
试卷更新日期:2022-09-30 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 阅读理解

    Welcome to Wenzhou Zoo! There are many different kinds of animals in the zoo. They come from different countries and people like them very much.



    Lulu is a bird. She is five years old from China. People think she is very beautiful and cute. She can talk like people. When you come to visit her,please talk to her! She can say "Hello" and sing interesting songs for you!



    Martin is a big elephant. He is ten years old from Africa. People can teach him to do much work to help them. He is the only elephant in the zoo. Come and play with him!



    Liam is a monkey. He is two years old from Japan. He likes eating bananas and cakes. He often lives in the trees. Everyone likes him in this zoo and he has lots of friends.



    Nick is a lion. He is strong. He is nine years old from England. He likes eating meat. He is very strong and large. When you come to see him, don't stand next to him. It is very dangerous.

    (1)、How old is the bird?
    A、ten B、five C、two D、nine
    (2)、Nick comes from____________________________.
    A、China B、Japan C、England D、America
    (3)、__________ can help people work.
    A、Nick B、Martin C、Lulu D、Liam
    (4)、Liam likes eating___________________________.
    A、meat and grass B、bananas and meat C、cakes and grass D、bananas and cakes
    (5)、Which sentence is true?
    A、Martin is a lion. B、Nick is very dangerous. C、Lulu is ten years old. D、Liam can talk like people.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    One day, my father and I were in line to buy tickets for the circus(马戏表演). And a family was standing in front of us.

    The family had eight children. Their clothes were not expensive but clean. The children talked about the clowns(小丑), elephants, monkeys and other things excitedly. It was their first time to go to the circus.

    The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly answered, "I want eight children's tickets and two adults' tickets, so I can take my family to the circus."

    The ticket lady said the price(价格). The man's wife lowered her head and there was no smile on the man's face. He quietly asked, "How much did you say?"

    The ticket lady said the price again. The man didn't have enough money. How could he tell his eight kids the bad news? My dad put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground. (In fact, we were not rich!) Then my dad said, "Excuse me, sir, this dropped out of your pocket."

    The man knew what was going on. He looked into my dad's eyes, held my dad's hand in his, and took the $20 bill. "Thank you, sir, thank you. This really means a lot to me and my family. "

    My father and I went back home. We didn't go to see the circus that night, but we didn't care.

    (1)、What can children see in the circus?
    A、clowns B、elephants C、monkeys D、all of them
    (2)、The father wanted to buy _________ tickets.
    A、four B、six C、eight D、ten
    (3)、The underlined "lower" might mean __________ in the passage.
    A、低头 B、抬头 C、跳上 D、跳下
    (4)、Who saw the circus that night?
    A、The man's family B、The writer's family C、None of them D、All of them
    (5)、We can infer(推测)that the writer's father is a ________ person.
    A、young B、handsome C、kind D、lucky
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Everyone knows who Bill Gates is. He's the co-founder (共同创立者) of Microsoft. He is a great man. And he also has a happy family.

    Bill Gates' wife Melinda is good at computers and she works in Microsoft. She is very clever and works hard. She's also friendly to others. She and her husband are doing much work. They are trying to make a good world. They have three children - two daughters and one son.

    Their elder daughter, Jennifer, was born (出生) on April 26th in 1996. She likes horse-back riding. She often goes to different activities and does best of all.

    Their son, Rory, was born on May 23rd in 1999. He is interested in science. One interesting thing about him is that he has his first phone at the age of 13. His parents think that it's the right (合适的) age to have a phone.

    Their little daughter, Phoebe, is 18 years old. She is doing a good job in her studies. And she is good at dancing and art.

    Although Bill Gates is very rich (富裕的) in the world, his children never show off their wealth(炫耀财富). And they like to help the poor (穷人) in the world with their parents.

