
试卷更新日期:2022-09-15 类型:开学考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

    This fund is offered by the Idaho State Board of Education to support fine arts, performing arts, and design courses. It was intended to increase access to arts education for learners in rural public schools that otherwise may lack the resources to expand such programs.


    •An applicant must be an Idaho rural school district or Idaho rural charter school. Each qualified applicant may submit one application.

    •An applicant may request up to $15,000.

    •Deadline: June 30, 2023.

    *Uses of this fund

    An applicant must use this fund for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and curricular materials that support the establishment of arts or improvements to arts. But it may not be used for personnel (人员) or contracted services costs, professional development activities or design courses that are part of the Career and Technical Education curriculum (课程).

    *Application Components

    An application will cover the following contents:

    •General applicant information and approval of the grant application submission by an authorizing official.

    •Four Narrative Questions: Population served and need to be addressed; Proposal description; Expected demand; Sustainability plan.

    •Budget: A budget form that asks for detailed expenses.


    Applications will be submitted through the online WebGrants. Applications will be reviewed by a group of experts whose recommendations will be sent to the State Board of Education for approval in May. Applicants will be informed of the results in June.

    (1)、Who can apply for this fund?
    A、A learner in a rural public school. B、A rural school from a specific district. C、A learner who has no time to learn art. D、An applicant who requests over $30,000.
    (2)、What is this fund used for?
    A、Holding a professional activity. B、Employing some teachers. C、Buying art equipment for qualified schools. D、Designing some career courses.
    (3)、What should applicants include in their applications?
    A、 A detailed budget. B、An expert's recommendation. C、An official's signature. D、A description of the equipment.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    On a sunny day in May at the Saline Royale in Arc-et-Senans, France, a group of about 20 primary schoolchildren, armed with a notebook about plants, flowers and nature, are getting practical experiences with the world of gardening and learning about the natural environment.

    The children then explore the gardens of the Saline Royale, where each class is led by a professional gardener. Students are able to dig, plant, use tools and develop skills while learning about the flowers and plants around them.

    It's all part of the Manuterra program, a project for schools, started by the Foundation Enterprise Hermes. The program began in September 2021, and invites students aged 6 to 18 from Arc-et-Senans to design, make and tend a garden. Combining educational and environmental issues, the themes for each class will also be adapted to the children's ages and abilities.

    The program is designed to offer the participants a brief introduction of many environmental issues such as the life of the soil, biodiversity, the making and use of organic fertilizers and the influence of climate change. The program also encourages young children to work together and maintain the precious ecological (生态的) balance as well as become familiar with their everyday natural surroundings.

    The program hopes that as the students learn from the gardens of the Saline Royale, they will be able to take away knowledge to cultivate their own space where they can grow various plants and flowers and preserve biodiversity for future generations.

    "There is a drive to pass on knowledge to preserve the planet," said Laurent Pejoux, director of this program. "Climate change makes us take responsibility, and Manuterra is a response to this in order for the younger generations to protect the environment."

    (1)、What are these children doing at the Saline Royale?
    A、Performing some physical activities. B、Getting some knowledge on agriculture. C、Protecting the natural environment. D、Getting hands-on experiences in a project.
    (2)、What is the purpose of the Manuterra program?
    A、To strengthen the children's sense of teamwork. B、To introduce the children to environmental issues. C、To help the children know the value of hard work. D、To offer the children a chance to survive the wild.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "cultivate"in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A、Develop. B、Support. C、Imagine. D、Record.
    (4)、What is implied in Laurent Pejoux's words in the last paragraph?
    A、Everyone should adapt to climate changes. B、It's beneficial for us to protect the environment. C、The program makes a difference to the children. D、The children need a drive to protect the environment.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Cycling is considered one of the most efficient ways to travel due to its small carbon footprint. Many people are happy to ride a bike in their everyday life. However, better infrastructure (基本设施) and a cultural shift are needed to ensure that more people will ride a bike. Bike kitchens are part of a worldwide movement that can help with such a challenge.

    In bike kitchens, tools, used parts, and repair assistance are provided to their members. They donate bikes and have become spaces for social exchange. They also make efforts to improve basic infrastructure, which plays a key role in ensuring the safety and comfort of cyclists in areas such as the development of bike lanes and bike parking. But that alone is not enough. Building a cycling culture that is socially accepted to most, means having significant amounts of people developing skills of riding bikes.

