he found the watch was lost?
    A、Angry. B、Nervous. C、Relaxed.
    (4)、Where was the watch found in the end?
    A、On the dining table. B、Under Tom's coat. C、In Tom's trouser pocket.
    (5)、Why did Tom say sorry to his father in the end?
    A、Because he lost his father's watch. B、Because he broke his father's watch, C、Because he took his father's watch without asking.


  • 12. 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的表格。每空一词。

    A new kind of braille reader (盲文阅读器)


    Feng Boyao and Meng Shuqi are students at No.  Middle School in Taiyuan, Shanxi.


    ●They visited a school for the blind to get.

    ●They the reader based on the students' needs.

    ●They spent nearly a year on it.


    The students' braille reader is easy to use and


    They hope their reader can help blind children learn things more so that the students can live better lives in the future.


  • 13. Via enjoys reading the book Wonder.        main character called August Pullman interests Via a lot.
    A、Its B、His C、Her
  • 14. Monica       goes out alone at night because she is afraid of the dark.
    A、often B、sometimes C、seldom
  • 15. —Louise has a big mouth.

    —So she does. It's really difficult for her to keep a       .

    A、habit B、secret C、project
  • 16. —Mom, I'm really sorry. I       the test.

    —It's OK. What you need to do now is to learn from your mistakes.

    A、failed B、created C、repeated
  • 17. Grandma said to me, "I hope that more young people can get to learn paper cutting       the art form will live forever."
    A、as if B、so that C、as soon as
  • 18. Though English is       spoken around the world, it's not the oldest written language.   
    A、widely B、wisely C、normally
  • 19. Most people feel relaxed when being with       people because they can often make others laugh.
    A、helpful B、polite C、humorous
  • 20. —What do you know about Suzhou?

    —It's       its beautiful gardens and I want to visit them this summer.

    A、known for B、similar to C、good with
  • 21. Molly found her father's ID card       when she was tidying up the house.
    A、in person B、by accident C、by mistake
  • 22. —Jimmy, do you know       ?

    —Yes, a man from South Korea.

    A、how much a robotic "eyeball" -"The Third Eye" is B、who invented the robotic "eyeball" - "The Third Eye" C、what the robotic "eyeball" -"The Third Eye" is used for


  • 23. 请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。

    A. Yes, she does.

    B. Yeah, I'd love to.

    C. How has she changed?

    D. Has she changed a lot?

    E. I remember she used to be shy.

    F. Now she has long curly hair.

    G. I just met Lisa on my way home.


  • 24. 请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Gina was in a special classroom with her mother Mrs. Brown. They were going to learn a new art and craft skill. Close to a month before, they had seen the poster of the clay art workshop up on the noticeboard in front of 1 home. Gina showed great interest in the pictures of cute animals and funny cartoon characters. She then suggested signing up (报名) for the workshop with her mother. Mrs. Brown said "Okay, let's have a 2.

    Miss Green was one of their neighbors and she had opened the workshop for only two weeks. When all the participants (参与者) came into the classroom, Miss Green gave them each a piece of 3 . On the paper, the participants could see a picture of Peppa Pig. Gina was excited 4 Peppa Pig was one of her favorite cartoon characters. Then, she heard Miss Green say, "Welcome, everyone. Please listen 5as I tell you how make clay art..."

    At first, Gina thought it was a piece of cake. But she found it 6 as soon as she started working on it. She was a little upset, but she kept trying. And every time she had 7 , she asked Miss Green for help.

    By the end of the class, Gina and her mother had made good-looking Peppa Pigs.

    Both of them 8 their works when they were taken out of the oven. Gina couldn't wait to take the next lesson!

    A、his B、her C、their
    A、try B、wish C、dream
    A、advice B、paper C、news
    A、until B、unless C、because
    A、secretly B、normally C、carefully
    A、wrong B、difficult C、important
    A、problems B、reasons C、suggestions
    A、were sorry about B、were proud of C、were famous for


  • 25. 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。

    In 1954, there was the first Universal Children' Day on November 20 to celebrate and protect children all over the world. This was International Children's Day but now many countries around the world have their own Children's Day.

