
试卷更新日期:2022-09-21 类型:期中考试

一、听对话回答问题。(每小题1分, 计10分)

二、听对话和短文回答问题。(每小题1分, 计10分)

  • 11. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where are voluntccrs wantcd?
    A、In the park. B、In the sports centre. C、In the museum.
    (2)、What's the boy's problem?
    A、He lives far from the place. B、He has too much homework. C、He has to practisc tablc tennis.
  • 12. 听录音,回答问题。

    Lisa and her star sign — Gemini (双子座)


    June 1

    Lucky colour

    Orange — she looks energetic in it.


    She is 2

    She is always the 3in different activities.


    Star signs hclp her to be what she is like.

    A、6 B、16 C、26
    A、curious B、patient C、friendly
    A、star B、winner C、leader
  • 13. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What did Tracy think of the stranger?
    A、Polite. B、Rude. C、Careless.
    (2)、How did Tracy feel when she was nearly knocked down at home?
    A、Sorry. B、Angry. C、Worried.
    (3)、Who picked the flowers?
    A、Lora. B、Tracy C、Tracy's mom.
    (4)、What did Tracy do after talking with her mom?
    A、She cleaned Lora's room. B、She said sorry to Lora. , C、She wrote a letter to Lora.
    (5)、What did Lora teach Tracy?
    A、How to get on with strangers. B、How to get on with children. C、How to get on with family members.


  • 14. —Kitty, what do you think of___film The Battle at Lake Changjin (《长津湖》)?

    —Pretty good. I've never seen ___ better one.

    A、a; a B、the; / C、a; the D、the; a
  • 15. — It's surprising that so many children learn to play the piano.

    —Maybe learning a musical____.

    A、instruction B、instrument C、introduction D、invitation
  • 16. —Do you believe people born______the same animal sign have the same characteristics?
    —No. Lily and I are______ the same age but we have different tastes.
    A、under; in B、in; in C、in; for D、under; of
  • 17. —Do you know Zhang Guimei, who was honored as one of the "People Who Moved China"?
    —Yes, she      the first free high school for girls in mountain areas and has helped more than1, 800 students to go to college.
    A、educated B、created C、influenced D、decided
  • 18. I heard that a big fire______in a tall building in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 14, October, 2021.
    A、broke into B、broke down C、broke out D、broke off
  • 19. —When are you going to watch the film My Country, My Parents (《我和我的父辈》)?

    —I haven't decided. ______today______tomorrow is OK.

    A、Not only; but also B、Either; or C、Neither; nor D、Both; and
  • 20. —Mom, how much milk is there in the fridge?

    一_____. We need to buy some.

    A、None B、No one C、Nobodyi D、Nothing
  • 21. There is no doubt____the book The Diary of a Young Girl is____again and again.
    A、whether; well worth reading B、that; well worth reading C、that; very worth to read D、if; very worth to read
  • 22. —Could you tell me how to pay you?
    —You'd better use your mobile phone. I don't care_____it is Alipay or weChat Pay.
    A、that B、when C、which D、whether
  • 23. To improve Maths, my friend Jack always_____to do some extra exercises.
    A、picks up B、stays up C、takes up D、gives up
  • 24. — Your father hardly has any free time for you, ____?

    一______. He is busy with his business all the time.

    A、does he; Yes B、does he; No C、doesn't he; Yes D、doesn't he; No
  • 25. The old lady can't see things____ before. She even thinks herself____blind.
    A、as well as; as well as B、as good as; as good as C、so good as; so well as D、as well as; as good as
  • 26. —Mr. Zhong, why should we have to wash hands so often a day?

    —For your health, you____be too careful.

    A、needn't B、shouldn't C、mustn't D、can't
  • 27. Doctor Ma is always careful with the operations. He often says, "____.
    A、Better late than never B、A friend in need is a friend indeed C、A miss is as good as a mile D、Many hands make light work
  • 28. —I love the Internet. I've come to know many friends on the Net.

