
试卷更新日期:2022-09-01 类型:开学考试


  • 1. What subject does the woman do worst in?
    A、History. B、English. C、Math.
  • 2. What would the man like to do?
    A、Swim. B、Fish. C、Play basketball.
  • 3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
    A、At home.  B、At a restaurant. C、At a doctor's.
  • 4. How did the man's wife feel about the play?
    A、Satisfied. B、Bored. C、Excited.
  • 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A、A novel. B、A movie. C、A weekend plan.


  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What was the camping holiday like in general?
    A、It was pleasant. B、It was terrible. C、It was tiring.
    (2)、What did the man like about the camping holiday?
    A、Swimming in the lake. B、Cooking dinner. C、Putting up tents.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Who answered the man's phone call just now?
    A、The woman. B、The woman's friend. C、The woman's secretary.
    (2)、What will the woman do on the 18th?
    A、Relax at Glencross. B、Go to Brussels. C、Have a celebration.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the man doing?
    A、Telling the woman about a teacher. B、Introducing a course to the woman. C、Helping the woman with her homework.
    (2)、What does the man like most about Dr. Miller?
    A、His patience. B、His seriousness. C、His understanding.
    (3)、What can we learn from the conversation?
    A、The woman is going to take Dr. Miller's class. B、The man had a teacher like Dr. Miller before. C、Dr. Miller has been teaching in England for 10 years.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、How much does the man have to pay to join the club?
    A、£1.50. B、£2. C、£5.
    (2)、Why does Video Club hold a meeting?
    A、To send out a list of films. B、To introduce films from abroad. C、To collect information on popular films.
    (3)、What films are most people interested in?
    A、British films. B、American films. C、Australian films.
    (4)、How will the man get the form?
    A、He'll have it by post. B、He'll pick it up himself. C、He'll get it from the club's website.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where are the speakers now?
    A、In the mountains. B、At school. C、In a café.
    (2)、How will the listeners go to North Lake tomorrow?
    A、By train. B、By bus. C、By car.
    (3)、When will the listeners leave the café tomorrow?
    A、At 12:00. B、At 12:30. C、At 1:15.
    (4)、What sport should the listeners avoid doing?
    A、Fishing. B、Swimming. C、Walking.

三、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)

  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Non-Credit Courses

    The Pre-College Program offers non-credit courses. Students will experience college-level courses given by some of our college's leading experts and will receive written feedback (反馈) on their work at the end of the course. Pre-College students will also receive a grade of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the program.

    All non-credit courses meet from 9:00 a. m.-11:30 a. m. daily and may have additional requirements in the afternoons or evenings.

    COURSE: Case Studies in Neuroscience

    ·June 11— July 2

    ·Leah Roesch

    Using student-centered, active-learning methods and real-world examples, this course is designed to provide a fuller understanding of how the human brain works.

    COURSE: Psychology of Creativity

    ·June 15—June 28

    ·Marshall Duke

    Why are certain people so creative? Is it genetic (遗传的), or a result of childhood experience? Are they different from everyone else? This popular psychology course highlights the different theories of creativity.

    COURSE: Creative Storytelling

    ·June 21 — July 3

    ·Edith Freni

    This college-level course in creative storytelling functions as an introduction to a variety of storytelling techniques that appear in different forms of creative writing, such as short fiction and playwriting.

    COURSE: Sports Economics

    ·July 19 — August 1

    ·Christina DePasquale

    In this course we will analyze many interesting aspects of the sports industry: sports leagues, ticket pricing, salary negotiations, discrimination, and NCAA policies to name a few.

    (1)、Who is the text intended for?
    A、The general public. B、College freshmen. C、Educational experts. D、High school students.
    (2)、Which course can you take if you are free only in June?
    A、Sports Economics. B、Creative Storytelling. C、Psychology of Creativity. D、Case Studies in Neuroscience.
    (3)、Whose course should you choose if you are interested in creative writing?
    A、Leah Roesch's. B、Edith Freni's. C、Marshall Duke's. D、Christina DePasquale's.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    A Ghanaian man who once made jewelry from glass is now using old glass to make new art. He hopes to reduce glass waste and help the environment in his country. If glass artist Michael Tetteh can earn some money by doing it, he will be happy, too.

