仁爱科普版初中英语八年级上册Unit 3 Our Hobbies 达标练习

试卷更新日期:2022-09-30 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. I bought some flowers ____________my mom ____________my best wishes on her birthday.
    A、for; with B、to; for C、of; to D、from; with
  • 2. ________ I am in trouble, my friends always help me.
    A、Whenever B、Whatever C、However D、Wherever
  • 3. —What is Bill doing right now?

    —He ________ soccer. He ________ soccer every Saturday.

    A、play; plays B、plays; is playing C、is playing; plays
  • 4. —Susan, how was your party?

    —Pretty good. We sang and danced ________ all night.

    A、happily B、hardly C、politely D、clearly
  • 5. Everyone is quite _______ to have a _______ trip.
    A、pleased; pleasant B、pleasing; pleased C、pleasure; please D、pleasant; pleased
  • 6. Students at Green High School often _________ books from their school library and can them for a week.
    A、borrow; keep B、lend; keep C、borrow; borrow D、keep; borrow
  • 7. — How does Amy usually go to school?

    — She ________ ride a bike, but now she ________ there to lose weight.

    A、used to; is used to walk B、was used to; is used to walking C、was used to; is used to walk D、used to; is used to walking
  • 8. —What habbies_____you use to_____?

    —I used to play computer games.

    A、did, have B、do, have C、are, had D、did, do
  • 9. — ________ interesting the storybook is!

    — Yes. I have read it twice.

    A、What an B、What C、How an D、How
  • 10. I ________ be short. But now I am taller.
    A、didn't use B、used to C、use to D、am used to


  • 11. 完形填空

    "Marilla, can I meet a bosom friend in Avonlea?" Anne asked.

    "A what kind of friend?"

    "A best friend. A very1friend. I can tell all my secrets to her. "

    "Diana Barry lives near. She's about your age. Perhaps she will be your playmate. You'll have to be careful how you2yourself, though. Her mother, Mrs Barry, won't let Diana play with any little girl3isn't nice and good."

    "I hope her hair isn't red. It's4enough to have red hair, freckles and grey eyes myself."

    "Diana has black eyes and black hair. She is pretty. "

    Anne became interested in her new "5".

    "Oh, I'm so glad she's pretty. I can't be beautiful so a6best friend is wonderful. "

    Anne continued, "I had two imaginary friends. At Mrs Thomas' house, I used to7my reflection in the mirror (镜子) was another little girl, Katie Maurice. Then I went to live with Mrs Hammond. I had another imaginary friend, Violetta, and I loved her almost as well as I loved8. "

    "You need a real9friend to stop your crazy imaginations." Marilla said.

    The next10, Marilla took Anne to Diana's home.

    Diana was a very pretty girl, with her mother's11eyes and hair.

    Mrs Barry said, "Diana, take Anne out into the garden and show her your flowers."

    Outside in the garden, stood Anne and Diana, looking12at each other over a cluster of bluebells.

    Anne said at last, almost in a whisper, "Diana, do you think you can like me a little—13to be my bosom friend?"

    Diana laughed. She always laughed14she spoke.

    "Sure," she said. "Anne, I'm awfully glad you've come to live at Green Gables."

    When Marilla and Anne went home, Diana went with them as15as the bridge. They parted with many promises to spend the next afternoon together again.

    —Taken from Anne of Green Gables

    A、close B、pretty C、common D、happy
    A、protect B、enjoy C、help D、behave
    A、whom B、which C、who D、what
    A、bad B、smart C、lucky D、special
    A、master B、home C、friend D、mirror
    A、similar B、wise C、careful D、beautiful
    A、wonder B、realize C、doubt D、imagine
    A、Mrs Barry B、Katie Maurice C、Diana D、Violetta
    A、living B、true C、natural D、perfect
    A、morning B、afternoon C、evening D、night
    A、blue B、black C、red D、grey
    A、madly B、shyly C、impatiently D、unwillingly
    A、enough B、well C、hard D、much
    A、so B、after C、since D、before
    A、long B、high C、far D、near


  • 12. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Katie Murphy is a biologist-a scientist who studies living things. She also hosts a program on TikTok. It is called "Real Time Science". In the videos, she introduces her work, She also shares news about her life as a scientist. Keep reading the conversations below to learn more about Katie Murphy's work.

