
试卷更新日期:2022-08-30 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. He looked as if he ________________ ill for a long time.
    A、was B、Were C、has been D、had been
  • 2. The workers requested that their working conditions ____________.
    A、must be improved B、be improved C、would be improved D、were improved
  • 3. If only he ____________ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.
    A、lies B、lay C、had lain D、should lie
  • 4. —"Where have you been?"

    —"I got caught in traffic; otherwise _______________ sooner."

    A、I would be here B、I have been here C、I had been here D、I would have been here
  • 5. It is strongly recommended that the machines ______every year.
    A、check B、be checked C、checked D、checking
  • 6. Without your kind help, I ________ anywhere close to the success I achieved.
    A、wouldn't have been B、wouldn't be C、can't have been D、might not be
  • 7. Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths          since their highest in 2005.
    A、had not fallen B、would not fall C、did not fall D、would not have fallen
  • 8. He would have been willing to accompany me _______ him how important it was to me.
    A、if I have told B、had I told C、should I tell D、if I could tell
  • 9. ___________for the efforts of medical staff, the spread of the novel coronavirus would not be controlled, which astonishes the whole world.
    A、Were not it B、Were it not C、Had not it been D、If it were
  • 10. But for the rescue team's efforts, more lives ________ in the wreck accident.
    A、would be claimed B、should have claimed C、would have claimed D、could have been claimed
  • 11. But for the belief that things ______ better soon, many people couldn't have survived the rough time.
    A、had got B、got C、would get D、will get
  • 12. The explosion in the chemical plant ______ avoided had the county authorities, aiming too much at short-term interests, performed their duties from the beginning.
    A、should be B、might be C、must have been D、could have been
  • 13. The hard-working girl studies outside, accompanied by her father. Sometimes I can't help wondering whether I _______the same in her position.
    A、must have done B、would have done C、would do D、might do
  • 14. — How marvelous our life is with so many digital devices!

    — Yes. I bet our life ______the same without them.

    A、isn't B、can't be C、won't be D、wouldn't be
  • 15. In order to succeed, it is compulsory that you ____work with every fiber of your being.
    A、might B、should C、could D、must
  • 16. In the bright sunlight the surface of the lake looks as if it ____dotted with shining diamonds.
    A、is B、were C、will be D、would be
  • 17. If I hadn't been faced with so many barriers, I _____where I am.
    A、won't be B、wouldn't have been C、wouldn't be D、shouldn't have been
  • 18. — It's really a pity that you didn't go to see Frozen II last night.

    — I ________, but I had to prepare for the coming exam.

    A、would like to B、ought to C、would have D、should have
  • 19. Unless you are content with what you have, you would not be satisfied even if it ________.
    A、is doubled B、would be doubled C、will be doubled D、were doubled
  • 20. The manager's order was that the names______ to in his report _______ to Mr Brown immediately.
    A、referred; be e-mailed B、referring; should be e-mailed C、referred; were e-mailed D、was referred; must be e-mailed


  • 21. The requirement that students (learn) to protect themselves is successfully carried out in most schools.
  • 22. The doctor recommended that he (stay) a few more days in hospital.
  • 23. I wish I (not meet) you from the first place.
  • 24. The boy talked and acted as if he (not commit) the crime.
  • 25. They urged that he (eat) more slowly and take smaller bites before they left.
  • 26. The students urge that the manager of the library (keep) it open during the vacation.
  • 27. The manager put forward a suggestion that we (have) an assistant with too much work to do.
  • 28. In these tough times, it is vital that the crew (work) together to meet the troubles that lie ahead.
  • 29. On the contrary, he insisted that they  (leave) enough space for children.
  • 30. It is crucial that people(take) regular exercise to keep healthy.
  • 31. appropriate software, a computer would be a mere box.
  • 32. Jackie looks after his younger sister as if he (be) an adult.
  • 33. He talks about Hong Kong as if he (be) there before.  
  • 34. He is old and sick, otherwise he would (work) right now.  
  • 35. I wasn't there, otherwise,  I (take) that job.  
  • 36. It's vital that we (carry) out the operation immediately.
  • 37. Jane's pale face suggested that she (be) ill, and her parents suggested she (have) a medical examination.
  • 38. Due to the lack of money, I recommended that he (avoid) using this expensive piece of equipment.
  • 39. If you (take) my advice then, you wouldn't be in trouble now.
  • 40. He talks as if he (be) to many countries around the world. Don't be taken in by his fancy words. (所给词的适当形式填空)