    Tetteh learned the art of glass blowing during a visit to Europe in 2012. He went to see people who knew about glass blowing in the Netherlands and France and learned to make many-colored, artistic flower holders or water carriers. Many years later, Tetteh has his own workplace where he melts broken glass from waste centers and turns it into art. He looks for broken glass from old televisions or bottles and melts it down in a large round container known as a kiln(窑). The kiln gets very hot, nearly 1, 500 ℃, and turns the old glass into hot liquid.

    Tetteh works in the area called Odumase-Krobo and trains other glass blowers in his shop. He learned how to make his equipment by watching videos on a computer. He said he is trying to follow the designs of well-known American glass artist Dale Chihuly. Over the years, he has gotten better at the work. Now Tetteh's pieces are sold in shops in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Some of his works are also sold in art stores in Europe and the U.S.

    “My heart wants to train young Ghanaians, both men and women, so they can learn this job," he said.

    If he can teach more people to make art pieces from glass, more people would get benefit from it. Ghana imports about $300 million worth of glass and pottery each year.

    (1)、What does the author want to show by telling Tetteh's story?
    A、We waste more glass than before. B、We can make a profit from glass. C、We pay little attention to the glass. D、We can turn old glass into art.
    (2)、What did Tetteh do in Europe?
    A、He learned to make glass art. B、He melted broken glass. C、He set up his own company. D、He got old televisions.
    (3)、What can we know about Tetteh's works?
    A、His works are sold around the world. B、His works are the same as Chihuly's. C、His works are made by watching videos. D、His works are getting better.
    (4)、What does Tetteh want to do for young Ghanaians?
    A、Protect the environment in his country. B、Reduce the use of glass. C、Train them to master the skills. D、Improve their lives by blowing glass.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    In the United States, more and more families have turned to assisted living centers to care for their aged parents. However, as we hear from Faith Lapidus, there may be an even better project —one that provides a safe environment for older adults while keeping them close to loved ones.

    In a quiet neighborhood near Washington, DC, two homes sit within several meters of each other. The larger house belongs to Soc Page and her family. Behind it is a small home where her mother, Viola Baez, lives. Miss Baez's home is a MED Cottage. These structures are built to meet the medical and safety needs of the elderly. Soc Page says it is the best place for her mother.

    “My home is just not safe for her. So this is an alternative. She's here, but she has her own space. It's set up for her. It's safe for her and it's not a nursing home. We are actually her primary caretakers, and she won't feel lonely in this place."

    The MED Cottage is small—just 28 square meters. But it has separate areas for living and bathing. There is even space for medical equipment. The builder included special soft padding under the floor so older adults will not break a bone if they fall. From her own house, Soc Page can use cameras and intercom equipment to see and hear her mother.

    Ken Dupin started N2 Care, the company that builds the small homes. He wanted to help families stay together.

    "If I have a purpose for the rest of my life, it is somehow challenging and working up people's enthusiasm of accepting this responsibility to take care of their parents, and it's funny in that it's its own reward." He hopes he can make many other families as happy in the homes as this one.

    (1)、What is the purpose of the project?
    A、To take better care of parents. B、To meet parents' medical needs. C、To provide a larger living space for parents. D、To enable people to live closer to their parents.
    (2)、How does the project affect Viola Baez?
    A、She won't hurt herself when she falls. B、It meets all her medical needs. C、She won't be disturbed by anyone. D、She has her own private space.
    (3)、What does the underlined phrase "working up" mean in paragraph 6?
    A、Decreasing. B、Motivating. C、Praising. D、Annoying.
    (4)、What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?
    A、It is well practiced. B、It needs to be more interesting. C、It is challenging in some way. D、It takes a long period to prove its results.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Over the last ten years, our lives have dramatically changed as a result of new technologies. For many of us, the ways we live and do business have changed forever.

    The appearance of these new technologies has produced a new division of the global workforce, allowing people to work from the comforts of home or while traveling and exploring the globe. These new found freedoms and flexibility have transformed the way we look at our lifestyles. Today, heading to the office may mean remaining at home, sitting in a favorite coffee shop, a hotel lobby(大厅) or on a lounge chair by the beach. The ability for many people to work is virtually at our fingertips.

    What does this mean for the future of our lifestyles and business? It means the lines will continue to cross between home life, work, family and social experiences. The task of balancing our lifestyle and daily activities will become essential. New tools will continue to help people manage busy plans, and assist in performance and business management.

