
试卷更新日期:2022-10-31 类型:复习试卷


  • 1.  你和你的小伙伴儿将来想从事什么职业,具体怎么做呢?参考词汇(doctor, help people , Kitty, teacher ,teach English, Alice, cook , cook nice food. )不少于5句。 
  • 2. 请你以Friends为题,介绍一下你和你朋友的情况! 50个单词左右。注意书写规范。
  • 3. 小朋友,请以“My good friend”为题,介绍你的一位好朋友。包括他/她的相貌、喜好、家庭、未来想从事的职业以及你们经常做的事情等。要求语言规范,50个单词左右。
  • 4. 仿照例子,写一写你将来想从事的职业

    I am……
    I can……
    I like……
    I'm good at……

        My name is Lisa. I'm tall and thin. I can read and write. I like Chinese very much. I am good at writing. I want to be a Chinese teacher in the future. I want teach children in a school. I love children.

  • 5. 仿照范文写一写你的上学路吧

        I'm Lily. I live far from my school. I go to school by bus. I walk to the bus stop and take the bus. I get off at Red Street Station. Then I walk to school.

  • 6. 仿照范文,写一写你的生日聚会


        My birthday is on 7th September. I want to have a “blue party”. Blue is my favourite colour. My friends can bring some blue things to my party. We have blue cake, some juice and some biscuits. We can sing and dance.

  • 7. 请以“My Sunday”为题,根据所给提示写一篇作文。(可写出你去了哪里,什么时间去的,乘坐什么交通工具,干了什么,感觉怎么样……)

    提示词:Sunday, go to the park, fly kites, happy

  • 8. 你通常和家人做些什么呢?想一想,写一写

    always / usually / often / sometimes / never go shopping / play chess / go to the park …

  • 9. 结合本课所学的知识,写一写你和你的好朋友之间的事吧

    both different/the same both like each other always/usually/often ... play football/basketball... help people cross the street/carry the bags

    I am…… .……is/are my good friend/friends. We ……

  • 10. 介绍一下你和你的朋友下午放学后的活动。要求使用现在进行时描述活动。不少于五句话。注意书写规范。
  • 11. 根据图片提示完成作文。


    Look! My dad is __________ in the _______. My sister is ________ ________ in the ________ ________. What about me? I'm ________ ________ ________ in the __________.

  • 12. 请以“Happy time” 为题,看图写一篇小短文,写一写每个人在干什么。