初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 4 Growing up. Period 4 Grammar试题

试卷更新日期:2022-10-09 类型:同步测试


  • 1. In _____ room, school things are everywhere. It's not tidy.
    A、Jenny and Coco's B、Jenny's and Coco's C、Jenny and Coco
  • 2. —_____ is the art festival?

    —I don't know. Maybe it's in December. I'm sure it will be interesting.

    A、How B、Where C、What D、When
  • 3. My brother Dale is _____ years old, and today is his _____ birthday.
    A、nine; nineth B、ninth; nine C、nineth; nine D、nine; ninth
  • 4. Tom is a boy. He is in _____.
    A、Class 2nd, Grade 7th B、Class 2nd, Grade 7 C、Class 2, Grade 7th D、Class 2, Grade 7
  • 5. Friday is _____ day of a week.
    A、sixth B、the sixth C、six D、the six
  • 6. —What's your friend's favorite subject?


    A、History B、Blue C、Salad D、School
  • 7. —How far is it from your classroom to the school library?

    —It's not very far. It's only about _____ walk.

    A、ten minute B、ten minutes' C、ten minute's D、ten-minutes'
  • 8. _____ friend is from Japan and _____ is a teacher.
    A、Zhou Li's; her B、Zhou Li; Zhou Li's C、Zhou Li's; she D、Zhou Li's; Zhou Li's
  • 9. Linda says she knows all her _____ favorite colors.
    A、classmates B、classmate's C、classmates'
  • 10. — Peter, have you ever been to the English Corner?

    —Oh yes. I ______________ there to practice speaking once a week last term.

    A、went B、go. C、have gone D、will go


  • 11. 阅读理解


    Sherry, 3 years old. Help us find our dog. Last seen in Central Park on June 10 around 4 in the afternoon. Tel: 012-6554-7862.


    Emma is a black and white Australian sheepdog (牧羊犬), one year old. Last seen (被看见) on August 27 in Highland Park. Tel: 847-220-2094 or 312-543-9910.


    Lolly is a small spotted dog. She was last seen next to a dumpster (大垃圾桶) on May 14. She likes to be petted and may be wearing a blue coat(外套). Tel: 020-231-2123.


    Freda, 6 years old. She is wearing a leather collar (皮圈). She was last seen on February2, on High Street. If (如果) you see her , please call Mr. Smith at 010 - 379 - 5122 or write to johnsmith@ hotmail. com. Thank you!

    (1)、Where was Sherry last seen?
    A、In Highland Park. B、Next to a dumpster. C、In Central Park. D、On High Street.
    (2)、The underlined word ''wearing" means ''_____''.
    A、叼着 B、找到 C、搜索 D、穿着
    (3)、What will help you notice (注意到) Freda?
    A、The yellow hair. B、The black and white hair. C、The blue coat. D、The leather collar.
    (4)、You can call them at _____ if you find a dog with a blue coat.
    A、012-6554-7862 B、312-543-9910c. 020-231-2123 C、010-379-5122   


  • 12. In my opinion, TV programs have a great on children's behavior. (effective)
  • 13. This is a (real) busy term. We have many things to do.
  • 14. 选词填空

    be; around; arrive; play; move

    (1)、—There is a big supermarket near the school.

    —Yes. And it's been for many years.

    (2)、You computer games for a long time. It's bad for your health.
    (3)、Our head teacher is always the first one at school every day.
    (4)、—How long have you been living in this city?

    —Since our family here in 2007.

    (5)、I away from my hometown for three years. How I want to be back!


  • 15. —Look, watch is this?

    —Oh, it might be the man's in front of us.



  • 19. Today is (not ordinary or usual, but different in some way and often better or more important) for me because I was born on this day 14 years ago.
  • 20. —Have you watched the National Day parade on TV?

    —Of course. It has won high (words that show approval of sb or sth) all over the world.