初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 2 Colours 单元同步练习

试卷更新日期:2022-10-09 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. —Do you know how to spell ______ word "strength" in English?

    —Yes. It begins with ______ "s".

    A、the; a B、the; an C、a; the D、the; the
  • 2. —What about a cup of coffee? You'll feel better.

    —Thanks, I am sleepy. I really need ________.

    A、one B、that C、this D、it
  • 3. I have lived abroad for several years, but I have never regretted my final ______ to move back to my motherland.
    A、progress B、mistake C、decision D、reason
  • 4. I'm going to attend a birthday party, but I don't know ______ the dress looks good ______ me.
    A、that; in B、if; in C、whether; on D、that if; on
  • 5. The boy is often heard ______ in the music room. He is good at singing.
    A、practise singing B、to practise singing C、practising singing D、to practise to sing
  • 6. —Jack, let's have a picnic after school.

    —Sorry. I have ______ Frank to work on the biology report with him.

    A、advised B、expected C、suggested D、promised
  • 7. —Mum, I think I've caught a cold.

    —Why not drink some hot water, dear? It will make you ______ better.

    A、feel B、felt C、feeling D、to feel
  • 8. —Do you plan to have a driving tour on the coming May Day?

    —I'm afraid there is a lot of traffic, so I'd rather ______ the train than ______ a car.

    A、take; to drive B、take; drive C、taking; driving D、to take; to drive
  • 9. —The fire was so terrible!

    —______, the people in the building are safe now, and that's what I care about most.

    A、Instead B、Anyway C、Otherwise D、Moreover
  • 10. You look calm and peaceful. Blue ______ you. You should ______ it more often.
    A、matches; put on B、fits; wear C、suits; wear D、balances; put on
  • 11. —The famous Notre Dame Cathedral (巴黎圣母院) caught a big fire on April 16, 2019. —What a pity! I think how much difficulty French people may have ______ it well.
    A、repair B、to repair C、repaired D、repairing
  • 12. —What do you think of the white dress?

    —I ______ its style, but I ______ not choose it because of its price.

    A、would rather; prefer B、prefer; prefer        C、would rather; would rather D、prefer; would rather
  • 13. Evidence has been found through years of study ______ children's early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.
    A、why B、how C、whether D、that
  • 14. —Why not go on a trip to Beihai Park by Mobike this Sunday?

    —Good idea! But I wonder ______.

    A、how can I download Mobike App B、whether it's going to rain C、that we can meet at the school gate D、how much we should pay the Mobike
  • 15. —I'm falling to pieces. Everything is turning against me.

    —______! I believe you can deal with it.

    A、Cheer up B、Be careful C、Don't mention it D、I can't agree more
  • 16. Sandy looks pretty ______ orange, but orange doesn't look good ______ Millie.
    A、in; on B、on; in C、in; in D、on; on
  • 17. —There is still a copy of the magazine in the reading room. Will you go and borrow ______?

    —No, I'd rather buy ______ in the bookshop after school.

    A、one; it B、it; one C、one; one D、it; it
  • 18. —How much advice did your leader offer at the meeting?

    — ______ at all. He said ______.

    A、Nothing; nothing B、Nothing; none C、None; nothing D、None; none
  • 19. Unless you have ______, you can't imagine how pretty the new style skirt is.
    A、handed it in B、tried it on C、cut it out D、made it up
  • 20. —Can you guess if Ben ______ hiking with us tomorrow morning?

    —I think he will go with us if he ______ free.

    A、goes; is B、will go; will be C、will go; is D、goes; will be


  • 21. Can you imagine what our life would, be like (with) hobbies?
  • 22. I don't know if there is (something) wrong with my computer because it works very slowly.
  • 23. She also cut out a picture of (colour) butterflies and stuck it on the cover.
  • 24. —You nearly fell (sleep) just now. Why do you look so (sleep) in class, John?

    —Sorry, sir. I stayed up to watch a live football match last night.

  • 25. —Do you feel like (go) with us together?

    —Thanks. Tom hasn't come a yet. I am a waiting for him.

  • 26. Not everyone is used to the (热) in such a summer here.
  • 27. —Everyone loves living in (和平) and likes (和平的) environment.
    —Yes, all of us enjoy living (和平地).
  • 28. Aunt Mary looked very pretty in her white dress on her (婚礼) day.
  • 29. —Why do you like white so much?

    —Because it represents (纯洁) and can make me calm down.

  • 30. —How are you getting on at this school, Daniel?

    —Excellent. My  (决定) to study in our school is the best choice I've ever made.


  • 31. 当你思想上需要力量的时候,红色可能对你有些帮助。

    Red may be of some help to you when you .

  • 32. 我不确信他们是否来自扬州直到他们说话。

    I until they spoke.

  • 33. 穿蓝色的衣服对我们有好处,因为这种颜色能营造出一种平静的感觉。

    Wearing blue is good because this colour creates.

  • 34. 当你觉得忧伤时,橙色能使你振作起来。

    Orange can when you feel sad.

