
试卷更新日期:2022-09-15 类型:开学考试


  • 1. What does the woman suggest the man do?
    A、Have a rest. B、Walk further. C、See a doctor.
  • 2. What caused the man's sleeping problem?
    A、The cats. B、The babies. C、The lights.
  • 3. What will the weather be like shortly?
    A、Cloudy. B、Sunny. C、Rainy.
  • 4. How many dogs does the woman have?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three.
  • 5. Why is the woman calling the man?
    A、To change an arrangement. B、To cancel a meeting. C、To arrange an event.


  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What do the speakers intend to do?
    A、Stay late at work. B、Study together. C、Go out for dinner.
    (2)、Where will the speakers meet?
    A、At the parking lot. B、At the office. C、At the restaurant.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、Where does the conversation take place?
    A、In a post office. B、In an airplane. C、In a bookstore.
    (2)、How much will the man pay in total?
    A、$20. B、$25. C、$45.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、Who cleaned the car at the man's house?
    A、The man himself. B、His sister. C、His father.
    (2)、What did the man think of his jobs?
    A、Boring. B、Stressful. C、Enjoyable.
    (3)、What did the woman use to do in her family?
    A、Clean her room. B、Take out the rubbish. C、Do the cooking.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A、Co-workers. B、Family members. C、Teammates.
    (2)、What does the man usually do on Sundays?
    A、Watch TV. B、Play sports. C、Go to bed early.
    (3)、What day is it today?
    A、Sunday. B、Monday. C、Friday.
    (4)、Who is the man's favorite athlete?
    A、Su Yiming. B、Eileen Gu. C、Xu Mengtao.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What is the main topic of the talk?
    A、Introducing changes within the school. B、Welcoming new students to school. C、Warning students about new school rules.
    (2)、What subject does Mr. Walden teach?
    A、Physics. B、Computing. C、P.E.
    (3)、Which facility has been built over the summer?
    A、A new technology center. B、A new mathematics building. C、A new school library.
    (4)、What has happened to the school meeting hall?
    A、It has been made bigger. B、It has been improved. C、It has been moved.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Teacher, Lawyer, Doctor—when someone says "career", these classic jobs are the first ones you think about, right? We've found four uncommon careers with awesome and unusual benefits.

    Chief Listening Officer

    You may not have heard of a Chief Listening Officer, but they've probably heard from you. CLOs closely monitor social platforms and conversations to keep an eye (and ear!) on what's being said about their company or brand. Your work enables a fast response to any and all complaints, questions, or misinformation.

    Why it's awesome: This job is on the rise. As more organizations rely on social media for market research and customer service, the position of CLO will only become more important.

    Food Stylist

    Mouth-watering restaurant commercials and wasteful magazine photographs of delicious food don't come easy: It takes the work of a food stylist to make it all happen. Armed with cooking skills, creative style, and tools ranging from lipstick to lard, you get food ready for its photograph.

    Why it's awesome: This is one of those rare cooking jobs that provide chances to create, but don't require you to slave away in a restaurant kitchen.

    Global Mobility Consultant

    As a global mobility consultant, you help employees make smooth transitions (过渡)into their new homes—whether it's in Bangkok, Berlin, or the next state over.

    Why it's awesome: If you're the type who enjoys traveling and likes learning about other cultures, systems and traditions, this career could be a perfect fit. As companies continue to expand across borders, this position is expected to grow by 21 percent over the next few years.

    Computational Linguist

    Computational Linguists help computers and humans communicate with each other. More specifically, you create computer programs that can translate, transcribe, and comprehend regular, human language.

    Why it's awesome: This field is the front line for exciting technological areas like speech recognition and artificial intelligence. In other words, you could help create robots.

