
试卷更新日期:2022-10-20 类型:月考试卷



  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What's wrong with Peter?
    A、He lost a book. B、He was often late. C、He failed an exam.
    (2)、What will Peter do next?
    A、Stop playing the guitar. B、Talk to his parents. C、Ask his teacher for help.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How did Betty feel today?
    A、Too bad. B、As usual. C、Pretty good.
    (2)、What is Betty's father doing now?
    A、Cooking. B、Working. C、Sleeping.
    (3)、Where may Betty be now?
    A、At home. B、On the platform. C、In the classroom.


  • 8. 听一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。

    Sunshine Winter Camp




    Have lessons and eat local food.

    Visit a farm and even 2 a sheep.

    Learn about great writers and3.


    A week for4dollars.

    What might the speaker be?5 .

    A、Canada B、America C、Australia
    A、buy B、keep C、sell
    A、tools B、skills C、cultures
    A、3, 000 B、4, 000 C、5, 000
    A、A guide B、A teacher C、A student


  • 9. — How do you feel when being home alone for the first time?

    —It's hard to say. It's ___________ unforgettable memory for me.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 10. — How was your vacation in Beijing, Jenny?

    —I visited the Palace Museum. It is quite a(n) ___________ place, and I want to visit it again.

    A、empty B、simple C、strange D、magical
  • 11. —The machine doesn't work now. What's the matter?

    — Why not find out the ___________and try to fix it.

    A、exhibitions B、inventions C、connections D、instructions
  • 12. — Mum, can I grow grapes in our garden? I like grapes!

    — Of course! But you must take care of them ___________. You can't water them too often.

    A、simply B、properly C、honestly D、recently
  • 13. Doctors and nurses worked day and night to ___________ the sick persons without resting.
    A、treat B、reply C、train D、replace
  • 14. —Scientists always ___________ different methods to make some improvement.

    —So cool. No wonder there are so many great inventions.

    A、put up B、try out C、give up D、point out
  • 15. ____ you are not sure about the answer, please discuss with your partners.
    A、If B、After C、Unless D、Although
  • 16. —I'm at the gate of the Science Museum. Where are you now, Becky?

    —I'm still on the bus. I ___________ the wrong bus. I have to take another one later.

    A、takes B、will take C、have taken D、was taking
  • 17. Tina likes ___________ because it often makes her think of her childhood in the countryside of England.
    A、the place that has great natural sights B、the music that is from TFBOYs C、the book that describes about city life D、the film that is about school life
  • 18. —Quan Hongchan, a 14-year-old girl, won the Olympic gold medal.

    —Wow, ___________! We Chinese are all proud of her.

    A、that's a shame B、never give up C、that's amazing D、that's not the point


  • 19. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Two childhood friends, Sonu and Monu found jobs in the same company. Both were hard working.1they worked for few months, Sonu got promotion while Monu didn't get any.

    Boss was2with Sonu and-always kept him near. Monu saw this and started getting jealous of Sonu and kept thinking- 3 could Sonu get promotion but he didn't.

    One day boss called Monu for some work, when Monu came to Boss office, he 4 to do work and said, "We both started working together in this company at the same time and5worked hard for this company, but only Sonu got promotion. I don't want to work here anymore. "

    Monu kept on6 , Boss listened to his complaints calmly. Then Boss said, "Monu l know you work very hard too but you were not 7 enough to get you promotion."

    Monu 8 argued and didn't want to understand.

    At last Boss said, "OK fine. I will give you promotion but for that you have to do 9. "Monu agreed.

    Boss said, "You go out in market and check how many banana 10 there are. "Monu went and came back, he told Boss, "There was only one banana seller in market. "Boss said, "OK. Now go and get to know about the 11 of the bananas. '

    He went to market again and came back to Boss and said, "They cost 60 rupees per dozen" Boss replied, "OK. Now I will give the 12 work to Sonu. You wait and watch. "Monu hid in corner of office. Boss called Sonu and asked him to do the same thing.

    When Sonu came back, he said13, "Sir. There is only one banana seller in market and he is selling bananas at price of 60 rupees per dozen. But if we buy his whole then he will sell them at half—14rupees per dozen. If we buy all of them and then we sell them at 60 rupees per dozen then we will make good profit. "

    After hearing Sonu's reply, Monu got surprised and 15 his mistake. He apologized to the boss for his mistake and continued to work in that company.

    A、From B、After C、Since D、Before
    A、angry B、bored C、pleased D、careful
    A、why B、how C、when D、where
    A、chose B、failed C、refused D、decided
    A、one B、both C、either D、neither
    A、preparing B、discussing C、apologizing D、complaining
    A、wise B、calm C、brave D、patient
    A、ever B、still C、even D、never
    A、nothing B、anything C、everything D、something
    A、shops B、trees C、planters D、sellers
    A、kind B、size C、price D、weight
    A、same B、simple C、difficult D、different
    A、sadly B、rudely C、politely D、carefully
    A、one B、two C、thirty D、sixty
    A、made B、trusted C、explained D、realized


  • 20. 阅读理解

    Wenzhou Museum was once located on Jiangxin Island, but has been moved to Century Square downtown. It presents over 5. 000 years of objects for everyone to experience and enjoy the history of Wenzhou and its culture here.

