高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 单元复习卷

试卷更新日期:2022-09-29 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 默写短语:
  • 2. 默写短语:
  • 3. 默写短语:


  • 4. 选词填空

    A. exchange B. ambition C. graduation D. adapt  E. academic F. participation

    Xie Lei was on a year­long exchange programme. She wanted to learn about global business to improve her English. Her is to set up a business in China after  . At first,Xie Lei had to to life in a different country. In order to adapt to the new culture quickly,Xie Lei chose to live with a host family. Another challenge for Xie Lei is the requirements. Her tutor advise her to read lots of information to form a wise opinion of her own. Xie Lei also found many courses included students' in class as part of the final result.

  • 5. 选词填空

    A. dramatic  B. vary   C. expenses   D. mature  E. booming  F. disadvantages

    Opinions  on whether to study abroad or at home. For instance,Wang Li thinks the  are greater for young people. To begin with,tuition fees and living  are much more expensive than at home. In addition,the pressure is  when they study abroad and the students are not enough to handle the challenges on their own. Lastly,with China's economy booming,young people will also have an equal chance to develop themselves and have a bright future.


  • 6. 听说这是他第一次看到这么激动人心的电影,出乎了他的意料。

    that it/this is the first time that he has seen such an thrilling/exciting film, which is beyond his expectation.

  • 7. 第一次游览这个国家的时候,它多元的文化引起了我极大的兴趣。

    I visited this country, I aroused great interest in its diverse culture.

  • 8. 到处都是污泥和水,这使得我们行走很艰难。

    There is mud and water everywhere, to travel/walk from place to place.

  • 9. 最近她参加了各种活动,难怪花了那么多钱。

    Recently she varieties of activities. No wonder she cost an arm and a leg.

  • 10. 不可否认在科研领域钱学森获得了巨大的成功。

    (the fact) that Qian Xuesen was a great success.

  • 11. 在我看来,你最好完成作业之后才去接触一些对你有用的东西。

    As far as I'm concerned, you'd better what is of help to you with your homework done/finished.

  • 12. 他固执但很有能力,总之,他是值得信赖的人。

    He is stubborn but capable. , he is worth depending on.

  • 13. 考试临近了,难怪他最近这么认真学习。

    The exam is around the corner . he has studied hard recently.

  • 14. 他学习很努力,对考试的结果很乐观。

    He worked very hard at his study and the result of the test.

  • 15. 无论发生什么,我都支持你。

    I will you no matter what happens.


  • 16. The book described the (adapt) of desert species to the hot conditions.
  • 17. Take care not to keep your children (expose) to bad books.
  • 18. We (firm) support the Asian, African and Latin American people in their struggle for liberation!
  • 19. My (motivate) increased as I thought of the wonderful world of future.
  • 20. Some of teenagers may become (involve) in tobacco or alcohol abuse.
  • 21. Upon graduation he asked to be sent to he was most needed.
  • 22. Jack has obtained a medical (qualify).
  • 23. The students benefiting most from college are those who are totally engaged academic life, taking full advantage of the college's chances and resources.
  • 24. As far as I am (concern), he is suitable for the position.
  • 25. After only a short (expose) to sunlight his face began to turn red.
  • 26. Everyone was a bit puzzled by her sudden (depart).
  • 27. He made the suggestion we should watch out for the suspect's movements.
  • 28. Now lots of new technologies can be applied to (solve) problems in industry.
  • 29. When you are (depress), the last thing you likely want to do is get up and go for a run.
  • 30. Your daughter has good grasp of English.