    (1)、What does a Chief Listening Officer do?
    A、Do market research. B、Listen to chief officers. C、Respond to customers' opinions. D、Track social platforms and conversations.
    (2)、What is vital if you want to be a food stylist?
    A、Hard work in a restaurant kitchen. B、Restaurants and delicious food. C、Cooking skills and creativity. D、Commercials and magazines.
    (3)、What may contribute to the growing need for global mobility consultants?
    A、People's love for travel. B、People's interest in other cultures. C、Employees ‘desire for great progress. D、Companies ‘tendency to expand globally.
    (4)、What are computational linguists good at according to the text?
    A、Both computers and languages. B、Communicating with others. C、Speech recognition. D、Artificial intelligence
  • 12. 阅读理解

    In 2016, I suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) a form of depression(抑郁症) that is found to make people feel low in the UK between September and April. During that cold and wet period, I got comfort in books.

    Books have been used by many to reduce depression. I lose myself into them as thirstily as usually get my morning coffee. Each Christmas, I have a habit of returning to the old favorite books that make up for my emptiness, such as Jane Eyre. Sometimes, to escape from the cold, I run back to the heat that I am used to, so I will read a lot of books set in Africa.

    It became important for me to find a way to escape my sadness in the world of books. And isn't that what art and literature is for? According to JJ Bola, the author of No Place to Call Home, "The world can get you so down that you think you're the only person going through what you're going through. But then you read and you realize that you are not alone that if someone else has gone through it and survived, then maybe you can, too." It is this survival that the reader looks for, that is, the understanding that the winter is not so long after all.

    (1)、What was the possible cause for the author's illness?
    A、His personality. B、His poor health. C、Sleeplessness. D、Cold and wet seasons.
    (2)、The author likes reading old favorite books because they help him________.
    A、kill time B、keep warm C、enjoy Christmas time D、drive away emptiness
    (3)、Which book may the author probably read when he feels cold?
    A、Jane Eyre. B、Out of Africa.     C、Alice in Wonderland.         D、No Place to Call Home.
    (4)、What is the best title for the passage?
    A、Reading Reduces Depression B、Reading Keeps You Warm C、How to Escape Loneliness D、How to Survive Winters
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Are you always looking at your mobile phone as you're walking, playing with it as you're studying, and reluctant to put it down as you go to bed? Tired of a life controlled by their mobile phones, many young people seem to be intent on working out how to overcome it.

    One of the popular gadgets is the mobile phone isolation box. Users simply put their mobile phone in the box and set a time lock that will ban them from having access to the phone for a set time. Some boxes allow users to respond to emergencies. These isolation boxes can be adapted to almost all types of mobile phones on the market. The locking time generally ranges from one minute to 12 hours, and the price is generally about 100-200 Yuan. Xianfeng Technology, one of the sellers on Taobao says: "Our main customers are students and office workers. They usually ask for engraving some inspirational quotes on the box when buying. Some parents who feel their children are wasting time on Douyin and ruining their studies are also buying them. This physical box is much better than software on phones." Xianfeng's after-sales comment section is filled with positive comment from buyers who say the box has helped them become more self-disciplined.

    However, Lin Tianqi, a college student says, because the lock time is set by users, whether they can achieve their goal depends on the individual. A five-hour lockup is too harsh, she says, but one of her friends locks the box for just 30 minutes, she seems to cheat herself. Liang Wenyu, another college student, sneers at these "flashy" attempts. "Regardless of the effectiveness of the isolation box, you might as well lock yourself up. As simple as that." he says. "I can understand why they need these blood pumping quotes on the box—because they lack discipline. How about simply taking back your time. Self-disciplined people are bound to succeed without such gimmicks."

    (1)、What can we learn about the mobile phone isolation box?
    A、It adapts to all types of mobile phones. B、It allows users to use their mobile phones for a set time. C、It has good market prospects. D、It helps users abandon their mobile phones.
    (2)、What can we infer from paragraph 3?
    A、The lock time is a key factor for self-disciplined. B、Self-discipline is up to the person, not an isolation box. C、Two college students' views on isolation box are unreasonable. D、The isolation box needs improving due to its ineffectiveness.
    (3)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、Many young people attempt to stay away from mobile phones. B、Different views on the mobile phone isolation box. C、The mobile phone isolation box is used to help reduce mobile phone use. D、Self-discipline is of great importance.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    The concept "China chic", or guochao, has become popular in recent years. According to relevant data, from January to July 2022, the search volume for "Guochao" as a keyword has increased by 392. 66% year on year. Big Data Report of 2021 Guochao Pride Search from Baidu revealed that the level of interest in guochao has skyrocketed in the past 10 years. Domestic(国内 的)products are in fashion, and domestic consumption has increasingly become an important choice for the new generation of consumers.

