
试卷更新日期:2022-10-07 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪) If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests.

    When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you. Someone in the family will also chat with you, never letting you feel lonely.

    At the same time, other family members will prepare a meal for you. Chinese people treat their guests with a big meal. On the table, the guests must be the first to eat. Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for their guests. However, it won't happen at western tables.

    As you have finished eating, the host usually says, "It seems that you didn't eat much. Please have more." Although you tell them you are full, they still put more food in your bowl.

    As Confucius said long time ago," How happy we are to meet friends from a far!"

    A. The Chinese family try their best to make you feel at home.

    B. Then he will serve you snacks like biscuits or candies.

    C. Chinese people are one of the most hospitable people in the world.

    D. They are always ready to help others.

    E. They always serve more food than the guests can eat.

    F. He can eat much delicious food.

    G. Being warm and hospitable has been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.

  • 2. 任务型阅读

        Making the most of time is important in our life. Here are some tips that might be of help to you.

        Make a plan. You should make a list of what you want to finish every week. The plan includes things you want to finish. You should know what the most important ones are, and try your best to do them first.

        Control your stress. No matter what kind of stress you have, try to keep cool. When you have a lot of things to do, too much stress may make you slow. Don't work all day without breaks.

        Focus on one thing at a time. Don't try to do many things at a time! You will lose your focus (注意力), and it will take you longer to finish your work.

        Just say "no". If you really don't have the time to help out, just say "no". You're only one person, and you can't save the world by yourself!

        Stop wasting time on the phone. While talking on the phone, keep your conversations short. In this way, you'll waste much less time.

        Relax. The most important thing is to take time to relax. Even if it's a 10-minute walk, get away from your work and get relaxed.

    There areTips to Make the Most of Time

    Make a plan.

    Make a of what you want to finish every week.

    Control your stress.

    Take breaks instead of  all day long.

    Focus on one thing at a time.

    If you try to do many things at a time, you will need to more time finishing your work.

    Stop wasting time on the phone.

    Much time will be wasted, so you keep your conversations short while talking on the phone.


    Gettingfrom what you are doing for a short while is the most important thing.

  • 3. 请仔细阅读第⑴-⑸小题中对五名学生的介绍,从。A—E中选出最适合他们的读物。

    ⑴14-year-old Tony likes history best and likes reading books about history.

    ⑵13-year-old Mike is an American boy. He broke his leg last month and he will have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He doesn't know what to do.

    ⑶15-year-old Amy loves music and she wants to become a famous singer.

    ⑷12-year-old Lucy is imaginative and she likes reading adventure stories.

    ⑸14-year-old Bob always has much homework to do. He wants to learn how to make a homework schedule(计划表).


    This book is about a middle school student called Jamie. In a car accident he became disabled and lost his family. However, he didn't lose heart. Instead, he tried to achieve his goals and kept the people around him laughing. Jame's story is encouraging.


    Rye is a girl who loves adventure. One day, a monster(怪物)comes to her village. Only the Luck Uglies, a secret group, can beat the monster. So Rye has to try her best to ask the Luck Uglies for help.


    I Survived tells us true stories about how people survived such disasters(灾难) as the earthquake and the flood in history.


    Taylor Swift is an American superstar. She was born in 1989. She writes and sings her own songs and now she is already a world-famous artist. This book is about how she worked hard to be a singer.


    Trevor Romain knows how horrible homework can be. In this book, you can find lots of suggestions on how to finish your homework without feeling sick.

  • 4. 阅读下表,完成表后对三大奇观的介绍。每空不超过两个词。

    Mount Qomolangma

    The Empire State Building

    The Great Pyramid of Giza


    Between China and Nepal

    In New York. the USA

    In Egypt


    8, 848. 86 metres

    381 metres

    About 137metres now

    Interesting facts

    First people to climb to the top: Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay

    102 floors

    About 4, 500years old

    There are many natural and man-made wonders in the world. One of the natural wonders is . It locates between China and Nepal. It has a of 8, 848. 86 metres. The first people to climb to the top are Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. The Empire State Building and the Great Pyramid of Giza are man-made . The former(前者)is in New York, the USA. It is 381 metres high with floors. The latter(后者)lies in Egypt. It is about 137 metres high and has a of about 4, 500 years.