    We look forward to welcoming you to Wenzhou Museum! Your health and safety are the most important. All visitors must show your health QR code and have your temperature taken.

    When you are visiting, please follow these rules:

    Masks are required for all visitors.

    Coat check is closed recently. No large bags.

    Keep at least six feet from others.

    Please do not touch the art.

    Opening Hours:

    Tuesday to Sunday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm (last admission at 4:00 pm)

    Closed on Mondays

    General Admission Tickets:

    Free for visitors to enter

    Contact information:

    Address: Century Square, Shifu Road, Wenzhou

    Tel: 0577-88939990, 0577-88939993

    Website: http://www. wzmuseum. cn/

    (1)、lf a student want to visit Wenzhou Museum, he must _______.
    A、wear a mask B、buy some art C、carry a large bag D、stand close to others
    (2)、Peter can visit the museum at _______.
    A、8:00 am, on Monday B、9:00 pm, on Tuesday C、5:00 pm, on Friday D、9:30 am, on Sunday
    (3)、From the passage, we know _______.
    A、Wenzhou Museum is moved to Jiangxin Island B、the price of the museum ticket is a little expensive C、people can know about the museum on its website D、the museum has a long history of about 5000 years
  • 21. 阅读理解

    In 2017, a study found that today's Aboriginal Australians are all related to a common ancestor who appeared on the mainland about 50, 000 years ago. They are thought to have moved to Northern Australia from Asia in boats. And recent study believes that those early people themselves came out of Africa about 70, 000 years ago, which would make Aboriginal Australians the oldest population of humans living outside Africa.

    Between 1910 and 1970, the policies of government led to between 10% and 33% of Aboriginal Australian children being moved from their homes. These "Stolen Generations "were put in other families and organizations and were not allowed to speak their own languages. Their names were often changed. Many of the Aboriginal languages are endangered, although some efforts are being made to change the situation. As of 2016, only 13 traditional indigenous languages were still being spoken by children, and about another 100 spoken by older generations only.

    In 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a national apology for the country's actions toward Aboriginal Australians of the Stolen Generations; since then, Australia has worked to reduce social differences between Aboriginal Australians and Australians.

    Today, about 3% of Australia's population has Aboriginal blood. The government is trying to make a new treaty with its Aboriginal population. It aims to recognize Aboriginal Australians 'legal right. For example, Aboriginal Australians can have more chances to get education with the help of the policy.

    (1)、According to the passage, Aboriginal Australians may come from Africa about _______ year ago.
    A、100 B、1970 C、50, 000 D、70, 000
    (2)、What did ""Stolen Generations" suffer between 1910 and 1970?
    A、They changed the government policies. B、They were not allowed to leave their homes. C、They lived a hard life with their families. D、They had to stop speaking their own language.
    (3)、The underlined word" indigenous' probably means _______.
    A、easy B、hard C、local D、foreign
    (4)、The last two paragraphs mainly tell us _______.
    A、One third of Australia's population has Aboriginal blood. B、Aboriginal Australians still can't get good education now. C、The living condition of the Aboriginals is a bit better now. D、It's wise for the government to say sorry to the Aboriginals.
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Robin is a social companion robot that stands at about 4 feet tall and it can move, talk and play with others while being remotely controlled by humans.

    Experts from UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital's Chase Child Life Program planned hour-long video visits with young patients using Robin, comparing it with using a standard tablet, from October 2020 to April 2021. At the end of the study, children and their parents were interviewed about their experiences. 90% of parents who had a visit with Robin said they were "extremely likely" to ask another visit. Children reported a 29% increase in active affect—they were more likely to experience the world in an active way, including feelings, communications with others and attitudes towards life's challenges.

    Child life experts said that children could benefit a lot from this technology. With the help of Robin, children were more likely to communicate with others and it seemed easier for them to get close to others during play. It could also help them have better hospital experiences and form new and trusting friendships.

    "Our team has proved that a social companion robot is better than video chats on a standard tablet. Lt gives us a more imaginative and profound way to make the hospital less stressful, said Justin Wagner. MD, a doctor at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital. "As the pandemic- continues, our patients are still feeling anxious and vulnerable in bared ways, so it's important that we can be as creative as possible to make their experiences easier when they need our help."

    _________ It can help healthcare workers have better relationships with patients and focus more on them. What's more, it can help control infection.

    The authors say lots of young patients can benefit from this technology. It's a good idea to have social companion robots like Robin in children's hospitals.

    (1)、Robin in the passage is a robot who can help _______ in the hospital.
    A、perform operations B、stay with patients C、do some cleaning D、answer phone calls
    (2)、In Paragraph 2, the writer shows children in hospital breferRobin mainly by _______.
    A、telling stories B、giving examples C、listing numbers D、comparing facts
    (3)、Robin can help children in hospital _______.