    Reporter: How did you get interested in science?

    Katie: In high school, I fell in love with chemistry. However, chemistry research was not exciting to me. Then, in college, I did a summer job in a biology (生物) lab. There, I researched corn plants. And I found that I could combine (混合) my love of chemistry and plants.

    Reporter: Why is TikTok a good way to get kids interested in science?

    Katie: I think kids should see the process of science. We have to show them how science works. The most exciting part of TikTok is that people can join me on a journey of discovery. I take them through my experiments. I can show when something's difficult.

    Reporter: Who are you besides a scientist?

    Katie: I am also a dancer. I once made a video during the pandemic (瘟疫). In it, I told my story through dance. I also love to garden.

    (1)、What might be Katie's favorite subject in high school?
    A、Physics. B、Chemistry. C、Biology. D、Art.
    (2)、What can we do in Katie's program on TikTok?
    A、Learn how science works. B、Have a conversation with her. C、Enjoy some dances we love. D、Read her articles on gardening.
    (3)、What is the passage probably?
    A、A diary. B、A speech. C、A letter. D、An interview.
  • 13. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Frank is my good friend. We are in the same class. He is a good student. His English is very good but mine isn't. So he always helps me with it.

    Frank and I have the same hobby. Frank likes sports. And I like sports, too. After school, we often play sports. We play soccer and volleyball. The soccer ball is Frank's and the volleyball is mine. Frank gets the soccer ball from his father. His father is a great soccer player(运动员). Frank often watches his father play soccer on TV. Frank wants to be a soccer player like his father.

    (1)、Frank is my ________.
    A、brother B、teacher C、classmate D、cousin
    (2)、What does the underlined word "hobby" mean?
    A、习惯 B、爱好 C、愿望 D、工作
    (3)、We often ________ after school.
    A、watch TV B、play sports C、read books D、play computer games
    (4)、Frank gets the soccer ball from his ________.
    A、father B、friend C、brother D、uncle
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Frank wants to be a basketball player. B、Frank has a volleyball. C、Frank doesn't like watching his father play soccer on TV. D、Frank always helps me with my English.
  • 14. 阅读短文,回答问题

    I'm Jack. I have a brother named Joe. We live in the same room. We both like music and we often sing at home. But we're different (不同的) in a lot of ways.

    Joe is good at history and math. I like English and art. Joe's favorite TV program is Extreme Sports. I don't watch sports on TV, but I play baseball. Joe plays football and volleyball.

    I write (写) a lot of e-mails and I like computer games. Joe doesn't use the computer every day. He only uses my computer every Tuesday for his homework.

    I'm a vegetarian, so I don't eat meat (肉). Joe's favorite food is French fries and chicken. He doesn't like vegetables. But we both love ketchup (番茄酱). We put it on nearly everything!

    (1)、What do Jack and Joe both like?
    A、Music. B、Meat. C、Vegetables. D、Art.
    (2)、Why does Joe use the computer on Tuesday?
    A、To talk with his friends. B、To play computer games. C、To watch sports shows. D、To do his homework.
    (3)、What does a vegetarian often eat?
    A、Chicken. B、Vegetables. C、Hamburgers. D、Fish.
    (4)、Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A、Joe and Jack are twin brothers. B、Joe and Jack like watching Extreme Sports. C、Joe and Jack use the computer every day. D、Joe and Jack are different in many ways.
  • 15. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Christmas was coming. There was a man in rags (衣衫褴褛) walking in a hurry on the road. You might think he was a beggar (乞讨者), but actually he was an artist. His name was Vincent Willem Van Gogh. With a painting he had just finished, the poor Vincent entered a painting store.

    "Can you buy this painting to help me pay the rent (房租)?" Vincent asked in a low voice. "I don't really like your painting, but it is said that you are hard-working and I want to help you, Here is five francs (法郎)," the storekeeper answered.