    Cycling has various benefits like promoting physical and mental health. More importantly, the infrastructure needed for bikes doesn't require a huge budget. Besides, bicycles are the most practical and sustainable means of travel for short and medium distance, and also for recreation and sport. Therefore, a cycling culture appears urgent and significant. For individuals in many developed countries, transport can be the largest part of their carbon footprint. Transport accounts for about one-fifth of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. For short or medium distances, bikes are one of the lowest-carbon ways to travel. Even more shockingly, using a bike instead of a car for short trips would reduce a person's travel emissions by 75 percent.

    Bike kitchens in particular, extend the lifespan of bikes and their parts. They help build a community economy that prevents waste generation, since most parts are secondhand, fixed, or reused. Either through the supply of tools, parts, workshops, fixing sessions, or bikes for free, bike kitchens encourage a more sustainable way of traveling that makes cities friendlier, while strengthening community values.

    (1)、Which of the following can be done in bike kitchens?
    A、Exchanging bikes. B、Teaching others to ride bikes. C、Purchasing the new parts. D、Developing riding skills.
    (2)、What does the author want to stress in the text?
    A、Cycling is a sustainable way to travel. B、Transport is still a challenging problem. C、Everyone should have an eco-friendly travel. D、Bikes are also suitable for a long distance travel.
    (3)、What is the author's attitude towards bike kitchens according to the text?
    A、Critical. B、Doubtful. C、Positive. D、Grateful.
    (4)、What is the main idea of the text?
    A、Bike kitchens reduce people's travel influences. B、Bike kitchens are helping boost cycling culture. C、Bike kitchens are gaining popularity in the world. D、Bike kitchens make cycling accessible to everyone.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Cheerleading is the fastest growing women's sport, yet many Americans think it can't satisfy the standards and qualifications of a sport. In addition, they fail to distinguish between sideline cheerleaders and competitive ones. Sideline cheerleaders' main goal is to entertain the crowd and lead them with team cheers, which should not be considered a sport. However, it is true of competitive cheerleading.

    Competitive cheerleading includes lots of physical activity. Cheerleaders must learn to fall and perform many complex actions, like lifts and tosses. This is where the "fliers" are thrown in the air, held by "bases" in different positions that require strength and cooperation with other teammates. The whole routine has to be completed in less than three minutes and 15 seconds and the cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area. Just like gymnasts, they are awarded points for difficulty, technique, creativity and sharpness. Cheerleading is a team sport, so without cooperation, first place is out of reach.

    Cheerleading is the major cause of serious sports injuries to women due to the fact that cheerleaders always perform without any equipment to protect them. While many athletes in other sports are well protected, smiling cheerleaders are tossed into the air and fall down into the arms of trusted teammates. The fliers must remain tight all the time so that their bases can catch them safely. Because cheerleading is not recognized as a sport by many schools, proper equipment isn't provided to ensure safety. Therefore, more recognition of competitive cheerleading as a sport would decrease the number of injuries.

    Competitive cheerleading is a physical activity governed by rules under which a winner can be declared and its primary purpose is to compare the skills of participants. Hopefully, cheerleading will become as well-known a sport as football and basketball, and even appear in the Olympics since cheerleaders are just as athletic and physically fit as those involved in the more accepted sports.

    (1)、What do many Americans think of cheerleading?
    A、It is aimed at cheering the audience. B、It focuses on strength and teamwork. C、It does no good to women's health. D、It fails to meet the criteria of a sport.
    (2)、What does the author mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 2?
    A、Competitive cheerleading is a team sport. B、Cheerleaders must train hard to win first place. C、There are no limits to competitive cheerleading. D、Strength is essential to competitive cheerleading.
    (3)、Why is it easy for cheerleaders to get seriously injured?
    A、They are not skillful in performance. B、They don't wear protective equipment. C、They are exposed to some dangers. D、They always perform various techniques.
    (4)、Which of the following is the author's opinion of cheerleading?
    A、It consumes a lot of energy and strength. B、It will become more famous than football. C、It is likely to become well known in future. D、It should be equipped with various purposes.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Like all mammals, whales need to sleep in order to survive. But they are also air breathers, meaning that they cannot sleep in the water all the time. There are around 90 different types of whale, which can hold their breath for about an hour, depending on the species. However, they usually travel up to the surface to breathe every 15 minutes.

    Some scientists have found that whales cannot become fully unconscious or they would drown. To deal with living in the water full-time while having to breathe air, these air-breathers have evolved into voluntary ones, as a way to prevent accidentally breathing in water at inopportune moments. Therefore, they have to be awake and alert at all times to prevent themselves from drowning.

    Whales have some of the largest brains on the planet. They can actively decide which part of their brains to use at a given time. This particular way of sleeping can be seen most clearly in captive (圈养的) whales. When whales are sleeping, they can be seen keeping one eye closed while the other remains open.

