初中英语外研(新标准)版八年级上册Module 8 Accidents 基础训练

试卷更新日期:2022-10-26 类型:同步测试


  • 1. My family always go somewhere interesting           the holiday begins.

    A、as soon as B、so C、so that D、even though
  • 2. I'll stay at home    going to the zoo.
    A、better than B、worse than C、instead of D、more than
  • 3. Pay attention ______ the new words in the passage.
    A、with B、to C、for D、at
  • 4. Many wild animals are ________, so it's time for us to do whatever we can to protect them.
    A、in danger B、in peace C、in need D、in time
  • 5. While she ________ TV in the sitting room, Mum ________.
    A、watches; come in B、is watching; came in C、was watching; came in D、was watching; was coming in
  • 6. —What ______ do they want to say?

    —Nothing else.

    A、other B、else C、another D、the other
  • 7. Mandy was playing the piano ________ Lisa was reading a book.
    A、before B、after C、while D、until
  • 8. The rainstorm came while Ann ________ her purse in the classroom.
    A、was looking for B、looked for C、is looking at D、looks at
  • 9. _____ the street if the traffic light is red.
    A、Not cross B、To cross C、Cross D、Don't cross
  • 10. We ______ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ______.
    A、waited; waiting B、were waiting; wait C、were waiting; waiting D、waited; wait


  • 11. 完形填空

    Good morning, everyone!Welcome 1 Chicago, the windy city. I'm Mark Chan and I'll be your 2 today for your first time to tour 3.We're driving along the Lake Michigan. It's one of 4 lakes that you can see, and it looks like 5 ocean. Chicago is an important city. In the 19th century, it was the central meat 6 for the whole country. The city is also famous 7 its fine museums. There are more than 15 excellent museums here. Now we 8 the Chicago Lear Opera House. Here you can hear 9 by famous singers from all over the world. Please 10 me if you would like any more information. I hope you'll enjoy your stay in Chicago.

    A、for B、about C、of D、to
    A、doctor B、visitor C、guide D、student
    A、the USA B、England C、France D、China
    A、great B、greater C、greatest D、the greatest
    A、a B、an C、the D、\
    A、bookstore B、market C、bus stop D、restaurant
    A、about B、as C、for D、with
    A、were passing B、are passing C、go across D、passed
    A、movies B、operas C、reading D、speaking
    A、show B、call C、answer D、ask


  • 12. 阅读单选

    A young man was walking along the street one day and he was very thirsty.

    Finally he went into a shop and asked the shopkeeper, "How much are these cakes you have here?"

    "Five cents each," was the answer.

    "I'll give you ten cents for three of them."

    "All right," said the shopkeeper.

    So the young man took three cakes and then began looking at some other things in the shop."How much is this wine?" he asked.

    "Ten cents a glass."

    "Well, I'm more thirsty than hungry. Please take back the cakes and give me a glass of wine."

    So the shopkeeper gave him a glass of wine.The young man drank the wine and began to walk out of the shop.

    "Just a minute, young man," said the shopkeeper. "You didn't pay for the wine."

    "Of course not, I gave you the cakes for it."

    "But you didn't pay for the cakes."

    "I didn't eat them. I gave them back to you. I certainly don't have to pay for anything I didn't eat, do I?" And before the shopkeeper could think of an answer to that, the young man was out of the shop.

    (1)、The young man went into a shop because ____.
    A、he was thirsty B、he was hungry C、he was tired
    (2)、What's the meaning of the underlined phrase "Just a minute" in Chinese?
    A、"一分钟". B、"仅仅一分钟". C、"等一下".
    (3)、Which of the following things did the young man get at last?
    A、Two cakes. B、Three cakes. C、A glass of wine.
    (4)、How much did the young man pay at last?
    A、Five cents. B、Ten cents. C、Nothing.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、The young man walked along the street to a shop. B、The young man wanted to pay ten cents for three cakes. C、The young man didn't want a glass of wine.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Every year, many people travel in the Philippines. Maybe you are planning to go there. To help you make your decision, here are some great places to consider:


    Boracay is known for its fine white sand and clear blue water. As one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Boracay attracts a lot of tourists during summer. This place is a must for young people. So if you are out to have a good time and meet new people, Boracay is just the place for you.