  • 5. 根据文章内容,完成下列题目。

        Thanksgiving Day is a holiday in North America.

        In September 1620, some English people sailed to America. (A) After two months, they landed a place named Plymouth, Massachusetts (普利茅斯,马萨诸塞州). (B) All summer long they waited for the harvests(收成), because their future life just depended on the coming harvest, (C) As a result, they had a great harvest, so they celebrated to thank God and Indians. Years later, American people celebrated Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November every year.

        感恩节也是一个重要的家庭节日。People often travel across the country to be with family members for it. On the dinner table, the best and most popular food are roast turkey and pumpkin pie.


    American people always with their family to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

    (2)、将“As a result, they had a great harvest, so they celebrated to thank God and Indians.”改写成时间状语从句。

    they had a great harvest,they celebrated to thank God and Indians.


    These people began to plant with the help of local Indians in the first spring.

    (5)、回答问题:How often do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
  • 6. 阅读短文,完成表格

       Have you read any books by Washington Irving?Now I will tell you a story written by him. The name of the story is Rip Van Winkle, and it is also the name of the hero in this story. There are three characters in this story, Rip Van Winkle and his wife, Dame Van Winkle and their dog, Woof. Dame Van Winkle is a sharp-tongued (说话尖酸的、刻薄的) woman. Both Rip Van Winkle and the dog are terrified of her, even of her voice.

            There is a scene that can describe how Rip Van Winkle and his dog feel in front of Dame Van Winkle:

              Rip had just one way of replying to his wife's talk:  he only put his head back on his shoulders, looked up toward heaven, and said nothing. . . True, in the woods, Woof was as brave as an honorable dog should be, but as soon as Woof entered the house, his head bent low, his tail lay on the ground or curled between his legs. He went around the house with a guilty look, watching Dame Van Winkle out of the corner of his eyes, ready to run from the room at the slightest sign of her displeasure.

           This was the time when England ruled America. One day, Rip Van Winkle went into the mountain with his dog for an escape of his wife. He drank something given by some strangers and fell asleep. That was 20 years! His wife died and America got freedom from England, and I think that's what the story wants to tell us:  both the poor man's independence and nation's independence.

             Why does Irving's story attract people?  Because he wrote so vividly(生动地). That sets me thinking:  How he observed things so carefully?  If you read through this story, you can't help smiling or laughing from time to time!


    Rip Van Winkle



    Number of characters


    Main description of Rip's wife




    Reasons for its beauty


  • 7. 任务型阅读

        He cooks a 12 course meal that is worth (价值) $ 160. He has met Obarna and has been on many talk shows. On March 28, he appeared on the cover of The New York Tines.

        Flynn McGarry from Los Angeles is a well-known cook (厨师) in the US, Flynn started to cook at the age of 10 because he didn't like his mun's cooking. His mum was glad and. she encouraged him to do that. "After looking at many cookbooks and watching the videos of cooking online, I believe I can achieve that one day," said Flynn. Flynn began making a name for himself when John Sedlar, owner of a local restaurant, let Flynn make a special nine course meal for the guests. The meals quickly sold out. "Flynn is a very unusual young man, and he is very, very passionate (充满热情的)," Sedlar told The New York Times.

        Flynn has turned his room into a kitchen lab. His room is filled with different cooking tools and a worktable. Flynn often tests his food ideas there. Flynn has decided to open his own restaurant by the time he is 19 years old. "I want to have one of the best restaurants in the world," Flynn said. "It's a very high goal, but I can make it."