  • 35. 红色是火热的颜色,代表力量和强烈的感情。

    Red is and power and strong feelings.

  • 36. 当一些人想要成功的时候,他们更喜欢黄色。

    Some people yellow when they .

  • 37. 你觉得像我这个年龄的人穿什么颜色(的衣服)好看?

    do you think people of my age


  • 38. 完形填空

    Red is the colour of China. Among all the colours, red is most easily seen. The colour red is fresh and pure, 1 in China we call it China Red. Chinese people are attracted by the colour red not only because it makes people excited, but also because it has 2 meaning in Chinese culture and history.

    No country in the world has ever 3 a colour in such a way as China. Here, red is a symbol. It gives colour to the soul(灵魂)of the nation. In the Past, red represented dignity(尊严)and mystery(神秘). Even now, Chinese people 4 the colour much more than we do. It can be said that "ChinaRed" is an everlasting theme for China,and an 5 colour for Chinese people. "ChinaRed" has become a very popular word, attracting the world's attention.

    Finding red-coloured things in China is very 6, as you can see the colour everywhere. All traditional red things have been playing special 7 in China: the walls of ancient palaces, the national flag, Chinese knots, lanterns, traditional paper-cuts, and even red tanghulu.

    Red is the colour of the 8, health, harmony, happiness, peace, richness and so on. Only real things and events can fully 9 and explain its beauty. The colour can be 10 and meaningful only when it's connected with people.

    In China, red is more than just a colour. It carries the ancient history and culture of the Chinese nation. "ChinaRed" is filled with mysterious charm(神秘的魅力) beyond(超过) description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel, to discover!

    A、but B、or C、and D、while
    A、poor B、rich C、simple D、correct
    A、used B、shared C、drawn D、affected
    A、need B、dislike C、hate D、love
    A、interesting B、expensive C、easy D、important
    A、hard B、easy C、sudden D、warm
    A、roles B、games C、cards D、places
    A、rainbow B、fear C、worry D、luck
    A、believe B、show C、talk D、write
    A、large B、quiet C、alive D、peaceful


  • 39. 阅读理解

    I'm not the kind of mother who normally brushes her daughter's hair, and my daughter has never liked sitting there, waiting for me to do it.

    But today, I set my daughter Sally on a kitchen stool (凳子). She's sitting high with her eyes closed, skin still wet from the shower, and her long hair behind her back. I realize she is enjoying the moment. It's the last time for a week that our bodies will connect. Today I'm sending Sally away for a week of a summer camp. This is all my idea. She's nearly 12, and I notice that I'm with my child nearly 24 hours a day.

    Living on a farm without any neighbors, I've chosen a life that is quieter than a normal family's. But rather than expecting space away from me, Sally has become increasingly dependent. What frightens me most is that she has become a "mini-me", even has the same hobbies, dreams, and opinions as me. That's why I pull her to the summer camp: a nearby wilderness(荒野) camp called Hawk Circle.

    After eating, I drive Sally to Hawk Circle. Once we get there, we are introduced to her fellow campers. Sally stands by them, holding my hand, horror in her eyes, trying to work up the courage to join a game of soccer. "I need you for a few more minutes," she tells me. I pull her away to walk to one of the camp's workers. "Excuse me," I say loudly, "I'd like to introduce you to my daughter. Maybe you could help her meet a few of these kids." He comes over to talk to Sally, and then I disappear before she realizes it.

    It is a hard time for me to drive back. When I arrive home, I calm down and remind myself why I choose this way. I want Sally to have a chance to find herself, I want to learn who she is. If I don't set her free, I fear I'll never really meet her real personality.

    (1)、Why does the writer send her daughter to the summer camp?
    A、Her daughter wants to go to the summer camp. B、It is helpful for the daughter to make friends. C、She wants to help build her daughter's independence. D、Camp training is something common to her daughter.
    (2)、The underlined, word "horror" in Paragraph 4 probably means ______.
    A、fear B、happiness C、hate D、pity
    (3)、How does the writer feel after leaving the camp?
    A、She is worried about her daughter s health.                B、She is proud that she has done something right. C、She is sorry and regrets (后悔) sending her daughter away. D、She is nervous but knows she has made the right decision.
    (4)、The writer mainly wants to tell us that
    A、children are usually mirrors of parents B、children always expect space away from parents C、parents sometimes need to let their children go D、parents should often send children to summer camps


  • 40. 假如Jenny所在的学校准备举办一场英文演讲比赛,Jenny想参加此次 比赛,恰好最近她刚刚学习了本章的内容,于是她准备结合在本章中所学到的关于颜色的知识来撰写自己的演讲稿。现在请你根据下面表格中的提示内容,帮助Jenny完成她的演讲稿。




    1. 能影响我们的情绪,如当你难过的时候,橙色会让你振作起来。

    2. 当你难以做决定时,穿红色衣服能让你更容易采取行动。


    红色和白色是一种很好的搭配,因为有力的红 色能平衡平静的白色。







    Hello, everyone,


    That's all. Thanks for your listening