    April 23

    Turkey: This day is a national holiday in Turkey. On this day, Turkey often invites groups of children from other countries to stay with Turkish families and celebrate with them.

    May 5

    Japan: Some people in Japan celebrate two children's days. One is on March 3 for girls and one is on May 5 for boys. But the official (官方的) children's day, called komodo no hi, is on May 5.

    June 1

    China: This is a special day in schools. Teachers sometimes take children to camping trips or trips to the cinema. And many children get presents from parents.

    Bulgaria: Parents do special things with their children and give them big gifts. The day is like a second birthday for the children.

    (1)、The first International Children's Day was celebrated in      .
    A、November B、April C、June
    (2)、In Turkey, people       on Children's Day.
    A、invite children from other countries to their homes B、go on camping trips with children C、go to watch movies with children
    (3)、In which country is Children's Day thought to be a second birthday for children?
    A、Turkey. B、Japan. C、Bulgaria.
    (4)、From the passage, we can know that       .
    A、March 3 is a national holiday in Turkey B、two children's days are celebrated in Japan C、Turkey and China celebrate Children's Day on the same day
    (5)、What's the passage mainly about?
    A、How to protect children by celebrating Children's Day. B、Why people celebrate Children's Day all over the world. C、How people celebrate Children's Day in different countries.
  • 26. 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。

    Because of heavy flood (洪灾), over three hundred people in Henan lost their lives. In July, 2021, Chinese sportswear company Erke decided to give 50 million yuan to Henan.

    When people learned about this, they gave the company great support (支持). Within a, week, the company sold over 67 million yuan worth (值) of goods online. 26-year -old artist Zhao Hanqing was one of them.

    Zhao showed his support to the company by buying a pair of shoes online and he did more than that. When he received the shoes, he painted on them.' The shoes were black, so he used golden color to paint them. To his surprise, his hand-drawn pictures won lots of fans after he shared the photos of his shoes online. People loved Zhao's combination of his painting with Erke's shoes. With many people sharing the photos online and sending them to Erke, Zhao, surprisingly, got invited by the company. On August 9th,Zhao became Erke's first signed (签约) artist. On the same day, Wu Rongzhao, Erke CEO, welcomed Zhao,saying, "Welcome Zhao Hanqing to Erke family. Let's dream and create together. "

    Zhao said," When I saw people's warm feedback (反馈) about my painting on the shoes, I was happy. And I wished that Erke could see it. But I didn't think that my wish would come true. And it came so quickly. I have to say that I am really excited to become the company's first signed artist."

    (1)、Most people supported the company by
    A、buying things from Erke B、painting on the Erke shoes C、sending nice photos to Erke
    (2)、What does the underlined word "combination" mean in Chinese?
    A、调节 B、互斥 C、结合
    (3)、What's the last paragraph mainly about?
    A、How Zhao painted on the Erke shoes. B、How people thought about Zhao's painting. C、How Zhao felt about being invited by the company.
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、People thought highly of Erke's support to Henan. B、Zhao took the photos of the shoes to Erke in person. C、Zhao knew he would be invited from the beginning.
    (5)、Where can we most probably find this passage?
    A、In a storybook. B、In a newspaper. C、In a guidebook.
  • 27. 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳


    Via was afraid of getting fat.  And she spent hours looking at herself in the mirror, picking out what she didn't like about herself. Via was actually a healthy size.

    However, she read many magazines with pictures of very thin women in them. She never told anybody, but she felt very bad about herself.

     From then on, she would have breakfast, but would not eat anything during the break or lunchtime in school. When she got home, she would eat a very simple dinner. Because of this, she often felt hungry.  Via started to make herself throw. up (吐) her dinner after eating. She became thinner and weaker, but it was still not enough for her. Her mother was so worried that she began cooking her favorite food every day for dinner. Via, though, would still throw it all up when no one was looking.

    Soon, Via had difficulty paying attention in class.  Finally, she collapsed (晕倒) during her PE lesson one afternoon. She was brought to hospital, where the doctors found out what she had been doing.

    Via had to stay at hospital for some time and finally, Via reached a healthy weight once more. Her mother threw away all the magazines Via had been reading.And she always told her daughter how pretty she was.

