初中英语外研(新标准)版八年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 I was trying to pick itup when it bit me again 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2022-10-26 类型:同步测试


  • 1. When the car accident happened, the driver _____ on his mobile phone.
    A、is talking B、was talking C、talked D、talks
  • 2. Please give me a call ________________ you come back.
    A、until B、as soon as C、while
  • 3. —Shall we go to the airport to ___ your sister?

    —I don't think it's necessary. She will come here by taxi.

    A、see off B、pick up C、look after D、come across
  • 4. —Daddy, when will we go out to fly a kite?

    —As soon as the rain     .

    A、is stopping B、stopped C、will stop D、stops
  • 5. —Did you go ________?

    —Yes, we went to New York City.

    A、somewhere interesting B、anywhere interesting C、interesting somewhere D、interesting anywhere



  • 17. 当我看到亨利的时候,他正疼痛难忍地躺在那里。

    When I saw Henry, he was lying there great .

  • 18. 我想拍一张树叶的照片。

    I want to of tree leaves.

  • 19. 莉萨说她能自己完成那件事。

    Lisa said that she finish that thing by herself.

  • 20. 我不知道它是哪种鸟。

    I don't know .

  • 21. 在扔掉废物前进行分类是必要的。

    It's necessary to divide the waste into different kinds before we it.

  • 22. 当我等公共汽车时,他向我走过来。

    for the bus, he came up to me.


  • 23. to, his, hurt, began, badly, hand (. )(连词成句)
  • 24. in, the, cooking, he, was, wife, his, kitchen, with (. ) (连词成句)
  • 25. the, in, great, man, there, was, lying, pain (. ) (连词成句)
  • 26. the, the, doctor, right, gave, me, medicine (. ) (连词成句)
  • 27. hid, the, the, snake, in, somewhere, kitchen (. ) (连词成句)