    China chic mixes unique cultural elements with the latest trends in various industries, which not only satisfies younger consumers' needs for pursuing personality and fashion, but also plays a role in bringing back traditional culture. The rise of China chic is the result of China's rapid economic development and has some cultural motivations behind it. Besides, the continuous improvement of the consumption power of Chinese people is an important reason for the rise of China chic.

    Most importantly, cultural confidence is the driving force for the rise of China chic. Five thousand years of Chinese civilization has left us a rich cultural heritage. Guochao is, in many ways, the perfect representative of the new wave of Chinese nationalism. Starting in the fashion industry, this trend shows Chinese consumers' newfound interest in Chinese cultural heritage. The guochao trend is at its strongest among young adults who live in an even more powerful China and thus have a strong feeling of national pride. China's national strength is increasing, and its soft power is also on the rise. Even so, we still have a long way to go to carry forward this China chic. But as it has become a part of people's lives, no doubt there will even be more diverse China chic products showing Chinese charm in the future.

    (1)、Which statement reflects China chie's situation in recent years?
    A、It has not often been searched in Baidu. B、It has gained great popularity among Chinese. C、It has attracted consumers of older generation. D、It has been widely accepted in different cultures.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "skyrocketed" in the first paragraph mean?
    A、Risen sharply B、Dropped obviously. C、Remained stable. D、Changed slightly.
    (3)、Which factor for the rise of China chic is NOT mentioned?
    A、The rapid economic development of China. B、Cultural confidence from rich cultural heritage. C、Government's measures to bring back traditional culture. D、The continuous improvement of Chinese consumption power.
    (4)、What can be concluded from the last paragraph?
    A、The selection of China chic products is limited. B、China chic has little influence on people's lives. C、China chic still needs developing and improving. D、The author is disappointed at the future of China chic.


  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Believe it or not, humans spend roughly one-third of their lives asleep. No wonder the quality of our sleep is so closely linked to the quality of our lives. Here are some fun facts related to sleep that you might not know about. Let's find out!

    How do astronauts sleep?

    A person in space goes to bed at night then wakes up the next day. But it's a little different since there is no up or down and no pull of gravity. Astronauts can attach themselves to a wall, a seat or a bed inside the cabin so they don't float around or bump into something.

    We're all familiar with songs getting stuck in our heads while we're awake. This phenomenon is called earworms. It turns out that this can happen during sleep as well. Even if we're asleep, our brains continue to process music, which could cause problems in getting to sleep and staying asleep.

    Sleep with your pet?

    Is it good for you to sleep with a pet? Experts have traditionally said no. Pets, like dogs and cats, do not sleep continuously and they will often get up and walk on the bed. All of the activities will lead to a disturbed sleep. But recent studies found that people with depression or anxiety may benefit from having their pets in the bed.

    Socks can help us sleep?

    Putting on a pair of socks at bedtime will help you fall asleep 15 minutes earlier and wake up far less. Wearing socks can help a process called distal vasodilation, which refers to an increase of blood to your hands and feet.

    A. Can you feel the music clearly?

    B. Earworms happen while sleeping?

    C. This might cause you to sleep even worse.

    D. Hence, weightless astronauts can sleep anywhere.

    E. Your sleep will improve with a pair of warm feet.

    F. A sound sleep can bring a good mood and energy.

    G. Too little sleep will affect academic performances.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The moon had gone behind a cloud and there weren't many stars in the sky. As I took a glance(一瞥) at my neighbour's house, I saw a flame(火焰)in his1. I thought he was having a midnight fast food so I went back to my bed.

