高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Relationships TOPIC TALK同步练习

试卷更新日期:2022-10-13 类型:同步测试


  • 1. You two have something in common in your personal (品质).
  • 2. My two (侄女) were both admitted to Beijing University this year.
  • 3. That young man has great sense of (幽默) and is always confident about his work.
  • 4. Only those who are (热心的) about their work can do their work well.
  • 5. Lily is (外向的) and friendly, so she gets on well with her classmates.
  • 6. This sports meet is (主办) by the company next to our school.
  • 7. It is really (难以置信的) for this boy to win the first prize in the singing competition.
  • 8. Li Ming returns home to pay a visit to his parents (偶尔地).
  • 9. She has suffered much from (情感的) stress in recent months.
  • 10. I will be very (感激的) if you could offer me this opportunity.



  • 21. Today I'm talking with three different people (找出) some of the nicest things that people (为……做过) them.   
  • 22. My friend visited me every day and made me (感到快乐) again and (积极面对) life.    
  • 23. He (对……充满热情)the project.
  • 24. (令人伤心的是),my granny (去世) two years ago but I still think of her all the time. 
  • 25. I was most (因……感激约翰) bringing the books.  


  • 26. 语法填空

    Today, how to put the knowledge gained every day into (real) has interested many people. As a proverb goes, "Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it." Obviously, this  (say) tries to deliver the message that we ought not to stop practicing it if we (true) want to master the knowledge we learn.

    There are several reasons(account) for this statement. To begin with, human beings are forgetful beings; therefore, only when we use knowledge, make mistakes, try to use it again will we be able to remember it by heart. Moreover, knowledge has become more and more complicated and it can't (understand) if we do not practice it again and again.

    Practicing, to sum up,(be) of greatest(important) for those who are determined to learn knowledge well.a student, I hope that the young can focus more attention on practicing they have learned.


  • 27. 任务型阅读

    There are some bad cell phone habits that can have serious social, academic, health, and legal consequences. So, it is important and necessary to educate your teen about unhealthy habits. Here are some bad habits that teens need to stop:

    Talk on the phone in quiet public areas. Make sure that your teen knows it is not OK to talk on the phone in theaters, libraries, waiting rooms, or other quiet public areas.

    Stare at their phones for hours. Many people--not just teens--are spending their days mindlessly scrolling through news feeds and social media accounts.  So set healthy limits on your teen's cell phone use so he can enjoy real world experiences.

    Make private conversations public. The whole world doesn't need to know about the latest drama among your teen's friends or the most recent family issue you've been experiencing.  Tell him to go to a private area if he must continue a phone conversation.

    Take unsuitable pictures. Unfortunately, that can often lead to taking selfies in dangerous places. Talk to your teen about the dangers of taking and sharing unsuitable photos.

    The rules about smartphone use in the classroom vary from school to school. Regardless of your school's policies, cell phone use during school can serve as a major distraction. Talk to your teen about turning his phone off during the school day so he won't use it.

    A. Use the phone during school.

    B. Ignore the people around them.

    C. Don't allow your teen to use digital devices during mealtimes.

    D. Talk to your teen about the importance of being respectful to others.

    E. As a result, they're missing out on everything going on around them.

    F. Teach your teen to speak quietly on the cell phone when others are nearby.

    G. Smartphone cameras mean teens can take photos almost anywhere anytime.


  • 28. 完形填空

    A lonely girl found two starving songbirds in the woods. She took them home and put them in a1cage. She cared them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the girl2the door to the small cage open accidentally. One bird flew from the cage. The girl was so3that it would fly away. As it flew close, she grasped it4. She was so happy that she5it tightly. Suddenly she felt the bird breathless. Her desperate love had killed it.

    She6the other bird moving back and forth on the7of the cage. She could feel its great8for freedom. It needed to fly into the blue sky. She lifted it from the cage and tossed (抛) it9into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three times.

    The girl watched happily at the bird's10. Her heart was no longer concerned with her11. She wanted the bird to be12. Suddenly the bird flew closer and13softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest song that she had ever heard.

    The fastest way to lose love is to14it too tight, the best way to keep love is to give it15!

    A、large B、wooden C、plastic D、small
    A、left B、remained C、imagined D、remembered
    A、excited B、frightened C、disappointed D、pleased
    A、casually B、occasionally C、wildly D、regularly
    A、held B、reached C、approached D、followed
    A、heard B、realized C、recognized D、noticed
    A、edge B、roof C、base D、surface
    A、idea B、wish C、share D、destination
    A、softly B、quietly C、heavily D、suddenly
    A、curiosity B、enjoyment C、amazement D、astonishment
    A、opinion B、relief C、pain D、loss
    A、trapped B、strong C、happy D、alone
    A、landed B、fell C、dropped D、sat
    A、hold up B、hold onto C、take up D、take in
    A、soul B、life C、wings D、legs