初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3 Teenage problem Reading基础练习

试卷更新日期:2022-10-09 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Driving after drinking is one of the greatest(原因) of traffic accidents.
  • 2. Thank you for your (建议). They have really helped me greatly.
  • 3. It's reported that the teachers of Hengshui High School are much (严格的) in English handwriting.
  • 4. We don't (be not sure if something is true) the great achievements China has made in the past 40 years.
  • 5. —Why didn't you hear me when I called your name in class?

    — Sorry, sir. I was (form a picture in your mind) how to spend the coming summer holiday.

  • 6. Jack's mother was worried about his s when Jack said he failed in the final exam.
  • 7. —How often do you have dinner with your family at restaurants?

    —H ever. We almost have dinner at home.

  • 8. —You look tired. What's wrong?

    —To complete the work, I drank some coffee to keep myself last night.

  • 9. —We think it's silly of you to tell others your friends' secrets because it will harm your.

    —Sorry, I won't do it again.


  • 10. The poor girl had no choice but (make) a living through hard work.
  • 11. Peter looks forward to (get) on well with his new friends.
  • 12. Passengers are not allowed (eat) or drink when they take the underground.
  • 13. Some more (value) steps should be taken so that we can get a better result.
  • 14. She spent much of her life behind locked doors, (refuse) visitors and producing poem after poem in her room.


  • 15. 用方框中所给动词的正确形式填空。

    watch; finish; arrive; bring; reduce

    (1)、That is the only way we know the pollution.
    (2)、—Jenny, the package you're looking forward to now.

    —Great! I can't wait to open it.

    (3)、—Have you watched the film Song of Youth?

    —Yes. It tells a story between a teacher and his students and is really worth.

    (4)、Can you imagine the whole work without any help?
    (5)、Our school allows in newspapers and magazines during the Reading.


  • 16. __________ your parents strict __________ you __________ your study?

    A、Is; with; in B、Are; in; with C、Is; in; with D、Are; with; in
  • 17. To improve Maths, my friend Jack always_____to do some extra exercises.
    A、picks up B、stays up C、takes up D、gives up
  • 18. My parents have a low opinion of K-pop. They think most Korean songs are not worth ____________at all.
    A、being listened B、listening C、being listened to D、listening to
  • 19. As a teacher, Mr Zhang finds____________ important to help and care about every student.
    A、him B、it C、that D、himself
  • 20. —Do you know how to ______ stress from so many tests?

    —Sorry. Maybe the youth worker can tell us what to ______ it.

    A、deal with; do with B、do with; deal with C、deal with; deal with D、do with; do with
  • 21. They have little doubt____________ the project will be a great success, though they are not sure____________ they will have enough money to carry on with it.
    A、that; whether B、whether; whether C、whether; that D、that; that


  • 22. 根据科学研究,熬夜对我们的身体健康非常有害。

    the scientific research, is very harmful to our health.

  • 23. 在不求助的情况下,她不知道如何处理这个问题。

    She doesn't know for help.

  • 24. 当时她除了掩饰自己的烦恼,别无其他选择。

    She her worries to herself at that moment.

  • 25. 根据交通规则,人们不允许酒后驾车。
  • 26. 她宁愿更严格要求自己也不愿半途而废。