牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上学期Module3 Unit8同步练习卷

试卷更新日期:2022-09-28 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 选出下列发音不同的一项。
    A、horse B、fall C、want
    A、autumn B、off C、box
    A、wrong B、what C、short
    A、door B、daughter C、hall
    A、office B、wash C、sport


  • 2. I have ten            .
    A、fingers B、fingeres C、finger
  • 3. —What does your mother do?

    —She is a         .

    A、dance B、dancer C、dancing
  • 4. I saw a lot of interesting           .
    A、car B、cars C、cares
  • 5. —What did you see      the museum?

    —I saw a lot of interesting cars.

    A、of B、/ C、at
  • 6. It's a toy bee. I bought it at an          museum last Saturday.
    A、film B、insect C、car
  • 7. They          a great time there.
    A、had B、have C、has
  • 8. That's so_______.
    A、interesting B、interest C、interests
  • 9. Last Saturday, Kitty and her brother Ben          to the museum.
    A、go B、goes C、went
  • 10. There was a robot         the piano.
    A、at B、on C、in  
  • 11. Then they saw          robot dancer.
    A、an B、a C、/


  • 12. 根据例子写出单词,每组至少3个
    (1)、or [ɔ:] horse   
    (2)、al [ɔ:] hall   
    (3)、au [ɔ:] autumn   
    (4)、oor [ɔ:] door  
    (5)、o [ɒ] office
    (6)、a [ɒ] want



  • 18. 你知道不同博物馆里不同的陈设物品吗?将序号写在对应博物馆旁

    A. many kinds of robots       B.Art       C.the history of Chin    D.interesting films   E.toy robots and cute dolls   F.a lot of insects.  G.cars

    (1)、science museum    
    (2)、history museum  
    (3)、art museum
    (4)、insect museum
    (5)、car museum
    (6)、toy museum
    (7)、film museum