    (1)、Why did Flynn McGarry want to cook at the age of 10?
    (2)、How did Flynn's mother feel when he started to cook? 
    (3)、What does the underlined phrase "making a name" probably mean in Chinese?   
    (4)、Which sentence can describe Flynn?
    (5)、What can be the best title for the passage?
  • 8. 根据短文理解,回答下列问题。

             Did you see snow in your hometown last winter?Did you feel it was warmer than before?
    " (2)自1986年以来中国已有21个暖冬了," said scientists.They also said that in the past 100 years,as the global (全球的) temperatures went up by 0.74 ℃ ,the temperature in North China has climbed 1.4 ℃ in only 50 years.
    China needs to
    take quick (1) to cut carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) emission (排放), because it's the main reason for global warming.The good news is that China has seen the importance of going green.China set the goal of cutting energy use by 20 and pollution emission by 10 in the 11th Five-Year Plan.
           Can you slow down global warming? Sure! (3)You and your family can take steps to cut the amount of carbon dioxide that is sent out into the air.
         Here are some pieces of advice to help you save the earth.
          ▲ Wear used clothes.Wearing your brother's,sister's or dad's old T-shirt means you save the energy.
          ▲ Change your light bulbs (灯泡).Use energy-saving light bulbs. And don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room and turn off your television and computer when they are not in use!
          ▲ Ride the bus.Taking a bus saves a lot of oil every year.
          ▲ Say no to plastic bags.The next time your parents go to the market,ask them to use baskets
          ▲ Open a window.Don't use the air conditioner (空调),and let some fresh air in.When you have to use the conditioner,set the temperature higher in the summer and lower in the winter to save energy
         Make small changes in your daily life.Don't use paper cups,bags and boxes.
         It's time for all of us to do something to save the earth.




    (4)、请在文中找出下句的同义:Remember to turn off the electrical equipment when leaving home or when they are not in use.


  • 9. 任务型阅读,根据短文内容,回答下列问题

        One day, a baby snail (蜗牛) found that he had to carry a big and heavy shell at any time. He was confused (困惑的), so he went up to his mother and asked, "Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy?" His mother said, "Because we don't have bones to hold us up. We can only move slowly, so we need a shell to protect us."

        The baby snail asked again, "The caterpillar (毛毛虫) has no bones, and she can't move quickly. Why can she live without a shell?" The mother snail answered, "That's because a caterpillar will become a butterfly. She can fly high into the sky. The sky can protect her." The baby snail had one more question, "But the earthworm (蚯蚓) moves like us. He has no bones and he won't turn into a butterfly. Why doesn't he carry a hard and heavy shell?" His mother said, "He can dig a hole and hide in the ground, and then the earth can protect him.

        The baby snail then cried, "We are so poor! We have no protection from the sky or from the ground!" His mother smiled at him, "That's why we have a shell. My dear, imagine that if we don't have shells, what will happen to us? Hot sun will dry out our bodies and we'll have nowhere to sleep. What's worse, we'll die in the heavy rain. How terrible it is! We don't depend on the sky or the ground for protection. We should depend on ourselves.

    (1)、Whom did the baby snail ask for help, his mother or father?
    (2)、What will the caterpillar in the story become when she grows up?
    (3)、Where can an earthworm hide?
    (4)、How many questions did the baby snail ask?
    (5)、Who should snails depend on according to the story?
  • 10. 任务型阅读

        There was a time when wearing sunglasses would be too cool for school students, but for pupils at a primary school in Australia, they are now an important part of the uniform. The move is for protecting young eyes from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet rays (紫外线), and education heads say they are considering making the plan at all state schools.

        The headmaster of Sydney's Arncliffe Public School, where sunglasses are now used for children from kindergarten to Grade 6, said they had no problems wearing the glasses on the playground. "The 'sunnies' as they are called in Australia, will soon become 'necessary things' for the pupils," Stephan Vrachas said. The education minister of New South Wales state said the government would consider making sunglasses used on all public school playgrounds.

        "It is conceivable that it might be good to wear sunglasses when they are playing in the sun," John Della Bosca told reporters. Experts said excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, already blamed for skin cancers, could also cause cataracts (白内障), A specialist at Sydney Eye Hospital said. That wraparound glasses (宽边墨镜) were the best for eye protection and children should be encouraged to wear them from the age of three to four. "Sunglasses are particularly important in summer when ultraviolet exposure is up to five times higher than that in winter," said Con Petsoglou.

    (1)、What did people in the past think about the sunglasses for the students?
    (2)、Which country lets the students have sunglasses?
    (3)、Which school has used sunglasses already?
    (4)、Is it OK for the students to wear sunglasses according to John Della Bosca?
    (5)、Do you think the students in Russia should also wear these sunglasses?