    一______. Few of them would become your real friends.

    A、I can't agree more B、I'm pleased to know that C、That's not the case D、That's for sure
  • 29. —Daniel, is there anything else you'd like to know about colours?

    —Yes, I am still wondering____.

    A、whether colours can change our moods B、why do strong colours make people take action easily C、that there is a relationship between colours and moods D、what different colours represent and how do they influence us


  • 30. 完形填空

    Our school building was very old. It was repaired from time to time so that it could look better. However, the toilets 1the same.

    One day the teachers decided that the toilets needed a makeover (翻新). 2 it would be expensive. They came up with a great idea—making it a school—wide3for students. Each class would pick three students. These students would be grouped according to the grade and they would. 4 and paint the toilet on each floor. I was chosen to join the fourth grade team.

    At the beginning. there were disagreements (分歧) among our group members. Each person had an idea of 5 to do. Someone wanted to make the wall 6 the seaside. Someone else wanted to paint it with stars. Another person wanted to paint it with cartoon characters. We got so 7that we stopped talking to each other. It seemed we were8 going to get it done.

    Finally, one member thought of a(n)9idea. Each cubicle (小隔间) would have a different theme so that10 thought would be given up. And the 11of the toilet would be painted in rainbow colours. Everybody thought the12 was good. Finally, we managed to start painting the toilet.

    When we finished, we were all happy. Everyone said the toilet on our floor looked amazing. What was even13was that our teachers praised us for how we had14the disagreements among us and come up with a whole new idea. We ourseclves were quite happy with our work, too. Most15we had learnt the meaning of teamwork.

    A、weighed B、cycled C、remained D、worked
    A、if B、but C、so D、or
    A、thought B、activity C、accident D、symbol
    A、solve B、match C、design D、balance
    A、what B、how C、when D、where
    A、go over B、look like C、cheer up D、share with
    A、lonely B、excited C、mad D、surprised
    A、never B、sometimes C、usually D、always
    A、boring B、general C、ancient D、unusual
    A、everybody's B、somebody's C、nobody's D、anybody's
    A、spirit B、order C、rest D、mark
    A、research B、theme C、chance D、idea
    A、safer B、crazier C、better D、sadder
    A、solved B、doubt C、connected D、respected
    A、worryingly B、humorously C、importantly D、interestingly


  • 31. 阅读理解

    In summer of 2021, young athletes (运动员) at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games were the brightest stars. Many of them were born in the 2000s. They fought hard and won gold medals.

    Guan Chenchen, 16, won in the women's balance beam (平衡木). She started training to be a gymnast (体换运动员) at the age of 6. This is a little later than other gymnasts, but she learned quickly and became a winner.
    Yang Qian is a 21-year-old shooter from Tsinghua University. She won China's first gold medal at the Games. At first, she fell behind the other shooters. But she stayed cool and got a big win in the end!
    Quan Hongchan is a 14-year-old diver(跳水运动员). This was the first time for her to compete with athletes from other countries. She wowed the world by getting 3 full marks to win the women's 10-meter platform dive.
    Zhang Changhong was born on February, 2nd, 2000. Unlike his more outgoing peers(同龄人), the gold medal winner of the men's 50-meter rifle three-positions (三姿) is cool and calm. Zhang smiled after winningthe gold. But this calmness also makes him a good shooter.
    (1)、Guan Chenchen began training to be a gymnast______years ago.
    A、10 B、12 C、14 D、16
    (2)、At the Tokyo 2000 Olympic Games, ______won China's first gold medal.
    A、Guan Chenchen B、Yang Qian C、Quan Hongchan D、Zhang Changhong
    (3)、Who is the youngest member of the Chinese team?
    A、Yang Qian B、Guan Chenchen C、Zhang Changhong D、Quan Hongchan
    (4)、What helped Zhang Changhong win the shooting gold medal?
    A、His smile. B、His peers. C、His calmness. D、His rifle.
  • 32. 阅读理解

    On June 17th, 2021, the Shenzhou X manned spacecraft went into space. It took three Chinese astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo to China's Tiangong space station. On September 17th, the astronauts came back to the earth. The return capsule(返回舱) touched down at the Dongfeng landing sitein Inner Mongolia.

