仁爱科普版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D

试卷更新日期:2022-10-13 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 根据音标写出单词和汉语意思。
























  • 7. 短语译一译
  • 8. 我住在一个叫菲尔莫的小山镇。
  • 9. 他们谨慎的处理垃圾并阻止砍树。


  • 10. He invited _____ 10 people for his birthday party, but to his surprise, over 30 people came.
    A、more than B、at least C、fewer than
  • 11. Canada is a large country ______ a population_______ about 36 million.
    A、with; of B、has; as C、of; in
  • 12. Look out! You should_______ careful _______ everything around you. It's dangerous!
    A、do; with B、feel; to C、be; with
  • 13. I have been to many _______.
    A、places of interests B、places of interesting C、places of interest
  • 14. Japan is a_______ country while China is a ______ country.
    A、developing; developed B、developed; developing C、developing; developing


  • 15. 我住在这个被称作“云乡”的村子已20多年了。

    I have in the Yun Xiang more than 20 years.

  • 16. 这座美丽的小镇被青山绿水所环绕。

    The beautiful town green trees, mountains and water.

  • 17. 过去我们习惯于大家庭的生活,而现在我们能够享受小家的宁静。

    In the past, we got used to the life in an , while now we can enjoy the quiet life in a .

  • 18. 她家人口多,我家也是。

    She has a big family, .

  • 19. 我们经常互相帮助,一起玩乐。

    We often and together.


  • 20. Miachel说他喜欢打篮球,你想告诉他你弟弟跟他有相同爱好,你可以说:

    my brother.

  • 21. 当你看了有关中国人口的报道,惊讶于人口数量之大,你可以这么说:

    What !

  • 22. 你想知道英国人口有多少,你可以这么问:


  • 23. 你想知道对方是否找到他的书包了,你可以这么问:

    Have ?

  • 24. 你想知道对方有没有去过美国,你可以这么问:



  • 25. 下面是李梅的一篇英文日记,但她有几个单词不会拼写,请你帮助她(请注意单词的适当形式,每个空格限填一词)。

    May 27                  Saturday

    I got up very (早) this morning. After a quick breakfast, I went to the zoo with my classmates, We went there by (公共汽车)

    There are many kinds of animals there. We liked monkeys best. We fed them with some (香蕉).We stayed there for about an hour. Then we went to Qingshao Lake. We saw many people (放、飞) kites in different colors near the lake, Wehad no kites, so we went boating (代  替).The water in the lake is very clean.

    It was nearly 12 o' clock. We began to (喝) apple juice and eat some sandwiches for (午餐). After that, some of us went fishing,  and  some of us (爬) the hill. We went back home at about.(五)o'clock.

    What a happy day we had today I enjoyed (玩得开心) a lot!