高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 1-Unit 2基础复习练习

试卷更新日期:2022-09-29 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 将下列各句中画线部分单词与其英文释义相匹配。

    a. to become less or go down to a lower level

    b. to make somebody want to do something, especially something that involves hard work and


    c. to say that someone or something is responsible for something bad

    d. to say that something is not true

    e. to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen

    f. to say or show that two things are related, or that one of the things causes the other

    g. to deal with

    h. to take advantage of

    (1)、Neil denies that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did.
    (2)、By 1881, the population of Ireland had decreased to 5.2 million.
    (3)、He damaged his leg so badly in the accident that the bone was exposed.
    (4)、Officials believe that more than one person may be to blame for the fire.
    (5)、Most customers were satisfied with the way their complaints were handled.
    (6)、We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries.
    (7)、Scientists now link certain types of cancer to the amount of junk food that people consume.
    (8)、I don't want to be missing out. And that motivates me to get up and do something every day.


  • 2. Almost all the sheep on the farm carried the (infect).
  • 3. (present) is important if you want people to buy your products.
  • 4. The salesman had been accompanied to the meeting by a(n) (assist).
  • 5. Lucy Thomson, 16, wants to study theatre but needs more (qualify).
  • 6. If anyone needs (prove) of Andrew Davies' genius as a writer, this novel is it.
  • 7. Anne left Germany in the (expect) of seeing her family again before very long.
  • 8. We've always regarded him as a man of honesty and high professional (competent).
  • 9. The government hopes the court will announce its (find) before the end of the month.
  • 10. The government has announced a(n) (ambition) programme to modernize the railway network.


  • 11. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每项限用一次)。

    once and for all, subscribe to, in charge of, break out, come down,

    participate in,speak up, feel at home, side with, in summary

    (1)、They did everything they could to make me .
    (2)、The kids always their mother against me.
    (3)、They were still living in London when the war .
    (4)、The professor had to . The people in the back couldn't hear him.
    (5)、We can the magazine for as little as $32 a year.
    (6)、Jack has travelled a lot but he's now come back to Britain .
    (7)、I am going to buy some medicine. I think I'm with a cold.
    (8)、The chief engineer was the building of the subway.
    (9)、Everyone in the class is expected to these discussions.
    (10)、, it is my opinion that this complete treatment process was very successful.


  • 12. It used to be thought (when/that) the Earth was flat.
  • 13. I have no idea (when/that) he will come back home.
  • 14. (Who/Whoever) has the right knowledge can give first aid.
  • 15. He just does (what/which) he pleases and never thinks about anyone else.
  • 16. It inspired me to see (how/whether) my neighbors educated their children.
  • 17. (Where/What) the English evening will be held has not yet been announced.
  • 18. (As/What) worries me is (how/what) we're going to pay for all this.
  • 19. The reason why he was late was (that/which) he missed the train by one minute this morning.
  • 20. Smith came here to look for someone, but I didn't know (who/whoever) was the one he was looking for.
  • 21. — I think (what/that) he needs is more practice.

    — Yes. (What/That) he needs more practice is quite clear.

  • 22. — Will the general manager attend the meeting?

    (Whether/How) he will come won't be known until his secretary comes.

  • 23. — The problem is (that/which) we are short of money.

    — Yes. (Whether/What) we can borrow some money from her is still a question.


  • 24. 阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Rendong Nan was born on 19 February 1945 in Jilin Province, northeastern China. He (receive) his bachelor's degree (学士学位) from Tsinghua University in 1968, and his

    MSc and PhD at University of Science and Technology of China in 1982 and 1987 (respective). In 1992, he became a professor at Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO).

    In 1997-1998, the FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope) concept was launched. Rendong played a key role in (carry) out the FAST project. After 13 years of pre-research together with about 20 domestic (partner), the funding proposal for FAST was approved in 2007. Rendong served the Chief Engineer and later the Chief Scientist for the construction project. His vision and (wise) were vital to the

    FAST project achieving technical and scientific success.

    The construction of the giant dish (complete) successfully in September 2016 as one of the Mega-Science Facilities in China. It is world's largest single dish, a landmark on Earth.

    Rendong passed away from lung cancer on September 15, 2016. He will be remembered as an engaging and (gift) person, and professionally as a scientific and engineering leader led the successful completion of FAST, a unique facility for Chinese and world astronomy.

  • 25. 语法填空

    For anyone of Scottish ancestry, the kilt (苏格兰男子穿的短褶裙) is a symbol honor for the clan (氏族) which they belong to. First (wear) by those who lived in the Scottish Highlands, the kilt was a manner of dress that provided the fighting army with its most (use) tool.

    The kilt is more than just a covering. It allows those who wear it to move much more freely, especially in the Highlands of Scotland the weather can become very damp. With its tight weave (密织布) of strong wool, it creates a barrier between the rain skin. When the armies of the past were fighting in Scotland, the kilt (help) protect the soldier much like armor (盔甲) would. When the nights became cold, this dress could be easily removed and spread out (create) a blanket to keep the soldier warm. Lastly, if the army needed to move at a much quicker pace, the dress could be easily removed, thus (allow) the soldier more freedom of movement.

    Today the kilt is the national dress of Scotland. It is much (short) than the ones used by the Highland armies long ago, but still evokes (唤起) the pride that (carry) by those who lived on the land of Scotland.