    Before heading home, the astronauts first prepared their bodies. They did exercises to train their muscles, bones and hearts to prepare for coming into the atmosphere(大气层) and hitting the ground.

    During the jourmey, the astronauts experienced radio blackouts after getting into the atmosphere becauseof too much heat. This means the astronauts could not talk with the ground for several minutes. But thanks to the radar, scientists on the ground still knew where the spacecraft was.

    When the spacecraft was about 10 kilometers above the ground, it still travelled at 200 meters per second. That's twice the speed of high-speed trains! Their parachutes (降落伞) helped the spacecraft in its return. It slowed the speed down to 7 to 8 meters per second. These special parachutes were made in China.

    The three astronauts carried out two spacewalks and set up equipment (设备) outside the station. They also did a number of scientific experiments (实验) and tests. They had video calls with President Xi Jinping and hundreds of researchers, teachers and students in Hong Kong as well. Before leaving, they sent data back to the ground and organized the station.

    Shenzhou X has shown that China is able to do long-term human spaceflight missions(太空飞行任务).

    (1)、How long did the astronauts stay in space?
    A、For three months. B、For seven months. C、For nine months. D、For eleven months.
    (2)、What does the underlined words "radio blackouts" mean in Chinese?
    A、广播 B、材料 C、黑障 D、速度
    (3)、The parachutes were used to________.
    A、test the speed of the spacecraft B、stop the spacecraft from working C、slow down the spacecraft quickly D、stop the return capsule coming back
    (4)、From the passage, we know that________.
    A、the return journey was smooth B、 the return journey was dangerous C、there were mistakes during the return D、The spacecraft caught fire on the way back
  • 33. 阅读理解


    On May 22, 2021, Chinese scientist Yuan Longping passed away at 91. Yuan was an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering (中国工程院院士). He spent over 50 years working on hybrid rice(杂交水稻). People call him the "father of hybrid rice".

    For Chinese families, rice is an important part of almost every meal. But in the past, not having enough rice was a big problem. In the 1960s, people in China didn't have enough food to eat. Many people even died because of this. As a young student, Yuan was sad to see this. He decided to study agriculture(农业). His mother worried this work would be hard. But Yuan said, "Having enough food was the most important thing for us. "

    He spent four years looking for wild rice that could be crossed (杂交) with other plants. In 1964, he found it! In 1973, he grew the world's first hybrid rice strain (品种). It could reach a yield(出产量) of over 500 kg per mu, it could feed about 70, 000, 000 more people every year! In later yearsYuan and his team kept on studying. In 1996, Yuan started growing super hybrid rice. Its output was even higher.

    Yuan's hybrid rice is also grown around the world. People plant it in countries such as India, Vietnam (越南) and the US. It has pulled millions of people out of hunger.

    Yuan once said he had two dreams. one was to someday stand under rice crops that were taller than men. The other was to grow hybrid rice all over the world and save people from hunger. One day his dreams might come true.

    (1)、Yuan Longping grew the world's first hybrnd rice strain in ___________.
    A、1964 B、1973 C、1996 D、2021
    (2)、Why did Yuan Longping decide to study hybrid rice?
    A、To make more money. B、To win more prizes. C、To feed more people. D、To protect the environment.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "output" mean in Chinese?
    A、产量 B、品种 C、事业 D、质量
    (4)、Which foreign countries is Yuan's hybrid rice grown in?