    This increase in technology will create an enhanced need for person-to-person connectivity. We are already seeing a rise in social activities to substitute the experiences of meeting people "at work" and having regular face-to-face engagement. Finding a healthy social balance will be key to enjoying the freedom and flexibility of working on the Internet.

    In addition to the growing number of people in the remote workforce, educational programs and home schooling platforms are seeing similar growth. Together these two elements are redefining the conventional family. When living nearby work or school are no longer household factors, the doors to the world are open wide. These are major shifts in our lifestyle definitions and they will directly impact how we exist and interact in the world in our future lifestyles.

    (1)、What does the author think of the effects of new technologies on our work?
    A、They allow flexible work options. B、They change our attitudes to work. C、They affect our choices of career. D、They provide more secure jobs.
    (2)、What can we infer about our work in the future?
    A、The workplace will become fixed. B、The division between life and work will disappear. C、More of our work will be computer-based. D、More face-to-face communication will be needed in the workplace.
    (3)、Why are living nearby work or school no longer household factors?
    A、The growth of remote work and online education. B、The preference of people for different lifestyles. C、The ways of people interacting with each other. D、The new standard of the definition of family.
    (4)、What is the best title for the text?
    A、The Advantage of Working from Home B、The Future Changes of Lifestyle C、The New Ways of Communication D、The New Trend in Future Education


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Forging a 5G future

    The future in sci-fi movies seems so close, yet so far away. Delightfully, 5G technology makes that future look easily achievable. Schools, hospitals, transportation, factories—even our homes will soon

    use this powerful wireless network. In 2018, China started testing 5G mobile networks in its several cities. So what is 5G? It's the latest generation of cellular(蜂窝状的)network technology.

    5G's benefits mainly come from speed and connectivity(连接性能).

    People will be able to use the Internet at much higher speed than before. Imagine being able to download an entire movie in just a few seconds! That's how fast 5G will be.

     For example, one of the biggest problems with developing driverless cars is the delay between sending a signal and receiving it. Driverless cars must be able to react instantly to sudden changes in their environment, such as a dog running across the road. This will require these cars to send and receive huge amounts of data within milliseconds (毫秒).  It will also allow doctors to perform operations remotely, using robots. The robots will respond more quickly to the doctors' movements.

    So what about 5G's connectivity?  Imagine having a smart home that automatically turns the lights on when you open your front door.

    "New things become possible when you can move information on a massive scale," Gordon Smith, CEO of telecom equipment reseller Sagent, told The Telegraph. "5G becomes the great enabler."

    No matter where it is implemented, it looks like 5G will bring us a more exciting and convenient future.

    A. We may develop "smart" environments with it.

    B. Such speed helps other technologies too.

    C. 5G will make this impossible.

    D. It connects people's life in various ways.

    E. It is faster and stabler than 4G, the previous generation.

    F. With 5G, people can conveniently solve many problems.

    G. The advantage of higher speed is obvious.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-60各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Teenagers are more likely to cause conflict with their parents than any other age child. Teens often think what they are saying is1. They believe that if they keep arguing, they can2their parents' minds.

    Teenagers argue with their parents because two things are still3during the adolescent period: the limbic system(边缘系统)and the frontal lobe(额叶). The former4emotions, and the latter helps with people's decision making.

    With not everything fully developed in teenage bodies, it5how they react to discipline and the word "no". Teenagers want to have freedom and the6to do what they want. Being teenagers is very7. There are too many things happening in a teen's8all at once and their bodies are not quite ready to9everything that's happening. They are still in the10of growing and making all these life decisions.

    With teens having little free time, it's an unhappy thing to hear "no"coming from11. Teens want to do something interesting with friends or just simply12without worrying about anything. They trust themselves to be13. Some teens don't understand why they're told they can't do something. Without reasoning behind the "no", there is often a spark(火花) of14leading into an argument. If parents gave a15reason for their decision, it could16many arguments and keep a healthy17. Even if they disagree, when knowing their parents' reason18, teenagers are less likely to respond in a negative way.

    Parents should not19intervene with(干预)their kids' choices. It is a part of growing up, and making20and suffering the consequences is an important lesson to learn.