    Soon, there was a 2 smell in the air and I guessed something was wrong. At once, I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to 3. I saw fire coming out of my neighbour's kitchen. Right away, I shouted, "Fire! Fire!" But there was no one nearby to 4 my shouts for help.

    I 5 into my house, called the Fire Department and went back to my neighbour's house. I rang the doorbell, hit on the door and 6 my neighbour's name but there was no answer. I managed to 7 the house and rescued a cat and a rabbit.

    I tried to throw water through the kitchen window 8 it was no use; the fire was too strong.9, a fire engine arrived and soon the firemen put out the fire. They arrived just in time as the fire was going to 10 to the other rooms in the house.

    When my neighbour came back, he was 11 because his kitchen was burnt down, but he thanked me for calling the Fire Department and for saving his 12. He wanted to give me some money 13 but I did not accept it.

    Weeks later, my neighbour repaired and restored his kitchen. He 14 me to see his new kitchen and there he gave me a medal that he had 15 ordered from a factory. It made me very happy.

    A、bedroom B、kitchen C、bathroom D、sitting room
    A、burning B、special C、big D、hot
    A、search B、listen C、smell D、examine
    A、listen to B、turn to C、hear D、ask
    A、walked B、rushed C、stepped D、jumped
    A、called for B、called up C、called in D、called out
    A、break down B、break into C、take out D、take up
    A、but B、and C、because D、so
    A、Fortunately B、Sadly C、Unluckily D、Suddenly
    A、flow B、return C、spread D、run
    A、sick B、angry C、glad D、sad
    A、pets B、parents C、children D、life
    A、in turn B、in return C、in time D、in need
    A、ordered B、advised C、invited D、begged
    A、particularly B、naturally C、mainly D、specially


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs (gain) huge popularity in Western universities. More recently the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 (country). These schools teach both Chinese language culture. The main courses of chinese culture (usual) include Chinese art, history and philosophy. Some social scientists suggest that Westerners (take) advantage of the ancient chinese (wise) to make up for the drawbacks of Western philosophy. Students in the United States, the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius (understand) their Chinese customers.

    Today China attracts the West (much) than ever and it will need more to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.


  • 18. 最近你在某英文报纸上读到一篇文章,文中说道,虽然现在的生活条件越来越好,青少年的快乐却少了。请你就此话题写一篇短文,表达你的想法,内容包括;






    Recently, I have read an article about the mental state of teenagers, which said that

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Jim was walking down a dimly lit street late on evening, hoping to see his lovely children as soon as possible. As he was walking quietly, Jim heard muffled (低沉) screams coming from behind some bushes. Alarmed (惊慌的), Jim stopped to listen carefully. He realized that what he was hearing was the unmistakable (清楚明白的) sound of a struggle. Thinking of the danger, he became frightened.

    Only yards from where Jim stood, a girl was being attacked. Jim didn't know what to do. Should he get involved in it? He was worried about his own safety. He was wandering whether he should just run to the nearest phone and call the police or went to fight with the attacker (攻击者) to save the unknown girl.

    As he suffered from inward struggle, the girl's cries were growing weaker. Jim knew he had to act fast. Yet he knew he couldn't just walk away from this. He realized that he could not turn his back on the fate (命运) of this unknown girl, even if it meant risking his own life.

    Jim was not a brave man, nor was he athletic (健壮的). Even he himself didn't quite know where he found the moral courage and physical strength. However once he was determined to help the girl, he became strangely transformed (转变). He ran behind the bushes and pulled the attacker off the girl, who panicked very much. Seeing Jim prevent him, the attacker became crazy and began to fight with him. Jim became fearless and then fell to the ground, where they wrestled (摔跤) for a few minutes until the attacker jumped up and escaped. Jim felt very tired and he couldn't catch the attacker.

    Paragraph 1: Watching the attacker run into the darkness, Jim thought of the girl.

    Paragraph 2: "Dad, is that you?" asked the girl in wonder and amazement as she