    (1)、From Paragraphs 1 and 2 (第一二两段), we can know Melinda_____.
    A、is a musician B、works with Bill gates C、has four children. D、does well in sports
    (2)、Jennifer's favorite activity is ________.
    A、dancing B、playing computer games C、horse-back riding D、teaching art
    (3)、When Rory gets his first phone, he is ______ years old
    A、thirteen B、fifteen C、sixteen D、eighteen
    (4)、From the passage, we can see ________.
    A、Melinda and Jennifer are mother and son B、Rory's favorite subject is math C、Phoebe's birthday is in May D、the children are good with the poor
    (5)、The passage is mainly(主要)about Bill Gates' ________.
    A、friends B、likes C、work D、family
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Tom is an English boy. He is from London. He likes China very much and speaks a little Chinese. He is a student in No. 17 Middle School. He is in Class 2. His sister, Kate is in No. 8 Middle School. She is in Class 4. Wang Lan and Wang Pin are his classmates(同学). They often help Tom with his Chinese and Tom helps them to learn(学习) English.

    Today, Tom has two new classmates. They are Lucy and Lily. They come from the USA. They are twins(双胞胎). They look the same. They are twelve. But Tom is not well and he is not at school. Wang Lan and Wang Pin look after(照顾) Lucy and Lily. They are all friends.

    (1)、Who are Not in the same(相同的) class?
    A、Tom and Wang Pin. B、Kate and Wang Lan. C、Tom and Wang Lan. D、Wang Pin and Wang Lan.
    (2)、Tom is_____ today.
    A、at home B、at school C、in the library D、in the classroom
    (3)、From the passage, we can learn____.   .
    A、Kate likes China very much B、Wang Lan and Wang Pin are twins C、Lucy can speak a little Chinese D、Tom and his friends often help each other(互相帮助).
  • 5. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    I'm Helen. Gina is my cousin. I have a brother and a sister, but she has no brother or sister.

    My name's Bruce. I'm Gina's uncle. I have a brother. His name is Bob. He is Gina's father.

    I'm Gina's grandmother, Mary. I have two children—Bruce and Bob. Bruce has three children. Bob has one child.

    My name is Gina. I have three cousins. They are Helen, Alice and Eric.

    (1)、How many children does Bruce have?
    A、0. B、1. C、2. D、3.
    (2)、Who is Gina?
    A、Bob's daughter. B、Bruce's cousin. C、Helen's sister. D、Eric's uncle.
    (3)、Which one is Helen's family tree?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
  • 6. 阅读理解

    Tom has a happy family. There are some rules in his family.

    Keep healthy

    Being healthy is important. Tom's family play sports for one hour every day. Tom is in the school Swimming Club. And his parents run every morning.

    Also, they eat healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt or cheese. In fact, eating healthy snacks between meals is a good idea. But they don't eat snacks as a meal. It's not healthy.

    Have family time in the evening

    Eating dinner together every night allows family members to share the things of the day and plans for tomorrow. Tom's family time starts from dinner. They don't watch TV or play computer after dinner. The family usually sit on the sofa and talk. Tom always talks about his school and friends.

    Always say "I love you" and "Thank you"

    Tom says "I love you" in the morning before he goes to school and in the evening before he goes to bed. His parents say it to him too. When Tom helps his mother, she says "Thank you". They show their love and thanks all the time.

    (1)、The passage is mainly about       .
    A、Tom's family time B、Tom's family rules C、being healthy D、saying thanks
    (2)、What does Tom usually do after dinner?
    A、He plays sports for an hour. B、He says thanks to his mother. C、He watches TV with his parents. D、He shares his school life with his family.     
    (3)、Tom says "I love you" to his parents       .
    A、before he goes to bed B、before he gets up C、before evening D、before lunch
    (4)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、The family rules don't make Tom happy. B、Tom's family life is healthy but too busy. C、With the family rules, Tom can't eat snacks. D、People in Tom's family are happy and love each other.
  • 7. 阅读理解

    Here comes autumn! The leaves turn yellow and red. It's a great season for kids to play outside. What do children do in autumn in different countries?

       In China, students often have an autumn picnic. Usually, they go to an amusement park or out into nature. Most children also like to play games with their classmates, like rope skipping and soccer.

    Japanese children often go hiking with their parents or classmates .It is a good way to get exercise. Mountain climbing is also a good way.

       For most children in the US, biking is a good autumn activity. Take a mountain bike ride and you can find new roads. Playing with leaves is popular, too. Kids jump onto dry leaves. They are happy to see the colorful leaves fly all around. They also make leaf rain. It's all a lot of fun.

