
试卷更新日期:2022-11-08 类型:期末考试


  • 1. —Wang Hua said he would like to be _______artist in _______future.

    —I hope his dream will come true.

    A、a B、an; the C、an; a D、the; the
  • 2. Don't forget _______my dog for a walk when I am on holiday, Mum.
    A、taking B、to take C、bringing D、to bring
  • 3. —Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony?

    —Sure! Mum will be mad if she sees this _______I think.

    A、matter B、mess C、trouble D、difficulty
  • 4. —What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?

    —Fish, I guess. How nice it_______!

    A、looks B、smells C、sounds D、tastes
  • 5. What can you buy _______your mother _______her birthday present?
    A、to; for B、as; for C、for; to D、for; as
  • 6. Vivien worked very hard at all her lessons, _______she became the top student in her class.
    A、In fact B、As a result C、As usual D、For example
  • 7. I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to _______ too much of your time.
    A、put up B、take up C、give up D、make up
  • 8. Lingling's uncle said _______it was wrong to pull leaves off plants.
    A、what B、which C、that D、if
  • 9. —How much do I need to pay for the DIY course?

    —500 yuan, but we will_______ tools and materials for you.

    A、practise B、provide C、protect D、prevent
  • 10. My school life is very busy, _______I enjoy it a lot.
    A、and B、so C、but D、or


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Storyline (故事情节):

    A group of clever dogs operate cars to work, play and party—Dates: Mar 20—Mar 31

    Mon—Fri: 11: 00 a. m. , 3: 00 p. m—, 7: 30 p. m

    Sat—Sun: 9: 00 a. m, 4: 00 p. m, 8: 30 p. m

    Place: Children's Theater of Charlotte

    Duration (时长): 70 minutes

    Ticket Prices:

    Section A:$170—190

    Section B:$120—130

    Section C:$80

    Family package:$ 220 for four Section C tickets

    (11: 00 a. m. , 3:00 p. m. shows)

    (1)、How long does the show last for?
    A、10 days. B、11 days. C、12 days. D、13 days.
    (2)、On Friday, you can watch the show at       .
    A、9: 00 a. m. B、4: 00 p. m C、7: 30 p. m. D、8: 30 p. m.
    (3)、How much does a family of four probably spend on the tickets?
    A、Around $700 for Section A tickets. B、Around $300 for Section B tickets. C、$210 for Section C tickets for the 9: 00 am show. D、$220 for Section B tickets on weekends.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    I was born in Ireland and lived there until I was nineteen years old. I came to New York in 1956. At first, I held several jobs to earn a few dollars. Later, to live a better life, I've been in the taxi business for thirty—five years. I know there is a lot about taxi drivers that is not so good. Because of this, people get the wrong impression (印象).

    In fact, taxi drivers are just like other honest people. You can read in the papers almost every week where a taxi driver turns in money or jewels people leave in their cars. One time in Brooklyn, I found a ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of bags that day. so I went back to the store where I had dropped her off. It took me almost two days to look for her in order to return the ring. I didn't get as much as "Thank you". Still

    In all my years of driving a taxi, I have never had any trouble with the public because I always try to be nice to everyone. I try to be honest towards others. I have been trying this for a long time, and the longer I try

    (1)、The writer came to New York       .
    A、for 35 years B、for 45 years C、in1956 D、since he was 20
    (2)、The writer found         in his car in Brooklyn.
    A、a bag B、a ring C、some money D、some jewels
    (3)、       is the most important according to the passage.
    A、Kindness B、Experience C、Money D、Honesty
  • 13. 阅读理解

    During my first two weeks at the University of California, Berkeley, I experienced some unexpected, and sometimes embarrassing situations. Allow me to share some with you.

    But first, let me give advice to other foreign students who plan to study in the United States. Check the weather before coming!I was very sure that California was sunny all year around so I left all my jackets and sweaters in Paris. It was a big mistake!It rained almost every day during the first week in Berkeley.

    I have to say that I quickly forgot these unlucky events. Life in Berkeley is very pleasant and everything is so easy compared to Paris. For example, in only 24 hours I bought a mobile phone and rent a flat. What's more, almost all the shops are open on Sunday.

    The first thing that surprised me is that students may come late to class. They freely enter and leave the classroom many times during class. In France, students respect the teacher's lesson, so they are never late and they leave the classroom only at the end of the class.

    The local people in California are in general very nice, open and active. However, I am not totally used to their habits yet. Indeed, I shook the hand of one of my classmates whom I had met the day before and he told me "I think we already met!"

    I live a great experience at present, and I would just encourage any student to become a member in a program at UC, Berkeley.