    Although it was only five francs, Vincent was very happy. He took the money and said thanks, thinking that he could buy some food and pay the rent.

    Near his home, Vincent saw a little girl in old clothes standing in the snow.

    The girl smiled sadly at the artist asking for some help. Clearly, the girl was hungry and cold.

    "Poor child! I should help her," he thought.

    Vincent put the five francs into the girl's hands, completely forgetting that he still needed money to pay the rent. Before the girl said thanks to him, Vincent had hurried away with his empty stomach.

    (1)、The story happened in ________.
    A、spring B、summer C、autumn D、winter
    (2)、Vincent Willem Van Gogh was a(n) ________.
    A、beggar B、artist C、farmer D、storekeeper
    (3)、The storekeeper gave Vincent five francs because ________.
    A、he thought Vincent was a beggar B、he liked Vincent's painting very much C、he wanted to help the hardworking man D、he wanted to make friends with Vincent
    (4)、What did Vincent do to help the poor girl?
    A、He painted a picture for her. B、He paid the rent for the girl. C、He bought her some food and clothes. D、He gave the girl five francs.
    (5)、From the story, we know that Vincent was ________.
    A、kind B、rich C、famous D、creative


  • 16. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺(其中有两个多余)。

    surprise     understand     towards     when     since    

    actual     brave     honesty     start     it     they     shame

    One day a shepherd(牧羊人)found a fat pig in the meadow where his sheep were eating grass. He walked it and caught the pig as quickly as he could. The pig cried at the top of voice when the shepherd caught it. People might think that the shepherd was hurting the pig badly. But it was trying to run away. The shepherd put the pig under his arm and off to the butcher's in the market. The sheep were at the pig's behavior and followed the shepherd on the way. "What makes you cry like that?" asked one of the sheep. "To be , the shepherd often treats us like that. But we should feel a deep sense of to make such a terrible noise."

    "We are different," answered the pig. " he catches you, he only wants your wool(羊毛). But he wants my meat!"

    It is easy to be when there is no danger. Don't compare two different situations without them.


  • 17. 补全对话6选5

    David: Hello, Carol. This is David speaking.

    Carol: Hello, David. This is Carol.


    Carol: Sorry. I was reading a book about The Arabian Nights at the bookshop.

    David: The Arabian Nights?

    Carol: I like it very much. The stories in it are very interesting and meaningful.


    Carol: The king of a country married a new queen every day and killed her the next morning.

    David: Stop, stop here!

    Carol: Yes, you are right.

    David: Yes. I've already read it twice. I always like reading fairy tales.

    Carol: Me, too.

    A. Isn't it also called A Thousand and One Night?

    B. That's my favorite book.

    C. What do you think of the book?

    D. What are the stories about?

    E. What were you doing when I called you last night?

    F. Have you ever read the book before?


  • 18. 词汇积累。
    (1)、 n. 活动
    (2)、bird n.
    (3)、bicycle n.
    (4)、 n. 建筑物;房子
    (5)、trader n.
    (6)、 n. 差别;差异
    (7)、 n. 顶部;表面
    (8)、 n. 伞;雨伞
    (9)、hill n.
    (10)、duck n.
  • 19. 词汇积累。
    (1)、 v. 决定; 选定
    (2)、 v. 想知道; 琢磨
    (3)、 v. 等待; 等候
    (4)、 adj. 湿的; 潮湿的; 下雨的
    (5)、 adj. 饥饿的
    (6)、 adv. 像……一样; 如同
    (7)、 v. & n. 尝试; 设法; 努力
    (8)、 prep. & adv. 在……下面; 到……下面
    (9)、 adj. & adv. 足够的(地); 充足的(地); 充分的(地)
    (10)、 v. & n. 不喜爱(的事物); 厌恶(的事物)


  • 20. 书面表达。

    依照下列问句,以My Hobbies为题写一篇80词左右的短文。

    1)What hobbies did you use to have? Why did you like them?

    2)What hobbies do you have now? Why do you like them?

    3)What different hobbies do you have in different seasons?