       In the UK, school kids love to camp outside with their parents. They make food by themselves and tell stories. At night, they look at the stars and the moon in the sky.

    (1)、What do students do in China in autumn?
    A、go hiking B、go bike riding C、camp outside D、have an autumn picnic
    (2)、What does the underlined word "camp" mean in Paragraph 5?
    A、远足 B、郊游 C、野营 D、探险
    (3)、Which of the following(下列的)activities do American children do in autumn ?

    ① make leaf rain  ②take a mountain bike ride  ③have a picnic   ④play with leaves

    A、①②③ B、②③④ C、①③④ D、①②④
    (4)、What's the best title(题目)for this passage?
    A、Four seasons B、Autumn activities for children C、Different weather D、Parents and children
    (5)、What do you usually do in autumn? (至少说出两个活动)
  • 8. 阅读理解

    Hello, my name is Betty King. I have a good friend. Her name is Alice Smith. She is from England She has a big family. Now her family are in China. Her father, Mr Smith, is a teacher at a school. Her mother's job is at a hospital. She is a nurse. Alice has a sister and two brothers. She is thirteen years old and her sister, Tina is thirteen, too. They are in Grade Eight, but they are in different classes. Alice is in Class One and Tina is in Class Ten. Jim and Tom are Alice's two brothers. They are only five years old. so their grandparents look after(照顾)them at home. They are very happy in China.

    (1)、There are ________ people in Alice's family.
    A、Five B、Six C、Seven D、Eight
    (2)、The underline word(划线的单词)"different" means (意思是) ________.
    A、相同的 B、困难的 C、不向的 D、容易的
    (3)、From the passage (文章), we know that ________.
    A、Tina's mother has two sons B、Mr Smith has a daughter C、Tom is Alice's cousin D、Alice has two sisters.
    (4)、Which of the following is WRONG (错误的)?
    A、Jim's family is from England. B、Tina is thirteen years old. C、Alice is in Grade Eight. D、Tom's grandparents are not in China now.
    (5)、Are Jim and Tom happy? why?
  • 9. 阅读理解

    Hi, I'm Sam Green. I'm from America. I'm fourteen years old. I can play tennis, football and basketball. I love all the sports. This is me.

    Hi, I am Yang Ling. I'm from China. I am fifteen years old. I like reading books. I have many books about animals. There is one dog, two cats and a bird in my house. The bird is my favourite. Do you like animals?

    Hello, I'm Anna White. I'm from England. I'm fourteen years old. I'm in Class

    Three, Grade Seven. Our school is big. But there are only eight Chinese students here. I have many friends. I like the students and teachers in our school. What is my school like? It's big and we can do different kinds of things in it.

    (1)、How old is Yang Ling?
    A、13 B、14 C、15 D、16
    (2)、How many Chinese students are there in Anna's school?
    A、7 B、8 C、9 D、10
    (3)、What's Yang Ling's favorite animal?
    A、The cat B、The fish C、The dog D、The bird
    (4)、Where is Sam from?
    A、America B、China C、England D、Canada
    (5)、Which of the following isTRUE?
    A、Sam can play table tennis. B、Sam and Anna are at the same age. C、Anna is in Class Six, Grade Seven. D、There aren't any books in Yang Ling's home.
  • 10. 阅读理解

    Tony is my uncle's son. His home is in New York. He likes sports. He plays tennis every day. He likes to watch baseball games and soccer games on TV. He has 25 tennis balls. He has a soccer ball, too.

    My name is Tom. My home is in China. I like CDs very much because I like music. I have 400 CDs. I like watching TV, too. But I don't like sports. I only watch volleyball games on TV. I don't play sports,and I don't have any balls

    (1)、Tony and Tom are _______.
    A、sisters B、brothers C、cousins D、friends
    (2)、What does Tony play every day?
    A、He plays tennis every day. B、He plays baseball every day. C、He plays soccer every day. D、He plays volleyball every day.
    (3)、Which one is TRUE?
    A、Tony and Tom are in the same city. B、Tony watches volleyball games on TV. C、Tom likes CDs. D、Tony has 25 soccer balls.