    ①be more active

    ②feel less nervous

    ③make more friends

    ④meet less challenges

    A、②③④ B、①③④ C、①②④ D、①②③
    (4)、Which of the following sentences can be put in "_______"?
    A、The study also suggests benefits to healthcare workers. B、Healthcare workers show little interest in this technology. C、However, this study brings problems to healthcare workers. D、Healthcare workers make great efforts to help young patients.
  • 23. 阅读理解

    Jim Smiley was a famous person in Calaveras county. He would try to make money on anything. If there was a dog-fight, he would try to win money on it. If there was a cat-fight, he would take the risk. If there was two birds setting on a fence, he would want you to decide which one would fly first so he could win money. And he almost always was a winner.

    He caught a frog one day and said he was going to train it. After three months 'training, Smiley was very proud of his frog because it could get over more ground in one jump than any frog that you ever saw.

    One day, a stranger came and said, "What might be that in the box?" Smiley said, "It's my frog, Daniel. "And the man looked at it carefully, and said, "Well, what is he good for?" Smiley said, easily and carelessly, "He can out jump any frog in Calaveras county. "The man took another long look and said, "Well, 1 don't see anything about that frog that is any better than any other frog. " Smiley said. "Maybe you understand frogs and maybe you don't. Anyway, I will risk forty dollars and bet you that he can jump farther than any frog in Calaveras County. "

    The man thought a minute. "Well, I'm only a stranger here, and l do not have a frog. But if I had a frog, I would risk my money on it. "Smiley decided to get him a frog. The man sat there a long time thinking and thinking. Then he got the frog out of the box and filled its mouth full of bullets*.

    Now Smiley had caught another frog and gave it to the man. ‘Now sit him next to Daniel. "Then Smiley said, "One-two-three-go!" Smiley and the other man touched the frogs.

    The new frog jumped. Daniel just lifted up his body but could not move at all. Smiley was very surprised and angry. But he did not know what the problem was.

    The other man took the money away. And when he was going out the door, he looked back and said" Well. I don't see anything about that frog that is any better than any other frog. "

    Smiley stood looking down at Daniel a long time. He picked up Daniel and turned him upside down and out came a lot of bullets.

    (1)、In the writer's opinion, Jim Smiley is a person who _______.
    A、often fought with others B、always wanted to take risks C、was fond of saving money D、liked little animals very much
    (2)、Why did Smiley leave and help the stranger catch a new frog?
    A、To help the man to win more money. B、To show Daniel-is better and win money. C、To give the man a wonderful present. D、To fill Daniel's mouth with lots of bullets.
    (3)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、A person should keep his feet on the ground. B、Good luck is much more important than efforts. C、With the spirit of hard work, things are half done. D、If a person wants to succeed, he should take a risk.
    (4)、Why did the man say the underlined sentence "Well, l don't see anything about that frog that is any better than any other frog. "at last?(请用约40词回答)


  • 24. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次。

    silent  diary  punish  we  twelve

    (1)、Tina gets into the habit of writing to remember things.
    (2)、We usually watch the parade and enjoy a lot on that day.
    (3)、David by the head teacher because he broke the windows.
    (4)、Ben is crazy about reading great books so he always sits in the library.
    (5)、After training hard, Lucy's class finally won the first place in the sport meeting.
  • 25. 根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

    The Battle at Lake Changjin has already become one of (有影响力的) movies in this autumn in China. (百万) of people go to cinemas to enjoy it. The ticket sales are more than 5.62 billion yuan which has broken the record. It's a great success both in China and (在国外).

    It is set during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the 1950s. Lots of Chinese People's Volunteer (士兵) fought bravely in the coldest days that the temperature often dropped to forty degrees (在……下面) zero. They fought against enemies as well as terrible weather. Even worse, there wasn't enough food, warm clothing or medicine for the (受伤的). However, all of them stillfought (直到) the last moments of their lives.

    The movie makes people know more about this (阶段) of history and realize how valuable today's life is. Kelly Wang, an international student, told the reporter that she (考虑) a lot and leaned the history again after watching the movie. And she'd like (传播) the story and the spirit of these Chinese heroes to others.


  • 26. 假设你是李明,English Today英语少年报新年特刊现征集稿件。请根据征稿海报,选择一个专栏,结合专栏主题和要求,进行投稿。


    The Spring Festival is coming soon! Introduce it to us, including the festival and special ways to celebrate it in your hometown!


    The winter vacation is coming! It's a great time to travel and relax. Share one place you like to us. Say what facts you know about it and things people can enjoy there!

    Great books

    Introduce a great bock to us. Let's make the vacation meaningful and interesting! What is it about and how does it influence you?


    Be a better person in the new year! Choose a hero in your mind. Talk about what you know about him or her and what you can learn from your hero.




    A (n) … Place/Festival/Book/Person