    Camiguin is another choice if you like the beach. But unlike Boracay, you'd be able to enjoy some peace and quiet here. The place also has hot springs and some active volcanoes. Camiguin takes its name from one of the area's volcanoes.


    Palawan is one of the best beaches in the country. You can enjoy and experience the beauty of Mother Earth here. Enjoy amazing clear blue water, amazing rock and the best dive sites.


    Most people come to Baguio in summer. The cool wind, the green mountains and the peace and quiet of Baguio are welcoming you to visit. You could also enjoy one of its gardens and visit many of Baguios attractions.

    (1)、If you want to meet your new friend, you should go to________
    A、Boracay B、Camiguin C、Palawan D、Baguio
    (2)、Where is the name of Camiguin from?
    A、Beautiful beaches. B、Hot springs. C、Area. D、One of the area's volcanoes.
    (3)、If you go to Palawan, you can see________.
    A、hot springs B、some active volcanoes C、gardens D、the beauty of the nature
    (4)、If you want to dive, you can go to________.
    A、Baguio B、Palawan C、Camiguin D、Boracay
    (5)、The passage mainly tells us________.
    A、that the Philippines has many travel areas B、about some of the best places to go in the Philippines C、that the Philippines is a place with many beautiful beaches D、about the weather in the Philippines
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Once there was a poor lady who lived on a hill near the sea. She lived a lonely life. She was so poor that she had to work hard every day.

    But one night as she sat at the table, the lady said to herself, "Why can't I do good to others?" At last, she came up with an idea.

    She decided to keep a lighted lamp (灯) at the window for the sailors every night. She found that ships sometimes broke up on the rocks in the sea, since there was no lighthouse to warn them of the danger at night. Maybe her lamp would warn them when their ships came near the rocks on the coast.

    The lady felt glad when the thought came through her mind. So she worked late and made money to buy the oil for the lamp and then she placed the lamp at the window each night. In this way she saved many lives.

    She did this for five years without the hope of reward ( 报酬). However, good acts were often found out. The sailors whose lives had been saved began to send gifts to her. They sent her tea from China, cloth from India, silk from France and grapes from Spain. But the poor lady did not need these gifts to make her happy. She gave many of them to the poor and the sick.

    She was happy with the thought that she was doing good. So, as long as she lived, she lit her lamp each night, and placed it at the window.

    (1)、What can we know about the lady?
    A、She knew the sailors. B、She worked on a ship. C、She was kind-hearted. D、She lived alone on the sea.
    (2)、Why did the ships sometimes break up on the rocks in the sea?
    A、Because the ships were not built well enough. B、Because there was no lighthouse. C、Because the sailors didn't have enough experience. D、Because the rocks were too large to avoid.
    (3)、How might the sailors feel when they saw the lamp at the window?
    A、Lucky. B、Thankful. C、Sorry. D、Proud.
    (4)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、No pains, no gains. B、Where there is a will, there is a way. C、Nothing is more important than safety. D、It is always worth doing something good for others.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    (1)、What will volunteers teach children?
    A、How to protect the sea. B、How to write a letter. C、How to speak Chinese. D、How to play the piano.
    (2)、When do volunteers need to start work?
    A、On Sunday. B、On Monday. C、On Friday. D、On Saturday.
    (3)、What can volunteers do?
    A、Leave at any time. B、Have a good pay. C、Do some business. D、Stay in a beach room.



  • 25. 词汇积累。
    (1)、 n. 厨师v. 烹饪;煮
    (2)、 n. 医生
    (3)、 n. 工程师
    (4)、violinist n.
    (5)、 n. 驾驶员;司机
    (6)、pilot n.
    (7)、pianist n.
    (8)、 n. 科学家
    (9)、college n.
    (10)、 n. 教育
  • 26. 词汇积累。
    (1)、 n. 药;医学
    (2)、 n.(综合性)大学;高等学府
    (3)、article n.
    (4)、 v. 邮寄;发送