    ①Canada   ②India   ③Vietnam   ④America

    A、①②③ B、①③④ C、①②④ D、②③④
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE aceorcling to the passage?
    A、 In the 1960s. many Chinese people died because of illness. B、Y'uan Longpine's mother support(支持) his decision at first. C、Hybrid rice could feed about 7, 000, 000 more people every year. D、It took Yuan Longping more than 50 years to work on hybrid rice.
  • 34. 阅读理解

    Ben, who is an excellent student at school, studies very hard. He gets on well with all of his classmates and they all like him so much. Last Sunday afternoon, he went home from his school without saying anything. There would be a class meeting the next day. It was a rule that all the parents had to attend it. However. the poor boy's father passed away because of a terrible accident two years ago, leaving Ben and his mother. However, Ben didn't want his mother to go to the meeting, because she was a deaf-mute (聋哑人). With such a deaf-mute mother, he was afraid that other students and their parents would laugh at him. It was just what he could not stand.

    Seeing her son getting home, the mother made a gesture(手势) of "I love you"as usual. Ben usually gave back a kiss to her in the past. but this time he didn't say anything and went into his own room, shutting off the door quickly. At dinner table, Ben went for the table but he ate nothing with his head down. Her mother asked what on earth had happened to him. "Nothing serious. I just feel uncomfortable in my heart, Mum, " Ben said.

    The next day, forty-nine parents went into the classroom and sat on their children's seats. Only Ben's seat was empty. Ben was gloomy(忧郁的) on the seat. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman came into the classroom. "Ben, please show your mother to your seat, " the head teacher said. Ben's mother made a gesture of "I'm sorry I m late" to others. "Please explain your mother's words to us, Ben, " the head teacher said. So all the parents knew she was a deaf-mute. Then they all stood up from the seats and smiled to her in a friendly way...

    Ben came to his mother and asked impolitely, "Why do you come here, Mum?"

    "Only because I love you, " the mother made a gesture and her face turned red like a shy girl.

    (1)、Ben didn't want his mother to go to the class meeting because _______.
    A、she was too busy B、she couldn't hear or say C、she didn't have new clothes D、she wanted to go to Canada
    (2)、The mother expresscd "I love you" by_______.
    A、making a face B、drawing a picture C、making a gesturc D、saying it with her mouth
    (3)、_______explaincd the gcsture of "I'm sorry I'm late" to others.
    A、Ben B、Ben's mother C、Onc of the parents D、Ben's head teacher
    (4)、According to Ben's mother, she went to the classroom because _______.
    A、she loved her son B、her husband was not at home C、she could made some gestures D、her son was good at the schoolwork
    (5)、What's the best title for this passage?
    A、Bcn's sadness B、A parents'meeting C、Ben's head teacher D、Mother's love


  • 35. 根据短文内容回答下面五个问题,每题答案不超过9个词。

    Who influences teenagers?

    "Teenagers" means people from 13 to 19 years old. Although they are young, they have to make many important choices by themselves. They need to think about questions like these: Should I go to college? What kind of job do I want? However, other people also influence their choices. Who influences teenagers? Teenagers were asked this question and here's what they said.

    It depends on the kind of choice. When teenagers buy things, friends are the most important influence. This is especially true for clothes and music. TV shows, advertisements and parents also influence teenagers. In more serious things, parents are probably the most important influence. Some teenagers say it's best to regard both parents and friends as influences. James, a seventeen-year-old boy says he's "just a crazy man". He also says, "Parents are really important because they can tell you what's right and wrong. "

    But teenagers also feel they need to make their own choices. As one teenage girl said, "If our parents don't let us make our own choices, maybe in the future we don't know how to do it. "And they feel friends can often be a big help, especially because friends sometimes know more about their situation(处境) than their parents do.

    Do you depend on parents or others when you decide what to do or how to do it? Whoever you depend on, the correct choice is the most important. Your future is in your hand.

    (1)、What do teenagers have to do although they are young?
    (2)、According to the passage, what does "Who influences teenagers?" depend on?
    (3)、Who are the most important influence to teenagers when they buy clothes?
    (4)、Why does James think parents are very important?
    (5)、What choice is the most important?