    Some species, like sperm whales, enter a deeper sleep where they hang in groups, vertically, not too far below the surface for just over an hour. Other species, such as the humpback whales, have been observed resting motionless at the surface of the water for only 30 minutes. And, killer whales, which are very socially complex, never swim too far from the other members of their pod, sleeping in close groups.

    A. So how exactly do they get any sleep?

    B. They continue to swim slowly and regularly.

    C. They won't lose their body temperature by staying still.

    D. It's an interesting dilemma for wholly ocean air breathers.

    E. This sleeping technique varies slightly among species, however.

    F. Whales consciously control their blowholes with powerful muscles.

    G. Sperm whales in particular have the biggest brain of any living mammal.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Nan Hauser has spent much of her life in the South Pacific Cook Islands. As a whale researcher, she has been1the international title of "Earth Ambassador." While many of the locals had heard of this2, it was an encounter (偶遇) that would make her known worldwide.

    One day in 2017, Nan dived into the ocean to shoot some videos with the whales, when the most3thing happened. As she swam alongside them, they began to display4signs that danger was near. Suddenly, she saw another whale make an5on her at full speed. Just as6hit, one of the whales used its fin (鳍) to push Nan onto its back and7of ...not a whale but a tiger shark.

    After the shark disappeared, the whale safely8Nan back to her boat. She climbed aboard and yelled her9to the whale. After a few minutes, the whale disappeared into the10, and Nan said goodbye, feeling grateful for this lifetime11.

    Almost a year later, Nan received a call from a local fisherman saying that he12whales in the harbor. Could her whale friend have13? She jumped onto a boat quickly. Nan14recognized her friend by the two15marks on his tail, and dived into the water to swim with him.

    After Nan's encounter, she16with how best she could thank the whale. After all, it's17to hug something much larger than you. So what's the most18way to thank a whale? It's by caring, learning more about them, and19their habitat. As for us, we can help in small ways. For example,20using the plastics will make a difference.

    A、featured B、recorded C、awarded D、ranked
    A、chemist B、physicist C、doctor D、biologist
    A、remarkable B、comfortable C、valuable D、reliable
    A、rescuing B、warning C、greeting D、thanking
    A、adventure B、effort C、attempt D、attack
    A、excitement B、panic C、surprise D、disappointment
    A、out of range B、out of mind C、out of hearing D、out of question
    A、conserved B、forced C、accompanied D、chased
    A、impression B、expectation C、commitment D、appreciation
    A、sands B、darkness C、depths D、landscape
    A、challenge B、experience C、leisure D、memory
    A、spotted B、waved C、refused D、followed
    A、known B、suffered C、returned D、refreshed
    A、smartly B、vaguely C、constantly D、instantly
    A、distinct B、private C、multiple D、positive
    A、met B、struggled C、lived D、played
    A、pretty B、funny C、tricky D、vital
    A、influential B、interesting C、logical D、popular
    A、beautifying B、protecting C、surrounding D、leaving
    A、continuing B、considering C、missing D、avoiding


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    A new phenomenon is taking hold worldwide—"shrinkflation". This is when companies reduce the size of their products or range of services while (maintain) prices. It is in reaction to the rising prices of raw materials needed in the process of (produce). Another way companies choose is (place) smaller items in larger boxes, making shoppers think they're getting more for their money. In fact, (consumer) become more sensitive to price than quantity or quality. Most shoppers will make a regular purchase, even if it has shrunk (缩小) , as long as price has not risen.

    So far, the chocolate maker Cadbury (choose) to shrink the size of one of its products by 10%. A company spokesperson said: "We expect to absorb costs in this difficult environment so we have had to make the decision to (slight) reduce the weight of chocolate bars for the first time since 2012, so that we can keep them surviving in the fierce (compete)." The service industry is also trying to keep from raising prices. The hotel chains Hilton have made it a rule guests must now request daily housekeeping services. Many other free services we have taken for granted are also the decrease.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    My family had a rule when we were young. My mother would put a small basket and the large jar on the table with some paper. "Wherever you feel sad, wrote it down and put the note in the basket. Put your happily notes in the jar," my mother told me. Each night after dinner, my mother would pull up out two notes from the basket and two from the jar read aloud. The basket contained notes saying things like "I'm lonely." The paper in the jar made us smiling. Most evenings, the basket was empty. Therefore, the jar was always plenty. It reminded us to focus much on our blessings than our worries.


  • 9. 你校英语社团准备举行以"Small Actions Can Make a Difference"为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿参加比赛,内容包括:






    Small Actions Can Make a Difference