
试卷更新日期:2022-11-09 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 听录音,选择听到的句中所包含的单词(   )
    A、crossing B、compass C、cinema D、come
  • 2. 听录音,选择听到的句中所包含的单词(   )
    A、tonight B、tomorrow C、together D、turn
  • 3. 听录音,选择听到的句中所包含的单词(   )
    A、hospital B、happy C、healthy D、helmet
  • 4. 听录音,选择听到的句中所包含的单词(   )
    A、polite B、pilot C、plane D、playground
  • 5. 听录音,选择听到的句中所包含的单词(   )
    A、factory B、film C、ferry D、fisherman



  • 12. 听录音,选择合适的应答(   )
    A、By sled. B、Next Wednesday.
  • 13. 听录音,选择合适的应答(   )
    A、Usually, she goes on foot. B、He works at the sea.
  • 14. 听录音,选择合适的应答(   )

    A. It's next to the bookstore.

    B Thanks.

  • 15. 听录音,选择合适的应答(   )
    A、Yes. It's so great. B、OK. Let's go.
  • 16. 听录音,选择合适的应答(   )
    A、You should wear warm clothes. B、He feels angry.


  • 17. 听录音,判断正误。
    (1)、Tina's grandpa likes doing kung fu.
    (2)、Tina's grandma likes listening to English songs.
    (3)、Tina's father and mother are both teachers.
    (4)、Tina likes reading stories, and she also likes watching TV.
    (5)、Tina's mother likes playing the piano.


  • 18. 听录音,填写单词,把短文补充完整。

    Tom and Jack are good friends. They live in Sydney, Australia. They're in the same school, but not the same class. They have different . Tom likes riding a horse and swimming. He is good at . Jack likes reading stories and drawing pictures. Every day, Tom goes to school by , but Jack goes to school by . After school, they often see a film together.


  • 19. 读句子,根据读音选择正确的一项(   )
    A、 Please don't sit B、 Please don't  me.
  • 20. 读句子,根据读音选择正确的一项(   )
    A、 B、
  • 21. 读句子,根据读音选择正确的一项(   )
    A、 B、
  • 22. 读句子,根据读音选择正确的一项(   )
    A、He is good at football//, ping-pong and// basketball. B、He is good at football//, ping-pong// and basketball.


  • 23. There are a lot of books here. What a great______!
    A、post office B、bookstore C、science museum D、cinema
  • 24. My teacher is _______because I am late for school.
    A、happy B、sad C、excited D、angry
  • 25. Wu Dong's father drives a taxi every day. He is a____.
    A、postman B、taxi driver C、fisherman D、pilot
  • 26. Zhong Nanshan is a __________. He often works hard.
    A、pilot B、doctor C、police officer D、worker


  • 27. There is a cinema next to the park. The park is beside the bookstore. There is a post office near the hospital. There is no science museum.

  • 28. —What is Mike's hobby?

    —He likes reading stories.

    —What's his favourite story?

    —Harry Potter.

  • 29. This is Binbin's new pen pal. He is tall and strong. He lives on the farm. He likes cooking food and playing sports with his brother.

  • 30. —Hi! How do you come to school?

    —Usually I come on foot.

    —That's good exercise.



  • 39. 联系上下文,补全对话,选项有多余项。

    A. What are you going to do at the zoo?

    B. Where are you going this weekend?

    C. Can I go with you?

    D. Is it near here?

    E. When are you going there?

    F. How are you going to get there?


    Jack: I'm going to the zoo this weekend.


    Jack: I'm going to see my favourite animal there... Pandas!


    Jack: No, it's far.


    Jack: I'm going to get there by subway. It's fast.

    Emily: I want to see the giraffes. They're cute.

    Jack: Sure. Let's go together. See you at 9: 00 this Saturday.

    Emily: See you!

  • 40. 联系上下文,补全对话,选项有多余项。

    A. He's my cousin.

    B. What are you going to do tomorrow?

    C. See you next week.

    D. I'm going to do my homework and read books.

    E. Are you going to watch it?

    F. Where are you?

    Sarah: Today is Friday. There is a dinosaur show tomorrow afternoon.

    Mike: Sure. But I have to visit my grandparents first.

    Sarah: I'm going to see a play with my parents in the morning. How about you, John?


    Sarah: You are a good boy. I'm going to do my homework on Sunday.

    Mike: Would you like to watch the dinosaur show with us?

    John: Sorry. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to have a picnic with Sam.

    Sarah: Sam? Who's he?

    John: He's from the UK.

    Mike: Oh, have a good time.

    John: Thank you. Bye!



  • 41. 阅读理解

    Rica is a yellow chick. She is 20 days old. She is shy. And she is afraid of a mouse. She is afraid of a dog, too. She likes taking a trip on the grass and watching ants working.

    Rica is a hen now. She has 10 eggs. She is not afraid anymore. Sometimes she is a police officer. She chases the mouse away. She is very brave. Rica has 10 chicks. She is not shy anymore. Sometimes she is a postman. She finds the earthworms(蚯蚓) and feeds her babies. Sometimes she is a_____________. She teaches her babies to find food, to run, to fly... Sometimes she is a pilot. She flies to a tree. She watches and watches.

    I love my pet Rica.

    (1)、How does the chick Rica feel when she sees a dog?
    A、She feels shy. B、She feels afraid. C、She feels sad.
    (2)、What is the chick Rica's hobby?
    A、She likes chasing the mouse. B、She likes taking a trip. C、She likes climbing hills.
    A、 B、 C、
    (4)、The word "brave" means "________".
    A、勇敢的 B、机智的 C、坚强的
    (5)、The title can be"________".
    A、Chick Rica B、Shy Rica C、My Pet Rica
  • 42. 阅读绘本,判断对错。

    Mimi, Micky and their friends are going to Animal School. Mr. Bear, a new reporter, is coming. He says hello to them.

    Mr. Bear asks the sheep," What does your mother do? Where does she work?" The sheep says, "My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. "

    Mr. Bear asks the horse, "What does your father do? Where does he work?" "My father is a farmer. He works on a farm, "says the horse.

    Mr. Bear asks Mimi," What you're your mother do? Where does she work?" Mimi answers, "My mother is a teacher. She works in a school. "

    Mr. Bear asks Micky, "How about your father? Where does he work?" "Can you guess?" says Micky.

    "Watch TV, Mr Bear. ""Wow, your father is a reporter, too!" says Mr Bear. "Yes! He works in a TV station, too. "

    (1)、Mr. Bear is a TV reporter. He has many animal friends.
    (2)、The horse's father is a doctor. He works in a hospital.
    (3)、The sheep's mother is a teacher.
    (4)、The bear's father is a TV reporter, too.
    (5)、Mr. Bear works in a TV station.