    (1)、The writer comes from        .
    A、Japan B、China C、England D、France
    (2)、The writer made a huge mistake because        .
    A、he didn't check the weather before coming B、the weather in California was changeable C、he brought a lot of clothes with him D、he didn't take a mobile phone
    (3)、We can learn that         according to the passage.
    A、California was sunny all year around B、students in America are never late for class C、life in Berkeley is enjoyable for the writer D、people in California are not friendly
    (4)、According to the passage, the writer mainly wants to tell us         .
    A、his experience at UC, Berkeley B、the relationship between classmates C、his advice on studying abroad D、the difference in attending a class


  • 14. 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。

    A well—made film offers a whole world of things to watch. First, there are the story aspects—characters, dialogue and themes. Then there are the technical aspects—the camera workA well—made film offers much more than you see in one way.

    They can teach you things just as newspapers do, or television, or any other ways or communication. Sometimes they communicate important things to you, and sometimes not.

    Notice, for example, the way films sometimes affect fashion.

    Boys in the 1950s could sometimes be seen wearing black leather jackets, walking here and there around the street corners and doing nothing seriously, just smoking cigarettes. They were coping Marlon Brando's style. His films taught them a certain way to behave.

    Films can also teach politics (政治). In Star Wars, the heroes were, rather like the British in the early days of World War II. Their enemies, like the Nazis, in fact, was re—run (再上演), and taught values like faith and love of freedom. This is all to the good.

    A. The more you can realize, the better you are.

    B. It's difficult to find out how many characters there are in a good film.

    C. Films are a way of communication.

    D. But the point is, did you notice it?

    E. The film will help people to know our country better.

    F. And there are many other things, like the credits (演职人员表). musical score and acting.

    G. A star dresses or wears her hair in a certain way, and gradually everyone is copying her style.


  • 15. 完形填空

    We all get angry. Sometimes, we get so angry that we may think about doing 1

    Last Saturday, I offered to sweep the floor for my mom. When I 2I decided to do my homework. However, my little brother Tim threw a lot of 3of paper on the floor. What a mess! I was quite angry, 4he thought it was funny. He even made a funny face. I became 5and threw his favorite cup onto the floor.

    Tim began to cry. My mom sat me down and talked to me in 6soft voice. She said, "Lucy, breaking things in anger is never the right way7 a problem. "When Dad came home from work, he told me that I would have to use the money I got for my 8birthday to buy a new cup for Tim. How upset I was!Then he said to me, "Using words 9always better than hitting or throwing. If you were angry with Tim, why didn't you tell him 10When you do bad things out of anger, you will always regret (懊悔)them. "

    Although I'm still a little sad, I will always remember what my parents told me that day.

    A、something terrible B、terrible something C、anything terrible D、terrible anything
    A、finish B、finished C、will finish D、am finishing
    A、pair B、pairs C、piece D、pieces
    A、so B、and C、but D、or
    A、happy B、happier C、angry D、angrier
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、solves B、solved C、solving D、to solve
    A、twelve B、the twelve C、twelfth D、the twelfth
    A、is B、was C、are D、were
    A、how do you feel B、how you feel C、how did you feel D、how you felt


  • 16. 短文填空

    One day, Sue argued with her mother. She left home without (say) a word. Because she left in a hurry, she didn't take any money.

    When she saw a noodle shop, she (sudden) felt hungry. The shop owner saw her (stand) outside and asked her if she would like a bowl of noodles. She (nod) but then she said that she didn't have money.

    "Don't worry. I (treat) you, "the shop owner said. A few minutes later, he brought her a bowl of noodles. Sue cried.

    "What's wrong?"the shop owner asked.

    "I am touched by your(kind). Even a stranger can give me a bowl of noodles, but my mother often argues with me. I hate her!"

    "Girl, why do you think so?Think again. I just gave you a bowl of noodles and you were touched. Your mother (raise) you since you were born. Why aren't you grateful and argue with your mom instead?"

    Sue was surprised after hearing that.

    On the way home, Sue thought it over. She stopped in front of the door and saw her mother worried and tired after looking for her everywhere. When she saw Sue come back home, she was overjoyed. Are you hungry?I cooked supper. (come) to eat while it is. still hot. "

    Sue couldn't control (she). She cried and hugged her mother.

    In our life, it is easy for us to appreciate the small(act) of a stranger. But for the relatives, especially our parents, we see their sacrifices (牺牲).


  • 17. 阅读填空

    Travelling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip?The following information may be useful to you

    Before leaving

    Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.

    Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.

    Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.

    Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, fish, eggs

    While travelling

    Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.

    Have enough time to take a rest during your trip. Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle. Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Remember: If you travel with food

    How to keep during a trip

    Before leaving

    Wear comfortable shoes. a hat and

    some necessary medicine with you.

    Exercise for weeks or months you leave.

    Prepare proper food. Take bread, some biscuits and some fruit for atrip or bring some meat, fish, eggs. milk and even salad and vegetables for a nearer one.


     eat dirty food or bad fruit.

    Have enough to take a rest during a trip.

    Drink  water and always clean the cover.

    Keep food in good conditionto keep hot food hot and cold food cold.


  • 18. 假设你是李华,你的朋友Alan想了解你的兴趣和生活喜好,请你根据以下要求介绍自己的兴趣爱好,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。




    Dear Alan,

    How is it going now?Now let me tell you something about my favorites.

    I am looking forward to your reply.


    Li Hua