    A. She weighed herself twice a day.

    B. The teachers advised her to rest at home.

    C. And she could hardly even make it through each day.

    D. However, she still thought she wasn't losing weight quickly enough.

    E. She was glad that they had fixed the problem before it was too late.

    F. One day, Via decided that she had to lose weight in order to feel happier.

  • 28. 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词。每空一词。

    Most of us enjoy stories- whether we're reading a book, watching a movie or listening to a friend tell a joke. Do you know that writing stories is actually good for you, too? National Writing Day is a yearly celebration of creative writing. It's also a chance to understand the benefits (益处) of creative writing.

    Creative writing is based on your imagination. Fiction is a good example. It describes imaginary events and people and it can include novels and short stories. Poems and songs are all good examples.

    Many people find creative writing relaxing. According to the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families, writing about a character's feelings can make it easier to understand your own feelings. They also say that creative writing can be a useful tool for self-care. Another benefit of creative writing is that it can build up your self-esteem (自尊). It can help you realize that your words and thoughts are important and powerful.

    Children's author Mark Haddon says, "It's more than learning a skill. It's about learning that you, your family, your culture and your view of the world are important.

    For many people, creative writing offers a "time out" or escape (逃走) from real life, including their problems and worries. This space can help you to think differently about a problem you might have, or simply allow you to escape to a magical world.

    National Writing Day is celebrated  a year. By celebrating it, people get to know that creative writing is good. Some people discover that they feel  when writing fiction, poems and songs. That's because they can understand their own feelings more . And it helps raise their self-esteem. When they write, they feel what they say and  are important. As you can see, creative writing is good for you. It helps you to look at your  differently and then you deal with them differ-entry.

  • 29. 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。

    Some people like their names, but others are not happy with them, Many times, children s names have an important meaning for their parents.

    Some parents name their children after a member of the family.

    Some parents give children special names so that the names can make children feel like they have a goal (目标). For example, they name their children after famous people like musicians or scientists. At times, parents name their children something unusual.

    Since children don't get to pick their names, they may want to change their names as they grow up. Should children be allowed to change their names?

    Some people say children should be able to change their names, especially if their names are unusual. This is because some people make fun of children with unusual names. And they may not like the member of the family they are named after, or they may not agree with their parents about ideas related to their names.

    Other people think children shouldn't change their names. This is because children change a lot as they grow. One name may seem good during childhood, but then may not seem very good in adulthood. Children may also be easily influenced by their friends. Parents, not friends, should be the main influence in a child's life. And since parents give their children a lot of love and care, they may feel hurt if the child wants to change his or her name.

    (1)、According to the first paragraph, some children are named afterand.
    (2)、Some parents give their children unusual names like  1  and 2 .
    (3)、Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
    (4)、Please complete Chart Ⅱ about reasons for changing names.
    (5)、Please complete Chart Ⅲ about reasons for not changing names.
    (6)、Do you want to change your name? Why?


  • 30. 请根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。

    whether  choose  she  rest  where  boy  suddenly  catch  patient  in  so  with

    A little boy was walking around. He was about four years old and was dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of blue shorts. He didn't seem to know he was. Just then, Mrs. Fisher came to meet one of her friends in the neighborhood. She decided  on a bench (长凳) for a while since it was still quite early. Soon, her attention  by the boy. After watching him for some time, she felt that there was something wrong.

    Mrs. Fisher walked to him and asked him Italian, "What is your name?

    What's your home address? Where are your parents?" However, the little boy didn't seem to understand  at all. He just looked at her. She tried again in English, but he made no reply. After a while, the boy began to cry loudly all of aMrs.

    Fisher thought that the boy might be hungry,  she took him to a nearby store and bought some food for him.

    After the meal, Mrs. Fisher  took the boy round the neighborhood. She was hoping that the boy might be able to see his parents. However, it was useless. Finally, Mrs. Fisher had no  but to take the boy to the police station.

    At the police station, Mrs. Fisher noticed a smile on theface. She was relaxed too because she was sure that the police was able to help him find his parents.


  • 31. 在我们的学习生活中,难免会用到手机、电脑等发明。有人认为它们为我们带来了极大的便利,也有人认为它们危害无穷。我们应该如何看待和使用这些发明呢?