  • 36. 任务型阅读

    What do you do when you come across a problem while doing your homework? Andy would take out his smariphone, open an app and search for the problem. Answers would soon appear on the screen.

    Nowadays, many students do homework with the help of the Interiet like Andy. They search for information onlineuse apps or discuss through social networks like WeChat.

    "It's convenient (方便的). You don't have to wait or get a tutor(家庭教师) beside you, "Andy said. "You also learn by seeing how others work them out. "

    "It also improves our abilities, "said John, another student. He Sad it especially works for new types of homework.

    John's Chinese teacher often asks students to give speeches on great writers. When it comes to John's turn, he usually searches online, picks out certain stories and makes PowerPoint prescntations (演示).

    "I've become skilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office, "John said.

    However, many students think this trend (趋势) also brings problems. Some students just copy the answers online without thinking. They become lazy.

    A head teacher in Andy and John's school said that knowing how to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good self-control (自制力).

    "No matter how difficult the problem is, think about it independently(独立地) first. "the teacher said. "Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answersor you won't make nrogress. If you don't have confidence in your self-control, ask your parents for help."

    Getting Help on Screen

    The phenomenon (现象)

    Many students do homework with the help of the . They use apps or social networks.


    ※When meeting a problem with homework, Andy would turn to his and search.

    ※John usually searches for information,  certain stories and makes PowerPoint presentations when he is asked to give a  .

    Opinions from students on this phenomenon

    ※ Some think it is convenient andstudents'abilities.

    ※Many think it make studentswhen they just copy the answers.

    Opinions from teachcrs

    ※Having good self-control is the

    ※No  will be made unless students understand the reasons behind the answers.

    ※If students aren't about their self-control, they should turn to their parents for help.


  • 37. Zhong Nanshan was presented with the medal of the Republic in his(eighty).
  • 38. For me, friendship seems more(value) and I feel comfortable being with my friends.
  • 39. Tan Dun has(success) brought Chinese and Western music together.
  • 40. Mr. Brown has his room(paint) orange to create a warm and comfortable feeling.
  • 41. —I don't know when (hold) the parents'meeting.

    —You can ask Mr. Green.

  • 42. Plants on the earth can't grow well if there is no(hot) or light from the Sun.
  • 43. It is reported that Huawei's operating system Harmony OS(use) in smartphones next year.
  • 44. Many traffic accidents happen because of the drivers'(careless) or taking no notice of traffic rules.
  • 45. People prefer(chat) online to writing letters at present.
  • 46. Anna doesn't like exercising. Sometimes she does it(simple) to relax.
  • 47. Last night, I tried to prepare for the exam, but the noise next door drove me even(mad).
  • 48. Many foreigners came to our school last week, including three(Geman) and four Americans.
  • 49. The blue coat which is hanging on the wall must be one of the(pioneer) over there.


  • 50. 缺词填空。

    On September 25, 2021,Huawei's Chief Financial Officer(首席财务官) Meng Wanzhou, 49, ain Shenzhen, Guangdong. After being illegally (非法地) held for nthree years in Canada.

    "After o1, 000 days of suffering, I finally retuncd to the motherland, "Meng said after she got othe plane. She described the motherland, the Party and the government athe shining light that led het on the long jouney home.

    On December 1, 2018, Meng was held in Canada bthe US charged (指控) her with fraud (欺诈). The US wanted to take hto the US for trial (审讯). Meng pleaded not guilty (不认罪) to the charge and finally was fto leave Canada on September 24 local time.

    This is a political(政治的) case trying to break Chinese high-technology c. Meng 's safe return sthat the Chinese government has the will and ability to protect the rights of Chinese people and companies.


  • 51. 假如你校正在举行"校园之星(School Star)"评选活动,请你以Simon的名义,根据下表所列要点提示,用英语写一封推荐信, 推荐好友Daniel参评。











    注意: 1)必须包含所有要点,可以适当发挥;


    Dear Sir,

    I'm writing to recommend Daniel as this year's School Star.


    Yours sincerely