    A、right B、strange C、interesting D、abstract
    A、meet B、guess C、change D、understand
    A、occurring B、falling C、appearing D、developing
    A、calculates B、regulates C、transports D、stimulates
    A、introduces B、influences C、explains D、forces
    A、preference B、desires C、choices D、ambition
    A、stressful B、essential C、relaxed D、annoyed
    A、home B、life C、room D、study
    A、help B、continue C、handle D、stop
    A、shape B、form C、project D、process
    A、doctors B、parents C、friends D、teachers
    A、hang out B、come over C、stay up D、break down
    A、honest B、clever C、responsible D、active
    A、complaint B、competition C、disagreement D、commitment
    A、funny B、polite C、new D、good
    A、end B、stand C、confirm D、hold
    A、environment B、relationship C、community D、society
    A、quietly B、angrily C、clearly D、easily
    A、always B、sometimes C、seldom D、never
    A、models B、plans C、decisions D、promises


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    It is reported that a new subway station in Moscow with a number of Chinese design elements has already become another landmark for Sino-Russian friendship and  (cooperate). In other words, China Railway Construction Corporation Limited has completed the construction of the Michurinsky Prospekt Station in the southwest of the Russian capital, and it had  (official) opened by the end of the year, 2021. The station and the other two on the southwestern section of the Moscow Metro stand on the  (three) transfer line of the city's subway system. This route, known  the Great Ring Line, was also built by CRCC, and was the first European subway project  (design) by a Chinese company. To show respect for  friendship between China and Russia, Chinese-style designs have been adopted for the platform at the new station, including cloud-shaped lamps, red pillars and a suspended ceiling. Red is the dominant color of the platform design,  features plum blossom and the Eight Immortals - a group of well-known  (figure) in Chinese folklore and Taoism. Up to now the photos of the Chinese-style subway platform   (appear) on social media platforms, and Russians are eager  (see) the new station.


  • 18. It is the mother who is expected to reorganize her busy s(n.日程表).
  • 19. My brother has g(v毕业) from our school and soon he will be admitted to college.
  • 20. Reading is an active learning experience that will keep your mind s(adj.敏锐的).
  • 21. Children watch what others do carefully and imitate the b(n.举止) of those closest to them.
  • 22. The voices sounded really u(adj独特的), some of which were so high that I was sure they could break glass!
  • 23. Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich c(n.语境) for students to learn vocabulary.
  • 24. These new revelations could have a big i(n.作用) on human digestive health research and manufacturing.
  • 25. He argues that family problems are t(adv.一般,通常) a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.
  • 26. As a leading expert in this field, he was invited to give some p(adj.专业的) advice.
  • 27. D(prep.尽管) their many differences, all human beings share several defining characteristics.


  • 28. Her hands were trembling with (eager) as she opened the letter.
  • 29. In the coming three years, our school life will be (challenge).
  • 30. They are interesting novels that I want to read them again.
  • 31. I (drive) down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.

  • 32. Due to the (apply) of this medical technology, some diseases can be treated at the early stage.
  • 33. I (intend) to visit you last night, but it rained.
  • 34. The more stress you are under, the more likely you are (catch) a cold.
  • 35. The incident serves as a timely (remind) of just how dangerous mountaineering can be.
  • 36. Let's sing the song Auld Lang Syne together before we wind the party.
  • 37. The woman looked at him in (confuse) and said something about changing her clothes.
  • 38. The job market has changed and our approaches to (find) jobs must change as well.
  • 39. Benjamin West, the father of American painting, showed his talent art when he was only six years of age.
  • 40. Scientists once figured that the theory was based on a wrong (assume).
  • 41. Predators have been observed (avoid) attacking brightly coloured species.
  • 42. When you are home, give a call to let me know you (arrive) safely.
  • 43. These wild flowers are so special that I would do I can to save them.
  • 44. you don't like him is none of my business.
  • 45. I have no idea he solved the problem.
  • 46. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school.
  • 47. Your eyes are so red. You can't (sleep) well last night.


  • 48. 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    After I entered senior high school, I have to face a lot of pressure from heavy schoolwork. So my mother suggested what I try swimming to relieve it. At first she was doubtful of the way of relieving stress by swimming. The learn process of swimming was also a hard time for me. But if I first went to swim independently, my pressure was greatly relieved and all the tension and anxiety were thrown the water. It also relaxed my mind and created positively feelings and impressions that made me forget any challenges. Swimming has increase my confidence. It has been brought many changes and benefit to my study and life.


  • 49. 假定你是李华, 昨天你参加了你校举办的以“The book I like best”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你写一篇英语日记,要点如下:



    Wednesday,10 August,2022 sunny

    Yesterday afternoon I took part in the English speech contest held by my school. The topic of it is

    “The book I like best”.